
C25. Secret Lovers

Continuing Vee's POV:

     I had to stop and get gas at the old 'Pit Stop' which was a mile outside of town. It wasn't that far from my cabin. I had to get back to Nathalie as fast as possible. The longer she's alone the higher the risk of her being caught could be. I didn't even want to think of a possible pack member stopping by and catching a whiff of her scent. Things would be over instantly. I walked into the old store. The only way to pay for gas was at the cashregister inside. I picked up two chocolate candy bars. Telling Nathalie the big news would have to be done by eating chocolate. I paid for the gas and candy bars before heading back out to my car.

     I took the case file with me inside when I got back home. Nathalie was sitting on the couch drinking a can of wolfweiser and watching The Bachelor. I held up the two candy bars I bought and sat down next to her. I threw the case file down on the coffee table. "Hey sweetie," I sighed out.

     "Hey~" She gave me a huge smile. I handed her the one I bought for her. She looked it over in surprise before looking delighted. "Thank you... I didn't think you'd bring me back something on your trip into town. This means a lot to me." It was really nothing. Getting gas was on my to-do list. These just happened to be a bonus. The chocolate was a good choice."So, what did you find out about Josephine?"

     "It's not good," I told her. "She's in jail. They got her in there for failing a polygraph test. They're not allowing visitors but I snuck in to see her. Also... They found your car. Matthew put me on the job to find whoever is tresspassing. Nobody knows it's you."

     "Damn..." She trailed off as she put the beer down and opened up her candy bar to start eating it. "Is that what the file is?" She asked and pointed towards the table. I nodded and leaned back. I opened the candy bar too and started to eat it. Luckily neither of us are alergic to cocoa beans. I could never part with chocolate. "Why would they trust a polygraph test? Aren't those things outlawed now? They can't even hold up in court."

     "They're allowing it. Matthew said he'd look further into it before executing her. I mean she is his niece after all."

     "Do you think Jossie will get out of it?" She asked nervously. "She's innocent. There's no way she did any of it." I knew she was right but I wanted to test her faith in Josephine.

     "How are you so certain?"

     "She told me and I believe her."

     "She doesn't seem like the type to do it," I agreed. "We better get her out of there." I pulled out my phone then as I remembered the phone number I got from the rogue. "While I was visiting her... She happened to be right across from the rogue I brought in..."

     "The.... rogue... You are talking about the same one that was here when Josephine's dad died?" She asked to make sure. I guess we should start calling him by his name but I haven't entirely learned it by now.

     "Yes... That rogue gave me his father's number."

       "No way. No way are we calling it."

     "I think it's a good option... if we're going to break Josephine out. The pack is something we could fall back on. We could call and set up a safe travel into the territory."

     "But were not certain he's trustworthy... Or any of the rogue pack being trustworthy. They're rogues for a reason," she said quickly.

     "If you take her home with you... Can you promise her refuge in your pack's land?"

     "I'd have to talk with my Alpha."

That's a no.

     "Well she's already promised safety with the rogue in his territory. That boy promised it. I know the rogue pack is called a rogue pack for a reason... But, hear me out... It'll be further away. It might be the best promise for her," I told her as I felt hesitant. Can I really trust that rogue?  Sending Josephine farther away from this pack is a better option then taking a chance in the king's territory. As an accomplise I want the better option myself. "We have to get them both out... That's the only problem."

     "At least if he's innocent then we'll be doing a good thing."

       "If he's not?" I asked.

     "We'll come across that bridge if we cross it."

     'Someone's at the door,' Nyla said as she sounded tensed. I grabbed Nathalie's arm to stop her from talking as I looked at the door. I heard a knock and got up fast. I took Nathalie with me as I let her go and pointed for her to go to my bedroom. I crossed the room as I inched towards the door with quiet footsteps.

     "Who is it?" I asked when I was close enough. I didn't open the door as I waited for confirmation. Nathalie disappeared into my bedroom and shut the door quietly behind her.

     "Hey. You might not remember me," I heard but recognized him as Zeke. Zeke who was the hot tamali that I met to trasfer the rogue over to. He's pratically Matthew's son. He was a definte favorite around the ladies of the pack... and popular with the guys for his skills he carried. "It's Zeke?"

     "Yeah. Why are you here?" I asked. What the hell is he doing here?

     "Matthew wants us to work on the car case. The one you got earlier. Let me in so we can go over the file," he demanded. "I meant to catch you before you left town."

     "That's ok Zeke. I don't need help on the case," I told him. "Go back down to the station."

       "Veronica... Are you sure?" He asked.


     "Well that's not your call. Matthew put us both on the case. Now, let's get to work. I have something to do tonight and can't be out all day arguing with you." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and opened the door for him. Why is he being so complicated? He smirked as he pointed towards my neck. "What's all the layers for?" He said in a teasing tone. I frowned and thought about shoving the door right back in his face. I stepped aside instead to let him in.

     "It was cold outside. I just got in," I explained. "What are you doing tonight that's got you on a tight scheduel?"

     "I'm having dinner with my girlfriend's family for the first time."

       "I didn't know you had one."

     "Yeah. She wasn't supposed to be announced like this... But, I got her pregnant."

     "Wow, you're about to have some serious family drama," I teased him. That news will be all over the pack by tomorrow evening. It'll be talk of the town. "Are you planning on settling down to her? Is she your mate?"

     "If I'm going to answer your questions then I get to ask my own," he said as he tugged on the end of my scarff and eyed down my hidden neck. "Whose that mark belong to?" He asked in a teasing tone. We walked over to the island where I had to pause and go get the document off the coffee table. I met back up with him and we sat down together.

    "I suppose you're right. It's only right we keep our secrets unless we do decide to share," I said as I opened the folder and pushed it his way. He took it to look.

     "The license plate comes from the king's territory," he said instantly. "Does the car look familar to you? You were in that area longer than me." His eyes trailed back towards my neck. He's smart. He's already figuring it out. Of course I'd have something to do with it. I frowned his way.

     "Are you trying to suggest something?" I asked. I felt my body tensing up. I don't know how much he's figured out yet. I might have to keep him here tied up in my bathroom. I don't know who his girlfriend is... He suddenly made eye contact with me that resulted in silence. It felt empty as he was trying to discover my hints. I wouldn't give any away. He had nothing on me. Nothing at the moment.

     "What would I be suggesting?"

     I scoffed as I kept eye contact.

     No fucking way.

     Not this time, Zeke.

     This is my win.

     "Are you accusing me?"

       "I didn't accuse you of anything... yet."

     I eased up as I slowly stood up and looked away from him. I walked around the counter. I'd have to cut the tension to look less guilty. I grabbed two cans of wolfweiser out of the fridge. When I turned back around I spotted him eyeing the couch down. He looked back at me and bit his bottom lip. Shit. Is Nathalie's scent giving her away already? I looked at the can of wolfweiser on the coffee table and bit my bottom lip. I slid him his can. I'd keep the island between us for now. Keep my eyes on him.

     "Is someone visiting?" He asked as he broke the silence. He opened the can and we cheered as we clicked the cans together. I opened mine to drink. His voice rung in my head. I nodded slowly.

     "I had someone over recently," I admitted. I couldn't hide I was marked now. Of course I'd have to agree about having someone over. I wouldn't say who. "You could say I also... have a secret relationship."

     "Then let me ask..." He downed the rest of the can and slid it back to me. "Does... it involve this case? Your secret relationship?" He dared. His eyes locked on me and I wasn't sure how to answer that. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes any longer. My mouth dried up as I quickly downed my beer.

     "So... When will you tell Matthew?" He asked and seemed to relax. I looked at him quickly as I smashed the empty can. I trembled in slight fear. It's more then that. It's harder then just telling Matthew. "What's the matter?" He asked and stood up as he looked towards the hall. "Your partner is here- now, isn't she?" I lookded towards the hall as I worried about Nathalie's safety here. I don't know what I'm worried about... She's not really a threat to anyone if I admit she's my mate. They'll see it as our own problem. We'll be entitled to pick between the two packs on our own. The only default in the mating is this pack would be loosing someone as good as me.

     But, it didn't seem like Zeke would tattle on me. He seemed to value I could handle the situation on my own. "To be honest... Matthew already suspects you have something to do with it. He sent me here to confirm it. So, you'll tell him yourself. I have my own problems to deal with tonight."

     "You really don't care do you?" I asked as I let myself relax. He really had his own worries about tonight. He's going to let me off the hook and make me work this out on my own. I could get away with this. I don't have to restrain him. I can let him go worry free. He's on my team. No... he's on his own team.

     "No... Not really," he said and looked strained from his own thoughts. "I got far worse problems." I smirked as I realized he knows who my mate is. Now he'll be entitled to cough up some information about which girl he knocked up.

    "So... who is it? Who is the lucky lady?"

    "Edith Rabidcrest," he explained. Shit he knocked up Beta Matthew's daughter?! Damn... I feel sorry for the poor lad now.

     "You do have your own problems," I laughed out.

     "It's not funny," he said and slapped the counter. "It's dangerous is what it is." I would be more worried about mating into that family. They seem like they have more problems beneath the surface. I shook my head as I felt sorry for him. "Edith is a really nice girl," he said and sighed. "She deserves to be the pack's next Luna."

     "Everyone thinks you'd be a great Alpha," I told him as I knew it sounded good from thinking about it. Alpha Zeke. I wonder if they'd make him take the Rabidcrest name. The only thing stopping Edith from taking the Alpha female's position is Juliette. When that drama queen finds a better offer it'll be this pack's lucky day. "If anything you're in lead for Beta," I promised him as I felt proud of him instantly.

     He's a good pick for either position. As long as April and Matthew remain in authority... this pack will keep falling apart. There should be a shift in power. What's dangerous is the fact I'm about to get Josephine out of here. The pack will be mad when she turns up missing. How will the shift in power happen then?

     "You're just trying to cheer me up," he said and smirked. I laughed and pulled out another beer from the fridge and gave it to him before getting one for myself.

     "Sit down. I think we better talk some more," I teased. He took the can and we sat back down at the island together. I closed up the case. Together we clicked the cans and opened them to take a sip. "I was serious. I know the pack values you. I think it's almost fated you got her pregnant. I think Matthew will have an easier time once he knows it's you. You're destined for the positon."

     "Thanks. You make me feel better," he sighed out and looked pleased by my words. Now that I've loosened him up for some conversation. I better try him on his thoughts of Josephine.

     "You're welcome..." I trailed off as I let him sip on the beer. Now or never. Now or never. Let's see what he thinks. "I know this is off topic... But, what do you think of what's going on with Josephine?"

     "She choked her sister when she visited. Almost trasformed. She was mad about something and clearly wanted to kill Juliette," he said as he seemed to recall something. It made me think back to what Matthew had said about Josephine attacking a visitor she had. It was her sister? "But... now that I  think about it I never knew she could trasform. Maybe that was her first shift. I don't know. But, she was scary with how fast she let herself go. I mean... she wasn't a match for me of course. It just made me think... She defintely couldn't have attacked her father. She's too weak. I don't know why she'd want to kill him. I couldn't imagine having that much hate built up for a family member... Especially a parent."

    "I didn't know she attacked her sister," I whispered as I looked across my kitchen. Josephine's sister is kind of a bitch. I never liked being around her. It makes me wonder if Juliette provoked her somehow. I wouldn't put it past her.

     'Do you still want to do this?' I wondered as I waited for my mind link to connect with Nathalie's. I know she was listening into the conversation.

     'I still believe she's innocent,' Nathalie thought.

     'We'll bring Zeke into this. I think we can trust him. He can help us get Josephine out without being caught.'

     'Are you crazy? How do you know he won't tattle on us at his diner party tonight?'

     'You'll convince him if you want to save Josephine's life.'
