
Chapter one zero four

Amber heard about the marriage and she was happy, she knew the boy was telling the truth and she was proud she believed in him.

She kept in touch with the more and Hendrix and the hakims had sent word to Vicente about the good his granddaughter had done for them.

They did not want to war as the city was enough for both of them and all the others who waited for the elephants to take themselves out.

The hakims and the salams now were united but not their businesses.

It would only be when the old-time times handed that the business would finally be united, 

And if interests sway it would be a different case altogether.

Berlin was now calm as the indifference between the two families has lasted thong while.

Hashim traveled to Paris as he had told his brother and Hendrix became the heir of the house his father was proud of his sons how they had resolved the whole issue when adults were busy adulting.

He saw his sons as more grown than he had seen them before, it was as though the growth was sprouted and even time could not tell the speed.

Just as he could not.

He took his son around and introduced him to different hyper associates as his heir and told them, he would soon retire and the boy would take over, 

He already handed it over to his son who was running it but he oversaw the actions of Hendrix who was eager to impress his father.

Hashim's mom never agreed with the decision but she had to live with it like that, she could not oppose the men so her aggression was on Mira who did not live with them, she and Hendrix had their own home away in the city.

Hendrix knew she would not be able to survive anywhere around his family and so they had their place where his family would not easily visit.

He still kept contact with the boys so-called to tell them he knew the time in London so he called when they were less busy and in their dorm.

He called xKarland told him that he and more were married 

And carl who already placed him on speaker turned to look at Ethan to make sure he was listening.

Ethan sure was listening he did not allow gossip to fly past him.

Hello Hendrix Ethan said

Is there a baby on the way yet he teased

We just got married man, having a baby needs lots of sex Hendrix replied playing to his tune.

And I don't think you have the stamina for a baby my friend

How is more car cut in, he was getting embarrassed for the two of them.

He knew they were going to keep at it if he did not cut them off right now.

Mira is fine she sends her regards, 

Amy came by she was asking of you, we told her you were in Berlin and okay.

He was quiet for a while then he said "cool".