
Will you come to my Debut?

The black robed figure that was watching over Fang Rou was smiling as he watched how happy the young miss was. He wasn't sure what reason Wei Jin could have had for taking her all over the place, he knew that all the things they had done today were things Fang Rou liked.

More than liked, a lot of the things they did today were favorite things for her to do. He might have thought about the concept that Wei Jin was trying to woo the young miss if he wasn't a 10 year old brat, that wouldn't know about such matters.

As he was watching around the area, to make sure no one suspicious was around the young miss, he suddenly felt a fluctuation. Turning in the direction he suddenly saw another figure appear near him. They were staring at him with a murderous intent and the urge to kill was on plain display. Felling the level of the others cultivation a serious expression came to his face as this wasn't an opponent that could be taken lightly.

He fiddled with a talisman in his hand as he saw the new opponent but didn't decide to send a message. Once he did the patriarch would be informed and come to protect his daughter. It wasn't at that level yet so the figure didn't use it.

Tucking it away he voiced out to the new figure as he got into a battle stance.

"Who are you? And what are your designs?"

The other figure didn't respond and instead his aura intensified and he pulled out a spear. The black figure got ready and pulled his weapon.

They both started to fight as they moved into the clouds.

The person that the black figure was facing was good, his spearmanship was honed and he couldn't gain the upper hand in their duel. The black figure had to split his attention to focus on the young miss in case something else was to happen. The talisman was gripped in his hand as he debated whether to crush it straight away.

The situation was getting worse and worse, a bad feeling was starting to building in him.

Just as the fight was going to get more intense the other figure stopped and backed off. He flew lower than him and stared up at the black figure. A small smirk could be seen on his face that was obscured and alarm bells went off in his head.

Shifting his vision to completely focus on the young miss he saw a late foundation establishment cultivator make his way closer and closer to her.

Without hesitation he crushed the talisman and dashed downwards hoping to intervene. The other figure blocked his path and started to laugh, his job now was only to obstruct him. The person would only need seconds to deal with those kids.

The black figure became frantic as he started recklessly trying to make his way downwards.


Fang Rou could see how nervous Wei Jin was as he reached into his sleeve to pull out an embroidered box. It was back with gold designs on the outside and was beautifully made. Before he opened it he talked to her.

"You remember the time we went to the Celestial Pavilion?"

She thought back to the time a few months ago that they had found the celestial pavilion. It was their first time seeing a building so big and their curiosity had lead them inside. They had both been struck gob smacked as they saw the amount of magic items and talismans that were in the shop.

They walked around for hours admiring the different uses for talismans and items that they found. This was only the first floor mind you, they didn't have the credentials to go to the higher floors.

With 9 floors what they hadn't known at the time was if Fang Rou were to have proven to them that she was from a major clan they could have gone all the way up to the 7th floor. But at the time such thoughts hadn't entered their star struck minds.

The first floor was big enough and they had spent the next 3 times they met up going to visit the place. She nodded her head at the unexpected question and her expectations of what was n the box rose.

"Well I remembered you looking at one of the protective bracelets for a long time…"

She thought back to the shop they had entered into with the bracelets. They had all looked so nice but one of the red ones with a gold pattern had held her interest. The special part about the protective bracelets was the fact that no matter which one you bought they would at a later date be enhanced with the protective spell.

That meant that the bracelets themselves weren't that expensive but the amount of protection that they offered would make the price astronomical.

Even though they were classed as not expensive compared to the spell they were still too much for Wei Jin and Fang Rou. Even though she had wanted the bracelet she had not gotten it and promised herself when she got enough pocket money she would come back and buy it.

Wei Jin opened the box and the red bracelet with the gold engravings appeared in front of her. Having thought of the bracelet she couldn't contain her surprise at seeing it. The bracelet truly did cost a high sum and it would have taken her another year before she could buy it herself. She didn't want to rely on her parents to buy her something like that, this time. She wanted to get it herself.

Wei Jin picked the bracelet up and continued to speak to her a he moved it closer.

"I saw how much you liked this bracelet and wanted to buy it for your next birthday, or maybe your debut if I was invited to that."

He moved the bracelet to her arm and she handed it over to him.

"I decided to give this to you early because I had a question for you."

For some reason Fang Rou heart rate had quickened when Wei Jin was taking to her at this moment. She didn't understand why it was happening as they had talked a lot over the years.. But because of how serious he was when he was giving her this bracelet it somehow felt different.

This was even the first time that Wei Jin gave Fang Rou a present; he had never done so before. He may have known her for so many years, but he had never once given her a present. He didn't think much about it as she was a part of a major clan. In the back of his head that must have influenced him into not giving her a present, as she probably had it all.

Fang Rou also didn't mind as she only ever got presents from her parents. When she had birthdays before this, they would give her something she wanted or take her somewhere nice.

As she didn't interact with other people from her clan much and they didn't dare interact with the patriarch's daughter Wei Jin was her only friend. Because he had never given her a present, she thought it was normal.

Now that she was actually getting a present from him, and something that she really wanted she was very happy. She had a warm feeling well up inside her body and couldn't determine what this new feeling was. She had never felt this before and knew it was because she had gotten a gift from Wei Jin.

Wei Jin leaned in a bit closer and slipped the bracelet onto Fang Rou arm. The warmth inside her grew even more as she saw the gentle look in Wei Jin eyes.

"I was hoping that you could come to my debut. I know that your parents might not agree, but I would love if you could come."

Fang Rou felt the warmth spread inside her more as she heard his question. She was watching on as he spoke in slight nervousness and couldn't help but giggle as he looked embarrassed. He looked at her in a fidgeting manner and waited for her opinion.

Just as she was about to answer him a huge pressure weighed down on them. Her words stuck in her mouth as a figure appeared in the distance and was making his way over. His killing intent overflowed and locked down onto Wei Jin and her.

They had both never felt such killing intent before and were caught by surprise, they only stood their dumbly as their bodies wouldn't move. The figure sprinted over with a huge momentum, raising his hand as he got ready to attack.

He didn't seem to mind about Wei Jin as he moved in her direction his eyes locked on hers. Her body shivered as the eyes gleamed with a coldness she had never felt before. For all the times she had cultivated and gotten stronger this was the first time that her life was on the line.

The feeling was overpowering and made it so that her mind went blank. She couldn't think of anything as the hand moved closer and closer.

Just as the hand was about to reach Fang Rou the face of Wei Jin appeared in front of her vision. She blinked her eyes as he had a determined expression on his face.


A small sound came out as blood was splashed onto Fang Rou face and dress. She stared dumbly as Wei Jin face started to pale and she felt the warmth on her face.

Wei Jin had somehow moved in front of her even while locked down by the pressure. In that moment of life and death he had stopped the blow that would have killed Fang Rou.

Fang Rou's smile that had been there a second ago was now completely gone as blood spilled out from the side of Wei Jin face.


Her small voice sounded out as the face in front of her grew deathly pale and he tried to say something. His moth moved slightly up but only blood came out as his body was suddenly thrown to the side. He was like a rag doll as he crashed to the ground and didn't move.


The new figure in front of her had a disgruntled expression on his face for missing his first target. To think that a Qi consolidation brat was able to move under his pressure, that was disgraceful.

He only sent the brat a second glance as he showed a disgusted expression. Turning back to look at the proper target, he saw her blank eyes and shivering body and couldn't help but to laugh. He had a bit of a sadistic personality and liked to see such a figure.

Raising his hand again he spoke to his victim.

"You shouldn't of disgraced the Hu Clan's young maser."

It was good to send a message to the person on their death bed, better for them to know their place.

Fang Rou shivered even worse as she heard the mention of the Hu Clans young master.

Was it because of what happened in the morning that Wei Jin was hurt?

Was it her Fault for attacking him?

Should she have dealt with him before such a thing happened?

Her mind was becoming clouded in self reproaching thoughts as they shifted from self-loathing, to hate, to worry, to guilt.

She couldn't think as only tears rolled down her face. All that was left in her mind at the end was the fact that she was the reason Wei Jin was hurt. Probably dead!

The Hu clan elder shook his head before swinging to finish the girl off.

As his hand was about to kill Fang Rou it stopped and then started to disappear. The elders face warped in shock before his whole body disappeared.

Nothing was left of him as Feng Shan appeared in front of the crying Fang Rou.

Hey guys here's the chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

Thanks for reading

Zevrencreators' thoughts