
Drexel's Anger


17 miles…


Arix didn't know how long she had been running, but now she felt totally exhausted. Even the air she breathed felt like it had blades, painfully scraping her throat.

Her mind was slowly going blank. Then suddenly, Arix stumbled, losing her balance. Just before she passed out, she thought she heard Drexel's voice, filled with panic.


Drexel was close by. He had initially come back to laugh at his sister but instead saw Arix collapsing. His heart seemed to stop for several seconds.

Drexel ran to her in panic. He caught Arix as she passed out and pulled her close to his chest. Then he frantically started checking on her.

"Let me handle this, Drexel. I'm a student of the Department of Chemistry, and I've learned some medical stuff," Calista said as she pushed through the crowd of students. She got to Arix's side and immediately started examining her.