After witnessing her mother's hell of a marriage, Cherry vows to be independent and never be a fool in love. Her luck changed when an event made her meet Andrei Laurel, the handsome and domineering CEO of global tech who fell in love with her feistiness and vows to make her his. Things get more complicated when Andrei realizes he was her boss and uses a wrong approach on her. Would Cherry forgive his mistake? Would he be able to make her change her view of love? And what if both their pasts comes to hunt
I stepped into the elevator and pressed seven, I was going to the seventh floor.
But as the door was about to close, someone stopped me, a young girl.
"Hi, good morning, I'm heading to the CEO's office, do you know what floor it is?" She said.
She was slim and tall, taller than I was. She looked so much like Andrei, so much.
"I'm heading the same way," I told her. And then she joined me.
"You're so beautiful, you look like a fairy," she complimented and I smiled.
"And you look like an angel," I told her.
" Hmm... So I look pretty? Your calling me pretty would be my defense anytime my brother calls me ugly," she said and I laughed.
"Who dares to call an angel like you ugly," I protested.
"Nobody," she said with a giggle.
"I'm Alex."
"I'm Cherry," I told her and then she said my name after me in a manner indicating awe.
The elevator door opened and we both stepped out, we walked towards Andrei's office and then I spoke.
"This is the CEO's office, do you have an appointment?"
"Yeah," she said in a rather different tone.
I knocked and his secretary opened the door.
"Alex, Cherry," Andrei called when he saw us.
I walked in slowly while Alex ran past me and sat on his desk.
"Cherry, this is Alex, my sister,"
He said and I didn't feel much puzzled because I felt so.
"Alex, this is -," he was saying.
" Cherry," she said, then whispered something to Andrei
and he nodded.
"Cherry and I are already friends," Alex said, moved towards me and shrugged my shoulders.
"Aren't we?"
"Yes, of course," I replied.
"Cherry, don't mind her, she's
like this, baby-like," Andrei said.
"Certainly, I wouldn't mind and she's not baby-like, are you?" I asked.
"Of course not. Cherry, my brother is such a bully," she said initially firmly, than later in a baby-like tone.
"Andrei, be nicer to Alex, she's such a darling," I said and Alex hugged me.
"Andrei, Cherry's nice, I like her," she said.
Andrei took his telephone, dialed a number and spoke. Within seconds, his secretary who had left when we came in, was back.
"Jenny, show Alex around," he said when his secretary asked.
When Alex left, Andrei gave me my resume papers and directed me to where I'ld be working, marketing department. It was on the sixth floor, just like the others, this office was large. It was arranged in rows and columns. I was shown my work desk, it was actually in the middle row.
Unlike Everly, my former desk mate, the lady working closest to me looked less jovial and down-to-earth.
I called Everly later on to inform her of the new development and she was so happy. We agreed to meet at lunch break.
I wasn't given much tasks to do unlike I expected, it was good since I'ld have the time to adjust to the new environ.
I spent the early hours going through global tech's market history and plans. An idea of the market targets of global tech was very vital to me as a marketer.
I got a notification and I checked to see Andrei sent a message.
"How has your first day been going? Do you like it here?"
"Fine, and I like it here, thanks for asking," I replied.
"It's almost lunch break, do you have plans?"
"Yeah... I'ld have lunch with Everly,"
"Then, how about tomorrow?"
"Okay, I'm fine with it,"
At break, Everly and I headed to the canteen together, we saw Alex on our way and she joined us. She didn't order like us, instead she ate the meal her mother prepared for her. We did some catching up and before we knew it, break was over.
I had a fantastic time at break and I really liked the fact that Alex was humble and not like other rich, spoilt kids.
I arrived home early that day since I didn't have much work.
The next day, I looked forward to my lunch break with Andrei. Maybe, he had it all planned.
It was certainly not going to be at the company, the last thing I wanted was gossips from other people about the relationship we shared. I was so excited and found myself smiling all morning.
I checked my phone when it was almost noon, he hadn't texted nor called. Maybe, he was busy, well, that was not a problem because I'ld remind him.
I headed to the seventh floor when it was noon, I walked towards his office and wanted to knock. But I had a better idea, I looked around and no one was there.
"Surprise," I said when I opened the door.
But then, I saw a very pretty lady and there on the table were a variety of meals. Andrei probably was going to have lunch with her, no wonders he didn't text or call me.
"Excuse me?" The lady said to me still sitting on her chair.
"Hmm...," I wanted to say but just walked out and closed the door instead.
This was the most humiliating moment of my life.
And Andrei watched the whole thing, he didn't even save me from the humiliation.
I was so mad, I lost my appetite and my lunch break was ruined. I walked back to my desk and sat sadly.
That lady looked very rich and pretty suiting Andrei's class. I couldn't stop thinking about the relationship Andrei could have with that lady.
I finished work early and I walked straight to the garage to get my car when I saw Alex.
"Hi Cherry," she greeted.
"Hi Alex... It's six already, won't you head hurts home?" I asked her. She gave a squirm and said,
"Well Cherry, I'm looking for Andrei, we're supposed to go home together since the driver took a leave today. Have you seen him?"
"Me? No, I haven't, we work at different departments and besides he's just my boss, so how would I know?" I said, maybe I had said too much for just a simple question.
"Hmm... I thought you were more than just boss and employee. Anyways, I saw you earlier leaving his office, no ordinary employee has access to his office," she said sarcastically.
Now I knew why Andrei was like that towards her, she was such a bully and a clever one at that.
"Yes, I admit I went to his office but it was for work and it's not like I spoke with him, because I met a lady there... And Alex why do I feel like I'm being interrogated by you?" I said, then asked Alex because I felt there was really something fishy about her questions and expressions.
"Cherry, I knew you looked upset but please don't vent your anger out on me," she said pleadingly, then blinked adorably.
I gave a fake smile and said,
"Who said I was angry?"
"So tell me, which lady was with Andrei?"
"I don't know her."
"You have to give me some clues about her, is she an employee here? I want to know about every woman that gets into his office."
I looked at Alex detectively, that last time I checked, she was just a teenager, how could she be this officious?
"She doesn't look like an employee. She's pretty, looks rich plus she brought lunch for Andrei, so I think they are pretty close," I heard myself blot out jealously.
"Oh... I know who it is now, she's Stephanie, Andrei's childhood friend," Alex snapped her fingers and said.
Then, I got really interested in the topic.
"Stephanie? Andrei's childhood friend? So she and Andrei are close?"
"Yes, they are close, but don't you worry, they are just friends, nothing personal," she said and I felt she was trying to pass a message.
"Worry? Me? Why would I worry about your brother's friends, you tell me?"
"Well, Cherry, I have to go now," she said suddenly and left before I answered.
This cunning Alex, I have to be very careful with her.
I started the car and began driving, as I drove, all I think of was what Alex told me about Andrei and Stephanie being close.
I got home and was surprised to see Daisy made dinner. I didn't even know she knew how to cook. We ate dinner together and she noticed I was not happy. She asked why I looked sad but all I told her was I was fine.
Andrei called after dinner and I declined his call. I was still mad at him for what happened earlier.
I woke up the next day and made a resolution to stay away from Andrei and only try to maintain a boss and employee relationship with him. The last thing I wanted in my life was getting so attached to him and end up feeling rejected because we are of different status financially.
"Just avoid him Cherry, he's your boss and you are his employee. Yes, you owe him but it would be better if you stay away," I told myself as I stepped into the elevator that morning.
But then, someone joined me and when I looked, it was the same woman of yesterday, Stephanie.
"So we meet again? You are that one who barged into the CEO's office yesterday, right? She said when the door closed.
"Yes, I...,"
"You are just an employee here, so you have to know your place. Maybe, he's becoming too friendly towards employees and that's why you want to take advantage. But I would not let that happen," she said again.
"Well, madam, Andrei and -," I was saying.
"Andrei? So you dare to call him by his name? Let make one thing clear, you're just a lowlife, nothing more, so don't ever think you'd have a chance in his life," she said officiously.
The door opened when we got to the sixth floor and I got out leaving her in. I didn't want to argue with that bicth-of-a-woman, who does she think she is? We just met and she's quick to judge me?
I felt agitated, I felt down and I felt inferior. I have always hated to be looked down on.
I frowned as went to my desk.
"You came late today," Jessica, my down-to-earth and bossy desk mate said.
I checked my time, I was just one minute late.
"It just happened I was stuck in traffic,"
"And the reports you were asked to summit, have you summited them?" She asked annoyingly.
I looked at her angrily, who was she to ask for the report. I was given the task just when I was about to leave yesterday and she expected me to have prepared it? Well, I was already in a bad mood and didn't want to argue, after all, I was new here.
"Jessica, don't worry the reports would be ready in thirty minutes time," I told her.
"Call me Mrs. Charl, we are not equals," she added very annoyingly.
I sat on my chair and focused on work. Andrei called twice before lunch break and as planned, I rejected his calls.