
A certain Marvel Fanfic

What do you get when you take a guy with the worst luck in the Omniverse and put him in one of the most dangerous universes In all of fiction? Follow our protagonist as he tries to get his full powers back and become overpowered enough to escape this universe.

JOSEPH12 · 漫画同人
7 Chs


Edward: pwease sthoop ahm begging youu

Timmy: huh? what was that ? you're asking me to stop. I'm sure those kids begged you the same way. I thought you wanted to have fun. I'm a kid are you having fun now. ( Timmy hits him on his face and he falls unconscious). you're worse than trash you're scum. people like you are what is wrong with this world. ( Timmy raises his crow bar to give a killing blow but before he could land the hit he hears police sirens outside)

Mai:you need to stop the police are here.

Timmy: but I need to end him.

Mai: what's wrong with you? you're not acting like yourself.

( Timmy takes off the mask and his eyes turn back to normal )

Timmy: I guess I got carried away.

( Timmy walks to a window looks outside and sees the police surrounding the building and the sun starting to rise).

Mai: you need to leave now.

( Timmy runs down the stairs, enters the garage and joins the other group of kids.)

Timmy: good thing I called the police. the kids should be

( the police broke through the door and found the bodies of the unconscious men)

Officer 1: what could have done this to them?

Officer 2: we'll find out later. for now put them in cuffs and get an ambulance.

(a police officer enters the garage and speaks into her walkie talkie)

Officer 3: 'I've located the children. there are 31 of them just like the informant said'

( some of the kids are scared of the officer. the woman squats to speak to the children)

Child 1: please don't hurt us

Officer: you don't have to worry. I'm a police officer so you can trust me. I promise to get you all back to your parents.

( 39 minutes later the children were taken to a police station in Manhattan to compare them with a list of missing children reports and find their parents. During this time, Timmy was able to sneak away. he is now currently wandering the streets )

Timmy: thanks for the ride officers but I can't stay to answer questions like why I don't have parents.

Mai: so what do you plan to do now?

Timmy: well I'll need to find out more about this world. and I'll also need cash. those kidnappers were useless they only had 50 dollars in them.

( Timmy's stomach grumbles). but before all that I need to get something to eat. I don't think drugged chocolate counts as a proper meal. do you have any idea how I can get some thing to eat?

Mai: there's literally a restaurant right in front of you.

( Timmy forward and sees a restaurant with the name happy belly burger. he then facepalms)

Timmy: how did I not notice that?

Mai: because you're an idiot.

( Timmy clutches his chest)

Timmy: ow! emotional damage.

( 5 minutes later, Timmy enters the restaurant, and orders a burger, a smoothie and some chilli fries)

Timmy: this tastes amazing. At least now that the worst is behind me, I shouldn't have any bad luck for a while.

( the very next second after Timmy finishes talking, a masked man with a gun and a backpack walks in )

Robber: this is a robbery. nobody move or I'll blow your brains out.

( the people are scared stiff meanwhile Timmy is annoyed)

Timmy: "I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut."

Mai: " Yes you should"

Timmy: " I don't want to deal with this right now. what kind of idiot robs a restaurant?"

Mai: "you should stop him. isn't that what a hero would do"

Timmy: "no way. that guy has a gun. the only reason I was able to fight those guys was because I could adapt to the dark better and u was able to surprise them because they were on drugs. I have none of this advantages right now"

Mai: " so you're just going to leave innocent people in danger"

Timmy: " I'm not going to risk my life for strangers. I'll just continue eating quietly that way he won't notice me"

( meanwhile the robber walks towards the cashier and points the gun at him)

Robber: put all the money in the cash register into the bag.

( the cashier hesitates to do so and the robber yells at him)

Robber: do it now or else ( the robber looks at the customers and notices Timmy still eating. The robber walks over to Timmy, grabs him and points the gun at his head). do it or I put a bullet in this kids head.

( the customers gasp in shock)

Timmy: oh come on! at least let me finish eating first.

( The robber punches Timmy in the face and Timmy gets a nose bleed)

Robber: shut up! hand over the cash or I'll shoot and I mean it.

Cashier: stop he's just a kid. I'll give you the money.

( the cashier opens the cash register and brings out the money and puts it all In the bag. but before the robber could collect he suddenly falls to the floor and doesn't move).

Timmy: "well that was anticlimactic. is he dead"

Mai: " he appears to be unconscious"

Timmy: " well there's only one thing to do now"

( Timmy shoves the rest of his food into his mouth and runs out with his smoothie. on the sidewalk Timmy starts walking at a fast pace away from the restaurant while sipping his smoothie)

Mai: " what was that all about? why did you rush at of there?"

Timmy: " I'm sure you noticed it too"

Mai: " you mean that man with white hair that was eating with that 13 year old girl"

Timmy: " yeah. he's the one who made that guy fall unconscious. he just pointed at him and some kind of energy left his fingers and hit the robber"

Mai: " I suspect the energy to be magic but further analysis need to be done to confirm what kind it is"

Timmy: " it seems other people couldn't see it.it was too fast for normal people to notice. I'm not sure but I think he knows I noticed him. my stupid bad luck. it hasn't even been a day but I'm already attracting danger and super powered individuals. I can't deal with all this while I'm this weak. I got beaten by a street level robber"

Mai: "I might have a way to get your powers back"

( Timmy suddenly stops walking in shock)

Timmy: you do?

( inside the restaurant. the employees called the police who came to apprehend the robber while a man with white hair and golden eyes is seen talking to a girl with blond hair and blue eyes outside the restaurant.)

Girl: Daddy you were so awesome today. you stopped the robber and saved that boy so easily.

Man: yes i guess u was cool Emma. But something seems off about that boy.

Emma: off? what do you mean? did you sense something from him?

Man: since he entered the restaurant he felt weird. he seems human but not completely. plus when I rescued him it seems he noticed me?

Emma: He did? I guess that is weird. normal people shouldn't be able to.

( the man strokes his chin while thinking for some seconds)

Man: that boy with silver hair and green eyes. I wonder what makes him so special?