
Chapter 52

"You never told me we have guests?!" Said the newcomer. I really didn't expect to meet this person so soon, and in place no less.

"Well, I didn't expe-" Nanna tried to say something but was cut off.

"Hey," The girl said as she zoomed in on us. "Are you all witches too?! What sort of magic do you like? I like float-class magic the best because it doesn't need a broom and I can use it with my quirk and let's me fly and- are those glasses-?" She zeroes in on Yotsuya-san. "Is it a magic foci? You look older than me though. Are you new to magic? Do you want me to teach you some cool spells? Don't be shy, I don't bite!"


She redirected her focus to Kuroko. "Those earrings look great on you! Why are they mismatched though? Oh, is it a new trend? And that uniform! You're from Tokiwadai, right?! I heard they have princesses as students, are you a princess?"


I was barely able to catch Kuroko gulp before my head was wicked away from her lap. "Woah! You're alive! I love the ribbon, it looks cute! And it is true that a head weights as much as a bowling ball! You're not human, huh? But you don't exude miasma so you're probably nice... I know, let's all be friends! Can we?" She kept holding on to my head as she zoomed in between Kuroko and Yotsuya-san repeatedly. "Canwecanwecanwe? I don't know a lot of people close to my age here so can we please be friends? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"

"Um, not a witch as you could've guessed." Seeing that everyone else is silent, I spoke up from her hand, everyone's eyes shifting unto me. "Magic I like, in witch terms then probably rejuvenation-class spells with how often I use them. Yotsuya-san's glasses aren't a foci but rather an item to help with her mystic eyes. Yes, she's new to the supernatural as a whole. She needs to learn basic control first before even attempting a cantrip, but choice is ultimately up to her. The earrings have different enchantments. Last I checked, asymmetrical pairings are niche. She is from Tokiwadai. Yes, they have princesses. No, she isn't one. Yes, I'm alive. Thanks, I think it's cute too. I'm pretty sure I weight slightly less than an actual bowling ball, though. Nope, I'm definitely a male Rokurokubi, the second in recorded history in fact. Why would I exude miasma? That's bad manners. And sure, I wouldn't mind more friends but can you please put my head down first? I'm not used to being shaken up this fast."


A moment elapsed in silent as they took in what just happened.

"Wait, you actually kept up with me?!! That's great!!" She exclaimed, surprised and excited.

"Ah, well, yeah." I like to believe that I managed to get the impression of shrugging without actual shrugging, being only a head at the moment. "You talk really fast, sure. But you were still coherent and clear. Plus it was pretty quiet. My sister has nine main heads, you see? So your speed isn't that hard to follow compared to her chaotic cacophony she calls a solo-crowd speak."

"Oh, that makes- wait?" She blinked. "Nine Main heads? Are you from Gensokyo?"

"Yeah. You know the place?" Is she from there? No, that can't be right. The entire thing is still closed so she couldn't have come from there.

"Know it?" Her smile turned to a grin as she lifted my head to face her. "Gensokyo is the place where the super strong supernaturals gather, right? You said you're a Rokurokubi and that your sister has nine main heads but from the books I've read, those indicate the strength of one. Kinda like how it's common sense to gauge a fire user's strength by how hot their flames are or a golem master's proficiency by the quality and quantity of their golems."

"...Don't you think that you should put him down by now?" Sighed Nanna as she exhaled more smoke.

She turned to her and pouted. "But this is only the second time I've ever met anyone from the fabled land!"

"Wait, second time?" Muttered Kuroko who was still watching the situation unfold. Yotsuya-san was still in her seat, quietly doing the same.

"Before that, I do believe... Introductions are in order."

"Oh, right!" The girl stopped pouring and turned to the other two. "Nejire Hado, The Periwinkle Witch at your service! A pleasure to meet you all!" She beamed, her smile bright.

Still in her hands, I turned my eyes to Nanna. "She is currently my ward for the indefinite future... Although it is a favour to a benefactor of mine... And that she's quite a handful-"


"-I won't deny that I enjoy her company... This place is dull with only the thrall puppets... It helps that she is open minded to my endeavours."

I sent a worried look to the girl. She noticed my gaze but smiled. "Don't worry! I don't do drugs!" That statement got the attention of the other two but we already talked about this on the train. Nanna isn't exactly the type to hide her... Passion... So I gave them a heads up earlier.

The girl, Nejire, didn't seem like she was the type to lie so I brought the conversation back before it got derailed even further. "So... Your ward?" I asked the pale woman.


"That's right!" Interjected the girl as Nanna grumbled about being interrupted again. "I don't know the details but my grandma took her in when she was in a really bad spot and helped her with starting over and stuff.-" Ah, maybe it was during the time she ran from the church? "-So fast forward a few years, Me and my parents got into an argument about what I wanna do about the future and they were against it but then grandma was like 'Nuh uh.' and then here I am pursuing my dreams of being a hero and meeting my glorified aunt in all but blood!"

"I sense that she l left out quite a few details." Mused Kuroko.

"That's because she did..." Sighed Nanna. "Hado, Be a dear and let me talk this time..." Nejire made a zipper motion with her mouth a took a seat next to Kuroko as she returned my head to her lap.

For a few seconds, Nanna observed us as she inhaled more of her smoke. When it was clear to her that Nejire, who was physically vibrating in her seat, wouldn't interrupt her anymore she began to talk.

"...Where to start?" She exhaled. "Almost a decade ago, years before I met my mistress... I began my journey to escape the clutches of the church... I ran for days and flew for nights. My escape led me through the lands of Europe..." She inhaled more smoke as her eyes glazed over. It just occurred to me that this woman is the melancholic type, perhaps this is one of the reasons why she strongly rejects reality? "Eventually, I stumbled upon an old yet humble town; Glastonbury... Perhaps it was fate?... That day just so happened to be when the student witches come out for an excursion... Because of which, security was strict... It was only later I was made aware... That the whole town is encased within some sort of ancient barrier... I do not know the specifics, but the spell deemed me safe to allow me passage..." Odd, I never noticed a barrier when I visited back then. Or maybe because I was just too inexperienced? "The one who came and to see the breach was her Grandmother... She was escorting some of her students and just so happened to pass on by..."

Nanna chuckled as she reminiscences. "Samantha Badcock, as strick as a teacher she was... A tough facade it all is." Her eyes refocused and glanced at me with amusement. "What was the term? 'Tsundere' was it?... Regardless, one thing happened after another and I found myself as a student... Samantha is a professor at the academy, see?... She found me, aided me, she raised me like her own... It is why she's a benefactor of mine."

'How did she even end up like this, then?' Was a question left in uttered.

"Intriguing, but something she mentioned still bothers me." Said Kuroko. "You said something about Kuzuki being the second person you have met from that place?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah! It's this blonde collectomaniac witch named-"

"Marisa?" I grinned. "Should've guessed. She doesn't owe you money, does she?"

"Well~ I wouldn't say she owes me money." She giggled. "It's funny because she already has a sizeable salary working at the academy. She wouldn't be so strapped for cash if she just controls her spending habit a bit more. As for her job, they won't tell me what it is, but apparently it's some super important job that supposedly also super easy."

"That sounds about right." Although, considering my vague recollections of the anime, don't they need some sort of crystal to power the entire institution? Not to mention Nanna said something about an ancient barrier. Maybe something happened to the original and they hired her as a power source to keep things running? It makes sense since it sounds both easy and lucrative. "Oh, speaking of. Did she tell you about Gensokyo too?"

"Just some stuff here and there. She told me back when I was younger whenever I come to bother her." She said as she then puts a finger on her cheek. "But the academy also has some books about it. Mostly just a bunch of heresy though. Like 'rivers of honey' or 'endless fields of gold'. Stuff like that."

The talks went on from there. Discussing various other topics and preferences. And to everyone else's suprise other than mine and Nanna, about how she's already started her first year at UA. And when I told her about my aim to get in as well, she insisted that I call her senpai. It was then my turn to be surprised when Kuroko said she's also aiming for UA, saying that she won't leave me so easily. No matter what anyone else said, I was not a blushing mess that day.

"By the way..." I started as I look up to meet her eyes. "You're a lot more... Clingy, than usual. Not that I hate it, but you're normally only like that when it's just the two of us."

"What do yo- huh? Now that you mention it..."

"That's normal." Interjected Nanna. "This side is the land for the supernaturals... The essence of this place is closer to spiritual than it is physical... Closer to one's desire, it ever so slightly loosens the inhibitions in one's mind... I suppose I forgot to tell you. After all, it is common sense."

"You don't seem that different?" I raised a brow at her. She only snickers in response as she engulfed herself in more smoke. "...fair point." I turn back to Kuroko and Yotsuya-san. "It's getting late. Both of you still need sleep."

"Don't forget to contact me! I look for ward to seeing you both at UA!"

"Right. Have a good rest of the night, Senpai. Nanna."

We said our goodbyes and left. We came to get our new things and we ended up with an extra friend. I'd call tonight a good night, all things considered.