

Aleysa. A simple girl who just wants a happy and peaceful life with her Father and only Sister, Catline. Because their Mother both died when they were little. But unfortunately Aleysa's simple ideals had to run aground when she met a man who was very cold and arrogant. Moreover, their meeting was based on coercion from one of the parties. Where Aleysa could not refuse this one request. One day Aleysa's Father had a car crash. And what hit him was that cold and arrogant man named Hans Kendric. Or commonly called as Hans. Although the man has a cold and arrogant nature, but he can still be responsible for what he has done. Some time later, after Aleysa's Father regained consciousness, Hans begged him not to be put in prison. Even Hans had offered a very large amount of money to Aleysa's Father so that this case would not be extended again. Because all of that can damage the good name of themselves and their families which they have worked so hard to protect until now. Until finally Aleysa's Father granted his request on one condition. The condition is that Hans must marry his eldest child. That is Aleysa in front of him directly. There was no other choice, Hans agreed even though he didn't really love Aleysa at all. Vice versa. After a few minutes when Hans married Alyesa, Aleysa's Father breathed his last. He had said to Hans, "Take care of my eldest daughter as best you can. Don't ever hurt her." But in reality Hans could not keep the last mandate from Aleysa's Father. Hans continues to hurt Aleysa by playing with fire with other women in front of Aleysa's eyes openly. The woman was Hans lover who had been in a long-standing relationship with Hans. And that woman was none other than his own personal secretary in the office. But now Hans is already married to Aleysa. Even so, Hans continues to play with fire with his girlfriend, Emily. Because Hans really loved Emily. So far, no other woman can win a Hans heart except Emily. Emily would never leave Hans either. Apart from Hans being her lover first than Aleysa, Emily will also not bewilling to leave a CEO of a large, well-known company who is richand handsome. Emily continues to hurt Aleysa in various ways to make Aleysa give up on being Hans wife.But unfortunately everything that Emily did was always a failure. Because Aleysa keeps trying to keep her marriage with Hans even though she is always hurt by Emily even by Hans though.

Arummsukma · 奇幻言情
153 Chs

Hans and Emily's Departure

"Let me help Aleysa," said Ershad.

"No need, thanks. I can do it myself. You'd better do something else. Or you can just go back to the pavilion. Because today I don't want to go anywhere.

Ershad felt that Aleysa's current attitude was really strange. Changed 360 degrees from before. Aleysa that Ershad knows.

"Why are you like this with me? You seem to be avoiding me, aren't you?" Ershad asked.

"No. I just don't want that when Hans sees me, he's going to be mad at me."

"Why do you still care about Hans feelings? Obviously he doesn't care about your feelings all this time, right?"

"After all, he is my husband. It's okay, I beg you, you leave me here alone."

"Well if that's what you want."

Finally Ershad went away from Aleysa. Meanwhile, Aleysa continued to clean the house. After that Aleysa will cook dinner for her family.


The heart has turned to night. Dinner has also been prepared. All the members of the Hans family had also gathered there. Just waiting for Hans to come home from work.

"Hans isn't home yet?" his Grandmother asked.

"Not yet, Grandma. At least Hans will be home soon," replied Aleysa.

"Well then, let's wait a little longer, okay? If he doesn't come home either, we will just eat first."

"Yes Grandma."

It wasn't long before Hans arrived at his house. But this time Hans was not alone. He went home with Emily. Even Hans took Emily's hand affectionately.

"Good night everyone," said Hans.

"Good night everyone," Emily continued.

All eyes were on Hans and Emily. His Grandmother who was very supportive of Hans and Aleysa's relationship was very angry when she saw Hans with another woman. Moreover, that woman is Emily

"Hans. What are you doing? Why did you bring that woman here?"

"Grandma, Grandma, don't be angry. Emily and I came here because I wanted to talk to you all. You all know that I've had a long relationship with Emily before. I really love Emily. And I can never love a woman other things. Especially Aleysa. So, I want to separate from Aleysa and marry Emily."

Emily smiled very broadly. She felt that she had won from Aleysa this time. Hans Grandmother who strongly disagreed with Hans and Emily's relationship was furious. She immediately slapped Hans on the cheek very hard. While Aleysa could only be silent and cry after hearing the statement from her husband. How hurt Aleysa's heart is right now.


"What are you doing Hans. Grandma never taught you like this. You were born into a big family, respected by many people. Why are you acting like this. Your behavior doesn't reflect our family."

"Grandma dare to slap me? I'm disappointed in Grandma. Let's get out of here Emily."

Hans grabbed Emily's hand inviting her to leave his house. Aleysa immediately followed Emily's departure. Hoping that Hans would not leave the house and stay with her. Even though this hope is very difficult to realize this time.

"Hans, wait," Aleysa shouted.

Aleysa grabbed Hans hand. Until finally Hans stopped his steps.

"Hans, I beg you not to leave this house. This is your house. You don't go."

"No. Let me go. I don't want to live with you. I want to get out of here and marry Emily."

"But Hans."

"That's it," shouted Hans while pushing Aleysa until Aleysa finally fell. Luckily Ershad came on time. So that Aleysa didn't fall, Ershad had helped her.

"Aleysa. Are you all right?" Ershad asked. Aleysa immediately distanced herself from Ershad.

"No. I'm fine."

Meanwhile Emily was surprised by Ershad's presence there. How could she not be surprised, Ershad was his ex-boylfriend when Emily was still pregnant with her child. And Emily immediately left Ershad just like that after she found Hans. Even though Ershad has made many sacrifices to Emily so far.

"Ershad? Why is he here?" Emily thought in her heart.

"See, you saw Emily. Aleysa has dared to make out with her personal guard in front of me. She actually hired Ershad so that she could cheat on me. She wants to take revenge on all my actions so far to her."

"No Hans. I had no such intentions at all."

"So his name is Ershad? Is he Aleysa's personal guard?" Emily asked nervously.

"Yes. Why? You know him dear?"

"No. I don't know him."

"Well then let's get out of here. We don't have anything else to do here anymore."

"Yeah, come on baby."

Aleysa had tried to restrain Hans from leaving the house. But it seemed that Hans decision to go with Emily was already very big. Aleysa again could only weep for Hans attitude towards her. Catline, his Grandmother, his Mother, his Sister Hans and her husband came out to Aleysa.

"It's dear. You don't cry for Hans anymore. He doesn't deserve to be crying. Just let him go with Emily. What is clear, you will still be Grandma's grand daugher."

"Thank you, Grandma. Thank you for being good to me all this time."

"Yeah, you're welcome dear."

Hans Grandmother immediately hugged Aleysa so that Aleysa's sadness would disappear. Ershad, who had not understood what had happened in this house, finally understood after Hans Grandmother spoke like that about Hans and Emily.

"So Aleysa is crying like this because Hans left this house with Emily? Hans has gone too far. Emily too. I have to do something," Ershad thought in his heart.

Then after that Ershad immediately left leaving everyone there to go to the pavilion. Ershad couldn't bear to see Aleysa cry like that just because of Hans and Emily's attitude. Ershad will do something to keep Hans and Emily from leaving.


Tonight Hans and Emily are in Hans car. The two of them will go somewhere and live together. But while on the way, Emily receives a message from Ershad which makes Emily feel a dilemma. And the message reads :

[Emily. You're back home right now. Tell Hans to go back to his house. If you are determined to go with Hans, I will not hesitate to reveal all your secrets to Hans and his family if you already have children.]

-To be Continued-