In an unforgiving world known as Ayni, imperialist monarchies are the only forms of known government. Oftentimes, these rulers simply cite that they "have a specific way of life"—which includes killing one's own siblings for the sole reason of becoming the next ruler.
Aware of this tradition, royal families would ensure the survival of their bloodline by having multiple children. Yet this had never been an uncommon practice, for it had extended its ruthless claws even beyond the reach of the known dynasties.
Then, delving deeper into Ayni is a kingdom known as Kairos: a world of extravagance and glamorous charm. Due to its high population of skilled entrepreneurs and educational institutions, Kairos has remained undisputed as the oldest country in Ayni; and as such, they have seen many royal families come and go. The Centhos family is only one of the hundreds that have graced its land.
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