
A Card In Your Game

Young girl gets kidnapped and sold off to a man's vicious hands

Layla_Happy · 科幻
3 Chs


I begin to hear William's footsteps can be heard approaching me, his polished shoes clicking against the stone pathway. He appears from around the corner, his eyes scanning the garden until he spots me sitting behind a tree, bread in hand. "Well well, what do we have here?" "Master William?! I say. behind him Henry stood" William raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as he approaches me, taking in the sight of me sitting on the grass, eating bread like a commoner. He glances at Henry, who stands a few feet away, his gaze fixed on me with a hint of amusement." William chuckles lowly, reaching out to snatch the bread from my hand. He takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully before speaking. "You know, Luna, stealing from my tray is hardly becoming of a proper slave. I might have to punish you for that."

"I-I'm sorry I'll Pay Far" He takes another bite of the bread before tossing it back to me.* "Tell me, Luna, do you know what happens to disobedient slaves? Do you think they get to eat and run free in the garden as they please?" He said.

" no, but-" I tried to speak, but William holds up a finger, stopping me in mid-sentence. He leans in closer, his face mere inches from mine , his hot breath tickling my skin. "But what, Luna? Are you going to tell me that you'll be more careful next time when you steal food from my tray? " no, of course, not master William!" I say, sweat dripping down my face. He takes a step back, his eyes never leaving yours as he speaks."Of course, I will have to make an example of you Luna so that the other slaves learn their place."

William straightens up, his face taking on a more neutral expression as he regards me. He reaches out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, a gesture that might seem gentle in another context but here, carries the weight of his dominance."please master William. It won't happen again, I promise!" I say in desperation to him… "See that it doesn't. I've been merciful so far, but my patience is wearing thin. If you continue to disobey me and act dumb tricks like that, I promise you, Luna, the consequences will be severe. "Please forgive me for my behavior, Master William. I will try my best to not disappoint you again." I say trying to get out of this situation I'm in…

"Very well, Luna. I will accept your apology on one condition." He grins mischievously. "You will spend the rest of the day in my chambers, awaiting my pleasure. You may do as you wish but you are not to leave without my permission." I look up at him confuse… "what, isn't that Clara's job, master?" William narrows his eyes at me, clearly not pleased with my response.* "I suggest you choose your words carefully, Luna." He takes a step closer to me, looming over my frame. "You are here to serve me, in whatever capacity I see fit!…