
The friend who needs me

Part 1 - The proposal

I had finished the movie, in spite of being one of my favourites I didn't pay much attention to it, my mind was all the time thinking about what Asuna had told me, how was it that she ended up having a psychotic attack, was the doubt that was going around in my mind, I wasn't afraid of her nor did I see her differently, on the contrary, but I felt disappointed with myself thinking that Asuna had a happy life, when she probably suffered something similar or worse than mine.

Asuna hit me with her middle finger on my forehead.

-Hikaru, you're in the air, what's wrong, am I scaring you now?

I didn't need to be an expert to know that Asuna was afraid of my answer.

-Silly, don't confuse what I'm going to do, because it's only as a friend.

I approached her and kissed her cheek.

-I'm not afraid of you, or anything, for me nothing has changed in our relationship Asuna, I just felt clumsy, I always thought that you were happy, and I never realised how much you have suffered... Does Baki know about this?

When I looked at Asuna's face she was totally red, but happy.

-Thank you Hikaru, you are the only one who understood me, and I prefer that you continue thinking that I am happy, in part if I am, but I have my demons like everyone else... I would rather not talk about Baki, he treated me badly the last time I tried to fix things with him, but he does know something, but not about what I saw that day in the hospital.

Asuna hugged me.

-Hikaru, would you let me do something to close a stage of my life.

-Yes of course, no problem.

-Hikaru said to me, "I'll see me through to the end, even though I already know your answers, but don't interrupt me, okay?

Asuna got up from the bed and stood up, even taking off her bunny hat from her pajamas, which was hanging backwards.

-Hikaru Nishimura... I... -I...

Asuna slapped her cheeks... at this point I figured she was going to say to me.

-Hikaru I love you, I love you, I really do and I was an idiot for never telling you, I've had feelings for you for 3 years, I know your heart belongs to another woman, but I still ask you, would you like to be my boyfriend?

Honestly, at least for me, it was to praise the effort he made... I got up from the bed.

-Asuna... I'm sorry, maybe if I had proposed more than a year ago things would have been different, but they are not, but I'm sure, because I know you, you deserve someone better than me, someone who can love you in the same way you want... thanks for having loved this useless guy, I'll never forget your feelings.

I gave her a little bow in apology. Asuna wanted to cry, but there was nothing she could do about it, so she finally put on her hat and threw a bootie on her bed.

-What a shame even knowing that she was going to be rejected, it hurts damn it, Hikaru you're a fool... promise you'll at least be happy with Akari.

Asuna was strutting her ass back and forth, not because she wanted to do it or so I hope but because of everything she told me.

-I promise you that. - I said very seriously.

I held out my hand to Asuna.

She rejected my hand, then hugged me around my waist, pressing her face into my chest....

-Asuna, my ribs hurt....

-Shiii, that was the intention," she laughed a little.

I karate chopped him on the head in protest.

-I'm not rubber, especially when I have....

A strong wind rattled the house a bit.

-What was that? - I said in fear.

Asuna went over to the shop and opened the curtain.

-The storm started earlier, so you won't be able to leave unless they come and get you.... Hikaru don't tell me...

Again a gale moved the house.

-Hikaru, are you still afraid of strong winds?

I didn't even answer him, but by my worried face, I sensed it.

In Arekkaido winds over 100 km per hour were normal, but I have always been afraid of them, because when I came back that day there was a strong storm with very strong winds.

-Do you want to sleep over? Then I won't feel so lonely, my dad won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.

-If it's no bother... I'll let Emi and Aki know. -I said worried about the strong winds.

Part 2 - The sister and the girlfriend.

I was returning to my room after an exhausting conversation with Camila, about the notes of Hikaru's stories.

I can't believe that idiot only looks at the one subject she's doing badly, when all the others have grades between 80 and 90 as marks, I'll never understand people who think you have to be good at everything... mmm I got a text message.

A very strong wind shook the house a bit.

-Shit Hikaru...

I grabbed the phone to call him, but I realized that he had sent me a message on Linapp.

Nibbler (Hikaru): Emi, Aki, the storm came early, I'll stay at Asuna's tonight, you know I can't stand strong winds.

Sexy (Emi): Hikaru silly, well, take care of yourself, if you want I'll see if I can come and get you.

Nibbler (Hikaru): Don't even think about going out in this storm, you'll only make me more nervous, I only have one Sister, don't go out I beg you.

Phantom (Akari): Tell Asuna to hands off, you never told me you were afraid of the winds, then I want an explanation.

I received another message, but this time by private.

Phantom (Akari): I'm behind your door, since when is Hikaru afraid of the winds, I never saw Hikaru afraid of the winds in school, tell me man stealer.

I opened the door Akari, as much as I've seen him typing on his mobile phone, seeing a floating mobile phone gave me the creeps.

-I know I screwed up, but it's annoying, you know? 

Phantom (Akari): I'm glad that my insults bother you, what do you think I felt when you kissed Hikaru? now tell me since when are you afraid of the winds.

I looked at the phone to read her message.... I gave up, she was finally right.

-Come in.

I stepped aside to let her pass, although I don't think it was necessary, in the end she could go through me if she wanted to, and even so she asked for my permission to enter...

-Let me explain it to you... Hikaru is afraid of strong winds, the kind that move houses, when they're not so strong you won't see him nervous, and you've probably never seen him like that because when there are storms of that kind I let my boy stay at home.

Phantom (Akari): Hikaru never talked to me about it... I guess I'll have to talk to him, thanks, I'm going now.

-Wait there, why don't we talk for a while, to iron out the differences.

Phantom (Akari): I wouldn't feel comfortable chatting with you, I still can't get that kiss out of my mind... you even stuck your tongue in it... What were you really thinking (angry emoticon)?

I smack my forehead.

-I wasn't thinking about anything, that's the problem... I know it's wrong, but it's such a horrendous idea that I love my brother like that... don't answer me... I know the answer, yes it is.

Apparently Hikaru's sister does feel bad about all this.

Phantom (Akari): I don't consider it horrendous... but it is wrong.

Phantom (Akari):Emilia he admires you a lot, if I'm afraid that someone could take him away from me, it's you, but at least I know that he doesn't feel the same love that you feel for him, he still loves you too much, I told you that.

-Akari I... I tried to teach him everything they didn't teach me, I know I failed in some things, I tried to have romance with any other idiot, I even had a heterocurious phase, if you know what that is, but whenever I was with someone else I finally ended up thinking about Hikaru, I don't want the kissing thing to happen again, I know that Hikaru doesn't like me that way, I just want to be in his life, I just want that, you shouldn't be afraid that I'll take him away from you, I'm not going to do that, I want my little brother to be happy, I know that in part I achieved that, but the one who can make him completely happy is you.

Akari stayed a long time without sending me a message, I even thought she had left the room, because the phone was on my bed.

Phantom (Akari): Maybe I can forget the kiss, as long as it doesn't happen again, but I told you it will take some time.

Phantom (Akari): Let me here is my last insult to you, sister fan of the north, incestuous #%##&#% bleached blond person . That's what I like. :)

I wonder what heterocurious is?

I scratched my hair at Akari's message.

Of all the things you've said to me, I think the bleached blond person one hurt me the most... where did you learn to talk like that, miss?

Phantom (Akari): Hikaru taught me, and he told me that most of the swear words he learned from you.

-I can't believe my bad upbringing is coming back to me, I guess this must feel like a mother who raised her child wrong.

Phantom (Akari): At least you made me laugh... I guess that's settled... for now. want to do something together?

I couldn't help but smile all of a sudden.

-We'll watch a movie... I have the Ghost Riders, it's one of Hikaru's favourites. What do you say?

Phantom (Akari): I hadn't noticed, but, you and Hikaru smile in the same way, how cute. If Hikaru loves it, that is.

-(Akari: Decided, since Hikaru won't be coming, we'll have a girls' night out? What's one supposed to do at a girls' night out... I've never been to one.

Phantom (Akari): Me neither :/

I thought to myself.

I'll make some things for us to eat together sis-in-law... sorry, I got excited, I forgot you can't eat.

Phantom (Akari): Silly I'm dying to try food again :D You understood I'm dying ajsjasjajsajsjasj, I like the sister-in-law thing I approve, but I liked it better when you told me I could tell you sister.

-Yes of course you can call me sister Emi, I'd love to... geez you make me blush.... We've got to do something about your mood, it's broken.

Phantom (Akari): broken your grandmother... I think Hikaru would love to see us like this, it's silly, but I'm only a few hours away from him and I miss him.

-That's the thing about falling in love, when you get over that phase, that's when the good stuff will come... by the way, since we're more in confidence, Hikaru mentioned to me that you had problems to, you know... reach orgasm.

I was really embarrassed to talk about it, but I wanted to help him, in the end Hikaru was upset about it and not seeing her made what he had to say easier, but I would have liked to see his reaction.

Akari had basically screamed in embarrassment.


Hi I'm EME, I am the author's virtual assistant girl and Animanovalux, from now on I'll be attending you, you can ask me anything, and don't forget to visit webnovel to follow the works of:

Great Adventure


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A kiss from Eme for me.


See you in Chipón

animanovaluxcreators' thoughts