
Home at last

Part 1 - Medical Discharge

It was night, my friends said goodbye to us, and Emi was discharged, as there was still no news about Sou, Camila and Kaede stayed at the hospital while our father brought us back home in his car.

-Emilia... excuse me for asking, but are you planning to move out next Friday anyway?

-Yes Anton, those plans haven't changed, besides I have to take advantage of my boss giving me holidays, and don't worry about the effort, Hikaru's friends offered to help us.

-I think you should rest, but don't worry about the move, I'll pay for it, take it as a gift.

Emi grabbed her neck as a sign of discomfort, I was with my finger on my lip, while Aki was holding me, the two things calmed me down and kept me from thinking too much.

-Thank you, you didn't have to bother... taking advantage of this, I need you to sign a permission for the school, Hikaru will be absent for two days, after we move we'll go to the cat temple and we plan to stay until Sunday, so he won't be able to attend the classes on Thursday and Friday.

-Yes, I'll sign it, but make sure he catches up, and that he doesn't miss so many classes.

-Look at you now if you sound like a father, they say better late than never, quite late actually, but worse is nothing Anton? Thank you.

I helped Emi into the house and took her to her room as she was still very weak, although I noticed that she was exaggerating her condition a bit more, so that I could be with her more, something that Aki also noticed, but instead of getting upset, she simply said to spoil her, as, according to her own words, she was no longer at a disadvantage because we could finally be together physically, which was very nice indeed.

I put Emi to bed, when I did so she didn't want to let go of me, she looked at me in a loving way, but inside those eyes there was a hint of worry and fear, I sat next to her, while I stroked her hair.

-Don't worry Emi, I'm fine, nothing has happened to me.... Well one of my ribs got worse, but it didn't break, it will just take a little more time to heal, and Aerosol before we left offered to give me therapy, she for one was grateful for us for stopping Hide.

Emi grabbed my necklace, making Aki appear next to her before her eyes.

-I guess things ended up turning out a lot better than they looked, but Hikaru throw a building on you again and I'll kill you myself, then I'll revive you and you'll be grounded for life... Aki you also make sure he doesn't do stupid things like that, now you can stop him, do you understand me both?

-Yes, I won't do something so reckless... unless it's to get Aki's body back or to protect both of you.

Without expecting it, Aki pinched my arm.

-It's not the time to contradict your sister, Hika, not in that state.

-I get it, that one hurt honey.... that hurts Emi....

My sister had taken the opportunity to do the same as Aki, but on my other arm, then she grabbed the medallion again.

-I like that Fantasmita.

Things went on like that, where Emi affectionately kept challenging me and for some reason Aki played along, but it was fun, and I felt loved, after all this was my real family, who I wanted to be with, to spend my time with, to have fun, even though I was missing Asuna and Marcus.

-Emi, what do you want to eat today, I want to make lunch.

Apparently what he said to her brought a tender smile to her beautiful face.

-You know, I'm in the mood for spicy chicken ramen, but not just the pot, but add chicken and vegetables, with some mérken.

-Then that's what I'll do...

I put the medallion on Emi.

-Aki take care of her in my absence, and if anything happens let me know, it's my turn to take care of you sis.

-That sounds wonderful little brother.

Part 2 - food and sister.

As soon as I got downstairs I boiled water, where I added 2 chicken breasts, a stick of celery, a piece of onion, carrot and garlic, to make the broth for the ramen, I also cut some green onion to put it at the end, I checked in the fridge and there was Emi's favourite ice cream, so I plan to take it to her when it's ready.

I was cooking quietly waiting for the broth to be ready to use it as a base for the ramen pot, but from one moment to another my hand started to shake, my head started to hurt, my breathing became agitated, I heard in my mind Hide's voice saying that he and I were not very different, although I knew it wasn't really Hide, but my fear talking to me, but that feeling made me want to make a little ball and disappear.

Why is it that every time I feel like taking a step forward, this has to happen to me...why, I want to be happy...so hard that...finally I can be together with Aki, more or less like we want and I have to have these shitty attacks...I really am a monster for doing that to Sou..... I mean of course if I'm a monster who in their right mind would cripple their own brother... shit... my head hurts.

-So Aki, now that I can finally see you, and it won't be uncomfortable to finally talk on the phone and I won't feel scared to see a floating mobile phone... -Did I really provoke you?

-Did Emi really provoke all that?

-Yes Akari, I'm sorry, but I'm quite fearful in those matters, even though I acted as if nothing happened... I want to ask you directly now, what do you see in Hikaru?

Akari was uncomfortable with that question, she didn't expect something like that.

-Come on I want to know, if I'm going to let him be with you at least I want to know that I can trust you, don't misunderstand me, but I've only seen Hikaru helping you, maybe it's because I don't see you, but now that you know him he must also be protected, that's why I'm asking you Akari, what do you see in Hikaru?

-Someone capable, a good friend and partner, someone who isn't afraid to get burned for doing what he thinks is right, he has certain insecurities that I haven't seen lately, so I guess he's getting better at it, he's stubborn when he gets an idea in his head and persists with it until the end, also although he doesn't tell me I know he suffers from fear and he tries not to show it, every time he touches his lip with his finger it is because he tries to relax although I don't understand how it helps him, but it does, he is tender, and he worries a lot about me, although I have heat problems, I am sure that he will not abandon me, that's why I will never do it, I want to be by his side, I also want to have his children, and that we both live together. At the beginning I know it will be difficult, we will have problems like all couples, but I am sure we can solve them, I will always try to be there when he needs me, I want to help financially for our home... I had lost the dream of being a model, but he wants me to take it up again, isn't it nice, that's why I want to be with him... I want my body back so that we can grow old together... - said Aki who was blushing and talking happily while her hands were touching her bare feet.

-I honestly didn't expect an answer like that, I think you have something wrong in your head, but at least I am calm, there was no lie in your eyes, at least none that I saw.... I'll always be there for my boy, although I think you know that, what I mean is... make him happy, I... I wanted to be me... Akari, I know it's sick... but my heart loves him... accomplish what I couldn't do, bring him to true happiness. - Emi said with tears in her eyes.

Aki hugged me being careful with my arm.

-Yes I will, but you're wrong about something, Hikaru has always been happy with you, he's very proud of you, he even has you in a shrine, and I'm going to make him happy, but I also want to make you happy, I'm sure Hikaru wants that more than everything, in fact in spite of everything I said the only thing I'm afraid of is the love he feels for you, I'm really afraid, that it can be much bigger than the one he has for me.

-I don't think that's the way it is, sis....

I burst in with lunch for both me and Emi.

-Spicy chicken ramen, with real chicken broth and shredded chicken with the ramen, and for dessert... drum roll... ice cream....

-Tiramisu... I want to eat now Hikaru, don't make your sister wait.

Without delaying more I took her the tray, I put it on her leg, she was going to give me back the necklace, but I told her no, because, this way she can see Aki, besides now thanks to the same medallion I can be with her whenever I want, even Aki liked the idea.

-This is delicious Hikaru.... I'm going to have to break my arm more often to be pampered like this.

-Don't even say that as a joke, we both got more scared than we should have with everything that happened.

Emi stuck her tongue out at me, I sat on the bed, and we ended up eating quietly, while Aki looked at us a bit suspiciously for enjoying a meal in front of her, which was perhaps cruel, but funny at the same time.