A woman must choose between two being's one good and one evil. Her choice will change her eternal destiny forever. Delivering or Condemning her soul what will she choose?
Christiana woke up surrounded by Jesus' loving embrace. As she gazed upon his face, she knew with certainty that their union could never be shaken. They rose together and walked among the flowers, rejoicing in God's goodness.
Wherever they went, creatures of the garden bowed in awe of their perfect love. Christiana's soul sang with inexplicable joy to witness souls awakening to salvation. Through Jesus' sacrifice, no darkness could ever overcome the light and hope they brought.
The word of their sacred bond carried upon the breeze, drawing countless souls to them. They made their way to an abbey at Soulspring's heart, where Christiana and Jesus were hailed as bride and groom. Christiana recounted her journey and how doubt was banished by grace through surrender. Many testified how her victory inspired their own perseverance.
Jesus told Christiana the harvest was ripe and commissioned her to nourish thirsting souls with her light. Together, they imparted blessings, with Christiana sowing redemption and Jesus healing doubts through his wounds. Each embraced soul pledged to spread hope further.
Though darkness lurked beyond the garden, frustrated in its attempts to divide them, Christiana rested securely in God's sovereign care. Through understanding and forgiveness, she extinguished hostility and restored peace. Trials brought perseverance pleasing to God.
As night fell and Christiana slept in Jesus' arms, she dreamed of souls at heaven's gates—proof that turmoil bears precious fruit. Renewed on waking, she embraced her mission alongside her bridegroom to spread love's dominion over sin and death throughout the ages. Christiana sat surrounded by an eager flock, imparting the Scriptures that Jesus had revealed to her heart. As faces uplifted in rapt attention, she sensed darkness' once potent influence waning.
Where shadowed souls had lingered heavy, countenances now shone radiant with dawning light. Christiana rejoiced to see truth taking root and lives transforming through grace. Satan's dominion was crumbling before lives were abandoned to follow their Savior.
Doubts that once bound minds and stayed courageous now melt at love's flame. Hardened hearts softened to receive compassion. Eyes that had looked to gloom alone found solace and purpose anew in their Creator. Christiana gave thanks for seeing souls rescued from sin's destructive way for redemption's life-giving path.
Through Jesus' sacrifice, even the stubborn or wounded soul could know restoration. None were beyond redemption's reach in his loving embrace. Christiana's joy overflowed, witnessing souls trading despair for hope and despair for joy through the light of his wounds that healed and made them whole. Gathered souls blossomed into vessels of his kingdom,seeds of renewal sown to spread salvation further. Christiana beheld souls restored by grace with wonder and praise. Sacred joy awakened her spirit, seeing lives transformed and darkness vanquished one by one.
She took leave of the flock, filled with fervor, to see Christ's kingdom spread further. How she longed to witness entire nations gather around his light before his glorious return! Christiana's heart swelled, thinking about the ingathering that remained.
Darkened regions yet lay waiting for salvation's dawn. Multitudes still wandered without a shepherd,easy prey for the enemy. But Christiana knew that through vessels of radical obedience,Jesus would work to pluck them from destruction's path.
This spurred her to further dedication, praying for empowerment to reach ever more lost souls. Though the harvest was plentiful,she trusted that his call and resources would be enough. With Jesus,nothing remained impossible—not the salvation of entire peoples or the swift completion of his work.
Christiana retired in joy, her mind ablaze with visions of redeemed throngs worshipping the Lamb. Her sacred duty gave purpose beyond all earthly delights. To see even one more soul join the heavenly host would be enough reward for a lifetime spent wholly in her Savior's glorious service. Christiana awoke resolute to spread faith's ripening fruits. With Jesus at her side, they distributed nourishment for neophyte souls.
Through the Scriptures imparted and lives poured out as living examples, new believers were fortified against temptation. Darkness' desperate thrashings could not overturn foundations laid deep in Christ.
Where clouded understanding had been, wisdom's dawning broke. Clarity of vision and purpose strengthened the wavering. Holy fire rekindled spiritual hunger,sustaining fervor on the narrow path.
Bonds of fellowship and prayer shielded the fledgling from loneliness and doubt. Christiana rejoiced at witnessing lights igniting others throughout the realm as flames of first love spread salvation's warmth.
With the harvest's blessings shared generously as the Lord led, the Spirit fell upon ripe fields in a potent outpouring. Souls hitherto bound or blinded beheld the resurrection's dawn in a new light.
Through such lavish sowing, Jesus and his bride saw stronger saints rise up to continue reaping even after their passing. With the shadow's final efforts thwarted,the light had fully come and overcome the darkened world. As daylight waned, Christiana found rest secure in Jesus' sheltering arms. Reflecting on the day's bounty, sweet hope rose within her breast for the culmination of all things.
When the bride's calling was complete and the last lost lamb was found, what glory would dawn as the entire realm knew only the light? None would remain then to spurn her beloved bridegroom's love or oppose his dominion.
Until that hour, Christiana rested, trusting the sure promises of her God. Not one redeemed soul had been lost to the enemy,nor would it be. Whatever opposition could stir,Jesus had already overcome it. His blood had purchased ransomed lives, never to be plundered again.
As the stars kindled and darkness veiled the land, Christiana nestled close by her bride's side. No fleeting shadows or temporal sorrows disturbed the peace within, gazing out beyond earth's shadow to the unveiled light of eternity. Their perfect union and joy ruled supreme without end over a restored creation.
For now, she embraced the hallowed night, secure in its coming glories. When morning dawned, she would rise renewed to love and serve her Lord,spreading holy fire till all must bow and every knee confess he is King of kings and Lord of all.
"The heart of salvation is the Cross of Christ. The reason salvation is so easy to obtain is that it cost God so much. The Cross was the place where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision and where the way to life was opened. But all the cost and pain of the collision was absorbed by the heart of God." ~ Oswald Chambers
"Jesus Christ does not save the worthy, but the unworthy. Your plea must not be righteousness but guilt" ~ Charles Spurgeon
"And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you?" ~ George Whitefield