
A Boy and his combative.

A boy wakes up in a forest. He didn't had any memories of his past so afar. And didn't know why he was there. But soon, he suddenly discover. That he had a system with him. It was able to help him through many situations. But the coolest part. He didn't needed to be alone. Since he was able to spawn Modern soldiers.

Radiance101 · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Waking up.

A boy was standing in the middle of the forest.

"Hey, wait, something isn't right here."

He said to himself while looking around his surroundings.

"How did, I even ended up here?"

He said to himself before noticing a road.

It was just across some bushes and trees.

"There's a road up ahead, maybe, I should follow it?"

The boy said as he begin to walk forward towards it.

Suddenly a Message pop up in front of him.

"Wait, what is this?"

The boy said while getting a closer look at it.

It was some sort of letter screen.

"How is it doing that?"

He said before waving his hand on it.

After touching it with his hand.

It started to switch to letters.

[Hello, This is a system, it belongs to you.]

The boy tilted his head with disbelief.

"How are you mines?"

[You have been selected.]

The boy blinked a couple of times.

Realizing that this system actually responded back to him.

"Whoa! This is cool, but system, why, Am I outside?"

The boy asked with curiosity and looked around his surroundings again.

He didn't like the idea of being in a forest when it gets dark.

[You have been located at a safe location nearby a road, that should lead you to a village, named Alleyway.]

The boy place his right hand on his chin.

Making a thinking pose while looking at the screen.

Trying to come up with answers on why he was selected.

He sighs after thinking hard about it.

"System, who exactly selected me?"

[That is a hard question for me to answer as well, I was never given any information from who and why, but, as your personal System, I must do what, I can for you.]

"Thats pretty strange but, okay then."

The boy replied and sigh.

'Sadly, there isn't a single clue what's going on here and who selected me?'

He thought to himself.

"Alright then, let's head over to this Alleyway village!"

He said happily with confidence.

[It is recommended to have at least 2 Soldiers with you, there is reports about Alleyway being a chaotic village that most criminals keep low there.]

The boy rose his left eyebrow at this mention of information.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

He asked the system.

[I am, System and, I have been given reasonable amount of information of this world, to be of help for you.]

"Oh, that sounds pretty reasonable, so, How exactly do, I have 2 soldiers with me?"

The boy asked while looking at the screen in front of him.

[Here you go, The Amount of things you can do so far.]

[0/2 Combative troops.]


[Do you wish to spawn 2 Soldiers?]

[Yes] [No]

"Um, Yes, I would like that."


[2 Soldiers are being transfer into your position.]

Two figures begin to appear out of thin air.

" "Reporting for Duty!" "

The two soldiers said out loud while saluting to him.

They were pretty tall and worn modern army uniform and gear.

The set up was pretty nice.

It even help them camouflage in the forest better.