
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · 科幻
289 Chs

Operation Snowbreaker(7)

Inside the control tower, a number of CI soldiers, along with Colonel Tartarus and CI operators, were radioing to other bases, the pilots in their jets who were still in the base or still flying in the skies, and to other outposts outside the mountain. Currently, Tartarus was peering out the window at the snowstorm that was covering his view of the base. 

"When will this storm end?" He sighed irritably, "It's already cold enough here as it is."

As he continued to observe outside, he suddenly heard grunts and groans from his fellow CI soldiers and turned around to see that they were lying on the floor dead and the operators had been knocked out by none other than Green, Lawrence and Robert.

"Hello there." Robert said calmly as he waved at him.

"Ah! The Scp foundation. You people are bold ones, aren't you? Marching right into my base, thinking you can take me on." Tartarus said with a confident smirk.

"I'm guessing you're the one responsible for the crystal being stolen." Green remarked.

"Yes, I am Colonel Tartarus of the Chaos Insurgency and this place shall be your grave, a very cold grave." he added with a cold tone at the end.

At the end of his words, a swarm of pixel cubes with orange lines manifested out of thin air and began moving around the room until merging together and forming into the humanoid with the black suit and orange tie. 

Robert started to inspect it and stated, "Now that I see it up close, it's not as buff as Ain't No Grave and Cerberus, and to think a scum like you was worthy of getting a Stand like this... whatever it's called."

"This is my long range power Stand, "The Perfect World"." Tartarus said, introducing his Stand as the orange lines on its body illuminated, "Its pixel cube morphing, expanding, and shaping capabilities are limitless, and you will struggle on keeping up with it."

At that moment, the Perfect World transformed his head into an enormous cannon, similar to Lockdown's head cannon from Transformers Age of Extinction before firing a shot at them. However, the three quickly moved out of the way, allowing the shot to blast a huge hole through the control tower's wall and generate a deafening explosion sound that alerted the entire base.


Outside, Michelle, Rodeo, Evan and Spy, who had met up and were hiding behind a parked truck, heard a loud explosion, they turned to its direction and noticed smoke billowing from the tower.

"Oh no."

Just then, a colossal size arm consisting of pixel cubes with orange flashing lines burst out of the tower, clutching Green, Lawrence and Robert in the palm of its hands. Reeling its arm back, it throws them towards the ground at rapid speed.


Before the three impact against the ground, the entire world becomes monochrome as time, space, and everything have stopped except for Evan. At high speed, he flies towards the three frozen in midair and brings them back safely to the ground next to Rodeo and the rest.

"Time will flow once again."

As a result of his words, the color surrounding him began to return as time has moved.

Once the flow of time resumes, Robert realizes he, and Green, and Lawrence were now on the ground unharmed, "Oh we're safe." he glances at the group around him, then simply waved at them, "Hey guys, we might be compromised." he said flatly.

"We noticed." Michelle said with a blank look.

Suddenly, everyone witnessed the colossal arm shattered into numerous pieces of pixel cubes, which flew towards the ground, and out of the swarm of pixel cubes came Colonel Tartarus. At the same time, the pixel cubes then merged again back into its original humanoid form, which was his Stand, "The Perfect World." 

"How the hell does your Stand do that?" Evan asked in awe.

"Fuck you, that's how." Tartarus simply replied, "Also, I believe you have some things that belong to me, and I would like to politely request that you return them."

"We refuse." Rodeo answered him with a serious expression.

"Oh well, that's your funeral... MEN!"

Once he called out, hundreds of CI soldiers rushed in from all sides and surrounded them with their guns and weapons aimed at them. 

"Spy?" Rodeo whispered to him.

"I already planted the C4." Spy whispered back to him before showing him a device in his hand, "The detonator is with me as well." 

As the two begin to form a plan quietly, Tarturus lays his eyes on Rodeo and says, "You work with liars, Killer Queen. We, the Chaos Insurgency, know how they are and what they can be. I give you a choice, though. Join the Chaos Insurgency's cause and we'll annihilate the foundation, grind the O5 to dust, and make the world bow before us. We also have cookies."

"Cookies?!" Michelle exclaimed joyfully. However, she considered it for a little while before realizing something, "Oh wait, we can't eat. Bummer."

"Join the dark side." A random CI soldier asked with a nasty grin on his face.

"I'm sorry. We aren't interested in your cause, and we aren't working because they told us to." Rodeo stated,  refusing to back down, "We fight so that the innocent can stay safe, and that the world doesn't burn under maniacs like you."

Tartarus let out a heavy sigh as he heard his words, staring at his soldiers with an indifferent expression, he commanded, "Kill or capture them, and take the arrow and crystal from their hands."

Following his commands, like robots being programmed to neutralize, all the soldiers cocked their weapons and prepared to pull the trigger. At the same time, Rodeo and the rest of his team took a defensive stance, bracing for the worst.

As an impending conflict was about to unfold, the snowstorm died down. With the snowstorm no longer blocking everyone's view, one of the CI soldiers spotted something ginormous standing over in the far distance, located outside the base's north perimeter as it stared directly at them. 

"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!!" Shouted the CI Soldier, pointing his finger up north with fear clouded over his face.

Hearing the soldier's screams, everyone looked up north and their eyes widened as they saw a 540 to 560 feet Mech with a crimson axe, about the size of a skyscraper, laser cannons on its shoulders, and two horns on its head. 

It was the Atlan, also known as the Sentinel Mech, the one that the Hell Dimension's forces found in the SCP World's Mars. Unlike the original mech, its blue lights have been replaced with red, due to the blue sentinel batteries being replaced by the pure red argent energy batteries. 

"...That's a big boy." Evan and the rest of the CI soldiers all said at the same time.

"Rodeo… what the hell is that?" Green, Spy, and Lawrence both asked him, frozen in place with their expression filled with shock and horror at the sight.

"A Sentinel Mech. Designed specifically to kill the biggest of monsters of the hell dimension like the Hell Barge's for example." Rodeo stated with a shocking expression on his face. "And I wonder how the hell they got it from!"

Just then, everyone could clearly notice Revenant standing on top of the mech's head, holding a red megaphone.

[Attention humans! This is the Hell Dimension's forces. We have come here to retrieve our stolen property and destroy you all like pigs. So prepare for your untimely and glorious demise.] Revenant announces in a crazily voice, [This mech is being piloted by my team's Marauder. So you'll all gonna meet a more spectacular end as well!]

"...Spy, push the button."

"Certainly." The latter chuckled before pressing the detonator, causing some of the jets and bombs in the hangar and on the runway to explode as a result of the C4, diverting the CI soldiers attention away from Queen's Requiem. 

Without hesitation, Rodeo shouted without missing a beat.


As soon as the CI soldiers were distracted, everyone immediately ran for it.

Noticing them fleeing, Tartarus became infuriated, "Get these sons of-!"

Tartarus was about to finish his sentence when he witnessed one of his men get his head blasted by a red plasma laser. When he turns around, he sees an army of Hell Razers, Hell Soldiers, Immoran troops, Armored Barons, and a pair of Marauders marching and blasting their way into the base, as the Sentinel Mech walks through it, crushing and destroying whatever got caught beneath its feet.

Then they heard Marauder, the one belonging to Revenant's team, speak through the mech's audio system, which they had recently added to the mech.

[I'm not gonna let anyone take our opportunity to unleash the hell dimension's wrath across the multiverse. SO ALL OF YOU HUMANS ARE GONNA FUCKING DIE!] 

Extending its hand, the Mech fired a red laser from the palm of its hand, shooting straight towards the base at extreme speeds. The power behind the plasma laser was so great that the space in the surroundings began to warp, as a result, several hundred birds in its way fell from the sky and smashed into the ground. 

At the next instant, the plasma blast completely obliterated the small buildings Rodeo and Michelle were in just a few minutes before blasting the air traffic control tower with one of its shoulder cannons. 

Meanwhile, Rodeo and his team were running the hell away from the chaos that was happening all around them until he spotted an Abrams tank in the distance, shooting HEAT rounds at the Mech, but it barely scratched it.

"Guys, I got a plan." He said, motioning to the Tank, "We're driving that tank off the edge of the snowy cliff there, then driving it downhill!"

Everyone remained there in silence, baffling by the plan Rodeo made until Michelle shouted.


"Well it's gonna be one now." 

So, with no other choice, the team proceeded to the tank, entering it through the hatch only to find a CI tank driver was already inside of it.

When he noticed the hatch opening and turned to face the group, his eyes widened in a panic.


Even though he had begged and pleaded, the CI tank driver only got yeeted out of the tank after he was forced to turn the tank's engine on for them. 


Once everyone is inside the heavily armored vehicle, Lawrence drives the tank with the help of an instruction manual lying around the tank. After passing through the base exit, the tank goes off the edge of the cliff and starts driving down hill at high speeds along the mountain's snow covered path. 

Waking up from his trance, the same tank driver looks at his tank only to find it missing. He looked around till he spotted his stolen tank speeding out of the base before disappearing from his sight.

"They are escaping!" 

The CI soldiers and Hell Dimension's forces that were currently raging in war against one another in the battlefield suddenly stop blasting each other when they hear his words.


Standing up from his seat, the Marauder in the Sentinel Mech grabbed his speakers and yelled loudly.

"They're going nowhere!"