
A billion people forced to tame monsters in another world

SCWolf · 奇幻
7 Chs


As they followed behind the Buffalo boar and wandered through the trees Nate looked over the global chat room.

[I'm so hungry.]

[My stomach is killing me.. I listened to that guy and ate my belt, but now I just feel sick.]

[Serves you right you moron!]

[Everyone gets hungry, don't be so harsh.]

[Has everyone looked at the mission tab in the system?]

[Yeah, something about "tame a beast."]

[Tame a beast?]

[Look through the system or you'll miss out!]

[What need do we have for beasts? We can create skills with our own two hands!]

[He's right!]

"Jeez. These guys are ridiculous."

"What are they saying now?" Eric asked as he glanced over at his friend.

"Some idiot ate his belt and got sick but other than that there's people talking about the system or how we don't need beasts to survive."

"That is ridiculous." Eric said as he opened the chat too.

"Are you gonna say something?"

"I'm thinking about it."


"Yes Nate, really, I text people too."

With that Eric started typing.

[Don't dismiss the system just yet. The world around us is full of unknown danger and the beasts it wants us to tame could be essential to our survival.]

"That's what you wanted to say?"

"What? They're already leading us to food and we haven't even known each other half a day."

"I guess you're right."

"Anyway, have you noticed there are no language barriers?"

"Yeah, it's pretty nice."

"I wonder if the system translates everything." Eric said to himself as he looked back at the chat.

[It's cool and all but how are we supposed to tame a beast in the first place?]

[Yeah! We have nothing.]

[We're starving, how can we worry about keeping a pet when we might want to eat them?]

After reading a little more Eric thought for a moment and said.

"Hey Nate, jump in the conversation and say you helped the pig so he's leading you to food."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, what reason do I have to let all these people suffer."

"Since when were you all righteous?"

"You said it yourself Nate, you don't wanna do all the work right? Sometime down the line these people will be useful to us in one way or another."

"Hahaha." All Nate could do was laugh. His friend looked like some sort of mastermind and he'd never seen him this way before.

"Alright, I just dropped it in the chat."

[I helped a big boar get away from some crazy monster last night and now he's leading me to food!]

[How lucky!]

[What food will he take you too?]

[Coward! You should have killed it and eaten it's flesh!]

[Idiot! How would he kill it? With his bare hands?]

[Damn it! He's so close to finishing the mission!]

[Fruit and vegetables would be more sustainable than meat.]

"Just what we wanted."

"To stir the masses?"

"Exactly! We got a mixed reaction but now people will start exploring and gathering resources to put on the market faster."

"Market..? Oh! The shop tab!"

"Bingo. If anyone manages to find something good we might be able to snatch it off the shelves, and even if they don't, we'll sell the extra food we collect today and try to earn more ordinary resources."

As the boys finished talking, the boar stopped and started gesturing upwards.

"Looks like we're finally here." Eric said as he looked up at a massive fruit tree.

"They look like apples, but they're bigger and pink." Nate said as he examined the fruit.

"Alright Mr. Monkey, you ready to help me get some of those things down?"

The Soldier monkey had no choice but to comply so he nodded his head.

"In that case, come here."

After waddling over to him the monkey looked up at Eric and waited for more instructions.

"Turn around."

Just then the thing that had been holding his other arm down fell and he was free of his restraints.

"Let's go" Eric said as he walked closer to the tree.

"Nate, you stay down here and catch the fruits the monkey tosses you."

"Mr. Boar, your job is to keep an eye out for us, alright?"

With that Eric took the Soldier monkey up the tree, and Nate stayed on the ground with the Buffalo boar to do their respective jobs.

While the Soldier monkey started dropping the fruit down to Nate, Eric was reading the information on it.


{Name: Pink Apple

{Description: A sweet fruit that grows in many conditions and environments. It's favored by many herbivorous and omnivorous creatures.

"Favored huh?" He said as he put the apple in his inventory.

If he were to eat it now it would slow the collection process too much and they could be put in danger.

After about twenty minutes of gathering fruit the group heard a loud howl and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"We've been here too long!" Eric shouted.

He and the Soldier monkey were out of the tree and on the ground in no time.

"We don't wanna be here when those guys show up." He said as he grabbed his thick wooden branch.

After picking up a few of the loose fruits they set off as quickly as they could In the direction of the barrier.

About two minutes later the barrier was in sight, but just as they thought they were safe, a group of dog shaped shadows jumped out of the bushes and surrounded them.

There were about 7 of them and they were all at least twice the size of normal household pets.



"Get ready!" Eric shouted as he gripped his weapon and examined one of the enemies.


{Name: Brush Wolf

{Quality: Bronze

{Potential: Gold

{Level: 6

{Abilities: Claw, Bite, Camouflage

{Skill: Entanglement

{Attributes: Wood

{Likes: Fresh plant meat, Fruit

{Dislikes: Trespassers, Stale environments

{Weaknesses: Fire

{Condition: Healthy

{Description: This species is herbivorous and tend to live in large areas of brush or low bearing trees. Since they don't have the protection of a propper den they develope a greenish tint to their fur and pile branches around their homes to blend in better while they rest.