
What level of proficiency in enslavement path is this!

Woof Woof Woof!

The sound of furious barking of dogs echoed endlessly.

Dozens of dogs were in a fierce fight; one side had many numbers but their formation were scattered. Another side had fewer numbers, but they were in a tight formation, and furthermore they were displaying battle tactics like shielding, retreating, attacking and so on.

Fang Yuan stood on a nearby hill and overlooked the whole battlefield while commanding his dogs.

This was already his tenth battle in King Quan's inheritance.

With his plentiful experience and the understanding of King Quan's inheritance, he had sprinted through the whole process without any incidents.

The battle lasted for five more minutes before it ended.

In the whole battlefield, there were nineteen dogs still standing, all of them the result of Fang Yuan's hard accumulation.

Fang Yuan softly let out a breath of turbid air, his mind felt slightly exhausted.
