
Chapter 5

Salifremdal the once stunning capital, of the human kingdom, the Pilar of alsofi, now laid in ruins, nothing left the history of the archmages were no more than a whisper in the dusty sand flowing through the wind. The tales of old, would never be heard

North's feet walked through the ruins that were once a city, This was the human city? getting through the wasteland were the border of the elven kings land, had landed them at the Humans land or what was left of the land, after the war everything changed for the humans they were no longer the free folk they once were remember that North.

I know Cos but it seems wrong for what happened to them, we are not the makers of the past what happened to Salifremdal, is not our faults, come now Stella we have a long way to the silver kingdom. North sighed your right, in order to even get close to the silver kingdom she needed to cloak her self, she needed to look like a farie, closing her eyes she imagined the body of a lesser born fae.

The golden feeling of magic flowed through her body the bones of her body morphed into something new entirely, she was no longer a half-blood, instead, she was fae the golden feeling passed and returned to the simmering place in her body going back to sleep until it was needed again.

Who are you and what have you done to my master? cosmo asked with a dramatic voice, is it that bad? no besides the wort on your nose you look beautiful the thunder lion purred.

You know you are the worst liar ever North grinned, well what is the fun in trying to scare you when you and I both know you are beautiful?

true, now let us get going the sun is rising I would like to get out of this burning dessert before my paws sets on fire, alright grumpy pants, that do not make any sense Cosmo said I do not even were pants.

With a lasting look of Salifremdal, North spotted a dark shadow with bony like structure looking right at her with its silver eyes, chills ran through her body, a warning snarl came from her companion, let us get out of here North.

But no matter how much she wanted to move she was rooted to the spot, a clicking noise came from the creature, almost like the gurgling of a child, it came toward her, Stella lets get out of here!

Outlander! the voice purred, but it sounded within her mind, Talons sharper than no other blade she knew had a grip on her mind. and no matter how hard she tried to pull them out they didn't butch.

so young have not even lived past her 25 name day yet it hummed, weak little thing, the creature towered over her taller than any male she had ever encountered.

Who are you North struggled to get past her lips, who am I it sneered?

I am me it said, who is me she pressured! the talons raked through her mind the body was no longer her own it would not respond to her,

I am who I am and will always be who I am that is why I am who I am,

it said proudly as if that was a real answer,

you got power it clicked excitingly. My siblings really planned your future well, haven't they? little half-blood?.

What do you mean North grounded out trying to reach out for that said power that was coiled up inside of her. You will know in time ill make sure of that! before she could think about its respond it withdrew its talons and were gone before she could wrap her head around what just occurred,

her body collapsed on the ground too heavy to bear her own weight any more, her eyes were becoming too heavy for her to hold open.

And her body dropped off to a piercing blackness that consumed her while her name was being shouted for, but she was too far off to hear any more.

Calm that was what she was feeling, there were no worries in her mind everything was just a calmness, that she never had experienced before,

a noise came from the distance, Her body wanted to respond but the peaceful darkness was wrapped around her like a comfortable blanket.

A silver thread came floating towards her caressing her lovingly, there was that sound again it sounded familiar, but yet so far away, what was it a blue thread came towards her joining the silver one, they twirled themself around her.

The loving pull suddenly became tight around her body the peaceful calm

left her body Memories flashed through her eyes everything, she was stood before her, but one memory stood out to her drawing her in.

A girl was in a sparring ring with an older man, the girl was having trouble keeping up with the man's brutal force of nature a young Assasin in training, the girl made the wrong move and made an opening for the male to get her parade down.

With one swift kick to the girl's stomach, the girl was on the ground, your weak piss pot, and you are supposed to be the kings Assasins the girl was herself she remembered this lesson.

Norths small body was heaving for air, you lack coordination you will never be able to kill anybody if you don't put yourself together,

the Master of Assasins looked at the pathetic excuse of an apprentice that he had gotten himself.

Follow me pisspot, the girl stumbled to her feet knowing full well that punishment was coming her way.

With blood dripping out of her mouth, they went through the tunnel system that the Assasins use to get around in the capital, they took a sharp left turn through one of the tunnels, her master climbed gracefully op the wall of the city expecting his apprentice to follow behind him.

North didn't want to get into more trouble than she already was in so she bit through the pain of her aching limbs and climbed the wall, everything ached the poor girl's fingertips had rifts in them if she were to fall. The girl would fall into her death

Reaching the top of the wall her masters' cold stare went right through her, come along know we are nearly at mount tisdril regret poured through the girl she did not know what was coming for her, the mountain was known for its deathly steep climb, that didn't matter to an Assasin they knew where to step and where not to.

The climb was steep North's body was tiring out, she had to go on or she would fall to her death. with very calculating steps she placed her arms and feet on the most sturdy places she could following the rout of her master, stopping to catch her breath for a minute, was a big mistake

the crack she had her feet cramped in was wet from the mountain well that ran through the city and supplied the city. Losing her footing she was dangling by pure strength now, she had to find a way to get her footing back quickly her Master looked at his struggling apprentice but this was a learning lesson she needs to learn. That would be her biggest key for survival.

With panic running through her body she needed to find her footing and she needed to find it now, she could see a crack a little further above she needed to get up there in order to get her footing back, with the adrenalin she assembled the courage to make the leap.

Grabbing the surface with her fingertips she used her body strength to pull her up, with her footing in the place, she was now safely secured on the mountainside, Looking up she saw her master looking at her, Look alive piss pot we got a long way to go.

Reaching the top of the mountain North was exhausted, her body was shaking, The view was beautiful it gave access to see all of tenwye and beyond that the border to Ethilios. The air was so much thinner op there but she felt calm despite the fact that her whole body was shaking she could stay op there forever, her view was blocked by Master, the stern look of her mentor was enough for her to look away again.

This pisspot will be the first of many lessons of this kind now fight me she didn't hesitate, it was a hand to hand combat, she wanted to do good, she knew at that moment that she would do whatever the cost to be a good Assasin she had promised her mother to live and so she would.

The fighting lessons lasted for the remaining of the day when dusk started to appear, her Master decided to end the lesson for today,

now pisspot you have one more lesson for today North nodded but her mentor didn't give more information than that,

what is it she asked curiously? we have to get down, she nodded unsure of where this was going he mentioned her to follow her so she did.

A little further down the mountain, there was a cliff with a rushing waterfall storming underneath. Jump! wha? I said jump that's and order this is the last lesson you need to learn for today, she nodded now jump! and so she did she made her first-ever Leap of faith, falling toward the crushing deep, but before she could hit the water.

North woke up with a jolt of sweat covering her body, the actions of the day came rushing towards her the shadowy figure,

her falling into darkness. North? you okay, turning she saw the thunder lion lying beside her they were in a cave, yeah I'm good she said panting the memory still fresh in her mind.

Electrik eyes studying her trying to see beyond her soul, happy with the statement and the feelings he found within the girl. were are we Cos?

we are safe he answered a storm is coming.

North had a feeling he wasn't just talking about the weather.