
Omake: Two Demons and a Lonely Tree

Fujino couldn't help but grumble about his unfortunate situation, clinging to a tree like a koala just to stay alive.

How did he end up in this situation, you may ask?

He had just battled a demon using Demonic Assimilation. By the time he emerged victorious, the sun was beginning to rise, which brought him a sense of relief and the promise of a much-needed break.

However, there was one crucial detail he had overlooked—something that should have been obvious but slipped his mind.

Demonic Assimilation transformed him temporarily into a demon, bestowing him with enhanced regeneration and physical strength. What it didn't clarify was that it also came with the same vulnerabilities.

Sunlight, unsurprisingly, is the major weakness for demons.

So, you can imagine his shock when he suddenly felt the searing heat of fire. Confused and in agony, he realized he needed to find shelter quickly. Unfortunately, he was stranded in an open field with no shade in sight.

Except one lonely tree.

He sprinted toward it without hesitation, eager to seek shelter in its shade. Just like a League of Legends player dodges a shower, he was keen to escape the sunlight. However, his sense of relief was short-lived as he soon realized he wasn't alone.

A demon was already perched on the only branch sturdy enough to support its weight. Under normal circumstances, he would have fought it off, but he was separated from it by a batch of sunlight.

And as the sun continued to rise, his hiding spot was shrinking.

Naturally, the other demon seized the opportunity to mock him mercilessly.

"Hey, how's it going down there? Enjoying the view? I sure am! Hahaha!"

"Aww, what's wrong? Can't climb any higher? Too bad~"

"Ever wondered what ash tastes like? Who am I kidding, you'll find out soon enough!"

He was beyond furious; it was an understatement to say he was just angry. He wanted nothing more than to tear that demon apart, even force feeding it's own organs, and the longer he lingered, the more his rage intensified.

Fortunately, the effects of Demonic Assimilation wore off quickly. As soon as it did, a wild, predatory grin spread across Fujino's face as he turned to face the demon.

The demon, too busy laughing it's ass off, didn't notice Fujino calmly descending from the tree. It was oblivious as he pulled out his handmade stone axe.

The demon only realized something was wrong when it heard the sound of chopping. Its eyes nearly popped out of its head as it watched the "Demon" it had been mocking start to chop down the very tree it was hiding in.

It made no sense to the demon. They weren't supposed to stroll into the sunlight like it was just another day. The moment one stepped out, it faced the most excruciating death imaginable—worse than being decapitated by a Nichirin blade.

It didn't have time to ponder this as Fujino continued his work.

"W-wait a minute! Hold on! We can talk about this, okay? I'm sorry for mocking you—WAIT, NO PLEASE NO—AHHHHHHH!"

Its desperate pleas went unheard as the tree finally collapsed, trapping the demon beneath it.

Fujino watched as the demon met its end. All his anger and fury faded away, replaced by a sense of satisfaction.

But that feeling didn't last long.

"Oh come on! You're telling me I got no XP from that?!"

Not gonna lie I had fun writing this.

Zombie_mancreators' thoughts