

It's a story about the boy who came to Japan to heal his wounds. He's Gabriel Cooper. He was suffering for his whole life. His family don't love him and always blamed him for everything happened. He's lover abandoned him. Nobody wanted him. He lived with his mother's family in Sapporo, Japan. With he's uncle and his wife. He finally could feel the love and warmth of family. They loved him and excepted him just the way he was. One day he meet someone in convenience store near the neighborhood who was fierce and he had scars on his face. A mysterious man. Gabriel thought he was a bad guy. They often met. But they never talk or greet. Once Gabriel greeted him but he remained silent. He always there, every day and staring at the house. It was a mystery for Gabriel. Until two weeks before Christmas, that man came to his uncle's house. Who is he? Is he a really bad guy? A murderer?

Bumblebee_7614 · LGBT+
5 Chs

28 Days Before Christmas

It was a really cold day. I'm freezing here. "God. Give me a hug so I can be warm. Amen. "

Is it weird for you to know that I pray to God like that?  Please,  don't. I used to do that from my childhood because I didn't have anyone to talk to when I was in Seattle. Nobody wanted to talk to me in my house there. So I used to ask God for anything. I used to talk to Him when I was in a bad mood or happy mood. I didn't have anyone but Him. And thank God now I have a family here to share with. So I wouldn't be lonely anymore. I could talk to them whenever I wanted. But, it is a habit to pray or talk to Him. 

Have I told you about my boyfriend in Seattle? His name is Dante Luigi. I think I didn't tell you yet,  right? Yes. I had a boyfriend when I was in Seattle,  before I came here. He was my first love but not love at first sight. He was so annoying when we first met. How could I like an annoying man? 

He was five years older than me. He was twenty three years old and I was eighteen years old when we started dating. 

We met in front of one of gay bars in Seattle. He was smoking and staring at me at that time. I was there with my friend, Armand, to pick up his brother who was already unconscious or near death, I guessed he was so drunk when we arrived there. The man smiled at me. He had a gorgeous smile. And I smiled at him back. I did it because I have to be polite to people who greet me with a smile.

We carried my friend's brother out of the bar. But suddenly the man grabbed my hand and  said, " May I know you, boy? "

" Yeah. You can but I think this is not the right time. I'm in a hurry. So goodbye. " I said. He frowned. He kept staring at me. I think he was a little bit angry at my attitude. I didn't want to pay attention for him because there's something more important than him that I have to do. Armand's brother. 

" Hey!  Don't be rude! This is my number. Call me. Okay? " I heard he called me and ran to me. He put the paper in my pocket shirt. 

" Okay. " I nodded. We hurriedly ran to Armand's car and left the man alone. 

So after that day.. Eehhm.. a few days later I found the paper on my desk. So I texted him. 

" Hello. I'm Gabriel Cooper. The one who met you in the bar a few days ago. " I thought he was waiting for my call.

" Who the fuck are you? Texting me like that!" 

I got the fucking reply from him after an hour. It was so rude! I didn't like that. Nobody could treat me like that. Moreover,  he was a stranger. Who the fuck he thinks he is? But I still tried to be polite.

" Oh. Sorry!  Maybe I got the wrong person. Sorry! " I replied. 

But two days later I got a new text message and I knew it was from him because I hadn't deleted the previous message. 

" Hello. Are you the kid from the bar? " he texted. I knew he's being polite. But I don't care. 

I ignored the message. I didn't think I should reply. For what? After his rude message?  I don't think so! But he kept messaging me. It's annoying! I didn't care at the time. And then he stopped messaging me after he texted me with a few messages. But one week later we accidentally met in front of my house. But I think it's not accidently,  he did it on purpose. He came to my house! I really didn't have an idea what's wrong with him. He didn't know me. Why did he came to me in front of my house? 

" Hey. Kid! " he greeted me. 

"I'm not your kid! " I said rudely. I was annoyed by him earlier. I didn't think I should be polite to him. 

" Please don't be rude. I'm sorry,  okay. I was wrong. I forgot I gave you my number and I want you to call me. Because you didn't reply to my last message, I asked your address to Armand.  You're a friend of Armand,  right? I know his brother well. Can you forgive me? " he smiled. 

He had a beautiful smile so I instantly melted. I am so weak with a beautiful smile and handsome face. Don't laugh at me! It is true.  That's my weakness. And after that day,  we often met. Everywhere. So that's the beginning of my relationship with him. 

And I found myself falling in love with him after two weeks. How could I not? He was so gorgeous.  He smelled good, I love his smell. He also has a good body shape, he was so sexy and kind and very gentle to me. I'm so in love with him. And we started dating two months later. 

The earliest days when he was mine,  were beautiful days. I was so grateful that he came into my life. I never felt lonely anymore after he came to me. He was so patient with me. Always hearing me about all my problems. Never once did he got angry or impatient with me.  He was so gentle to me. He pampered me. He was the love I thought I should have…