
chp:2 start of a story

After asriel had hours of lectures about hero's from bell, they decided to go and have a check in with the doctor. "Is good to see that your up boy" said the doctor, asriel nodded " I feel much better than yesterday, thank you" said asriel, "don't mention it, but I'm still rather shocked by the wound and scars you have, how did you get it?" Asked the doctor, "I don't know, last thing I remember was that I was walking and stumbled upon bell and zeni being attacked by a creature, and the scars are personal" said asriel, " i see very well then I hope you recover soon and take good care of your self" said the doctor, "will do" said asriel with a bow and he went off with his brother and grandpa.

"Brother would you tell me a bit about you, if you want to" bell asked while walking back to the house. "yeah, I'm rather curious about you and your past" said grandpa, "I used to live in a village, with my sister and a sweet old lady we called grandma" explained asriel, "you used to have a sister?" Asked bell in surprise, "yes I used to have a sister that was blind from birth, we both lost our parents from a very young age" and started talking about himself and his past, leaving a lot of things out from it, mostly because of his memory loss and some due to wanting to keep some sensitive memories out.

"You were a knight!" Bell exclaimed after asriel finished his story. "Yes" said asriel, "so you are a hero, my brother is a hero!" bell exclaimed loudly, "keep it down" asriel said trying to calm down his brother from exploding from excitement. "yes but I don't think I can call myself a hero, it was only a title and was just a job" asriel said, "but the story always said that knights were hero's" bell said while still trying to calm himself, "not all knights are hero's, I learned that the hard way when I joined the knights for the kingdom, almost all knights were scums that had some thing in common, they wanted fame, wealth, and girls" said asriels.

"But you weren't like, were you? You went to keep your promise of becoming a knight that would give people a glimmer of hope" bell said. "Yeah, you may be right bu-" asriel tried to explain but was cut off by bell, "no buts brother, you were a hero, even if you didn't give a glimmer of hope to everyone, you did give it to those who you protected" bell said trying to make his brother happy, which it did since there was a smile on his brother, "thanks bell"

after walking in the house, a question came up to grandpa "Your a lion?" Grandpa asked, "yes, I'm a lion" asriel said, "can you tell more more about your race"said bell with excitement of hearing about a race he hadn't heard before, "the lion race is a powerful race, we are able to have children from other race and having the best possible traits of that race. We are prideful of are strength and power and skills by nature but we don't see other races as weakling but rivals for power, but other than strength and power, we see other races as equals" Asriel said, "wow, you're race sounds cool, but I never heard of " bell said " I don't think the lion race exists anymore" grandpa said, "oh… so we were wiped out" asriel said while making a fist, remembering some faint memories.

"what makes you say that?" Grandpa asked, "arcceia, the place that the lion race resided and was ruled by the lion kingdom, had enemies with other lands that was ruled by other races, so if something happened to my race, it was probably because of a war among other lands" Asriel said, while thinking about it, it just made him angrier.

"I'm sorry that happened to you" grandpa said, "its fine, it happened a long time ago, I had a long time to take it all in" asriel said, "its a new start for me, so it's probably best to leave that in the past and focus on what's ahead" asriel added. " I might not become a knight or hero again, but it's still something I want to try to do again." asriel added.

"I want to be hero too, and I have the perfect place we can go to become hero's " bell said excitedly, "oh where's that?" Asriel asked, "the labyrinth city, orario!" Said bell who was so excited to say that. "The labyrinth city huh, alright, we shall go there when we're ready, what do you think bell?" Asriel said with a small smile, "yes!" Bell said while excited. sudden growl left bell stomach. "Hehe it seems I'm hungry, I'll make breakfast!" bell said while walking out the door.

when bell left asriel asked something to grandpa, "I have a question grandpa" asriel said with a confused expression, "what is it son" asked grandpa, " you don't smell like a human" said asriel, grandpa eyes widened when he heard that. "We lions have a great sense of smell so we can distinguish races from others, but you smell different from a human" asriel explained, hearing that grandpa let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that he was caught.

"I'm not a human, I'm a god" grandpa explained, asriel was even more confused. "let me explain, we gods ascended from heaven to the mortal realm. We ascended to look for entertainment in The mortal realm" grandpa explains everything to asriel." So gods came to the mortal realm for entertainment huh, and you were the god named Zeus of a strong familia that got banished from orario after being defeated by a one eyed black dragon?"

"Yes two strong familias banished me after the defeat we suffered" grandpa added, "so does bell know?" asriel asked, "no bell doesn't know about my past or his parents past, is for his safety if he doesn't know just yet" grandpa said, "i understand, I won't tell him" asriel said. "Thanks my son" grandpa said.

"Breakfast is ready!" Bell shouted, "were going" asriel said, "let's go" asriel said. At the dinner table asriel asked "hey bell, would you like me to train you?", bell choked on his food after the sudden question "r-really!?" Bell said in excitement, "yes, I used to be a knight and was trained well, I have lots of experience so i could help you to learn combat before going to orario and possibly some abilities from the ancient times" asriel said, "yes yes yes, I would like that" bell said in more excitement.

Bell and asriel started training together, asriel had a second chance, he still has some doubts about it but he will try to become what he couldn't before, the glimmer of hope, and this time he won't fail again.

(1 year and a half time skip)

Clash of metal was heard around the village, a silver blue haired lion and a white rabbit were sparring, a group of girls where watching the two "wow there really working hard aren't they" a girl from the village said, another clash of metal smashing together was heard, " yeah there really out here clashing away for the past year and an half" another girl said.

"Look at the muscles on asriel" a girl said while drooling from the sight, "bells not lacking them either" another girl said. bell blocked down from asriel, bell went for a sweep kick on asriel legs, asriel dodges it and dashes forward and stops before he could cut bell "I win again" said asriel with a smile. "Will I ever win against you" bell said pouting and with a heavy breathing, "one day brother, one of these days, I do have more experience and knowledge and abilitys than you so it will take a while, but besides that I'm a lion that is stronger than any other race, so don't get your hopes up" asriel said, "I guess your right" bell said, "anyways let's go and take a shower, I'll make breakfast" asriel said while poking bells forehead.

"Please do, you make the best food I ever tasted" bell said in excitement, "alright let's go" said asriel. "Hey hotties" one of the girls said, "are you leaving already?", asriel and bell turned to look at the group of girls, bell with a nervous smile, and asriel with a blank expression, "why don't you hang out with us" one of the girls said an seductive voice, "we were just going to take a bath" bell said nervously, "can we join, won't be the first time we bathe together" said one of the girls while winking at bell, that made bell become red as a tomato.

"Wow bell, I didn't know you were like this, I thought you were innocent" asriel said with a grin, "that was a accident and it happened more than a year ago!." Bell said and tried to walk away but was grabbed and submerged in something soft, "you coming with us" said the girl that grabbed bell, "plea-" bell tried to speak but was dragged away, "so you coming" one of the girls named Akari said, "I'm not easily claimed" asriel said while dodging a grab from one of the girl, "boo hoo no fun" the girl that tried to grab asriel said, "well have fun with my brother" said asriel while walking away.

"ha with that your never getting the harem life you want asriel" grandpa said while standing up from a near by tree, " grandpa I know you changed my perspective on love, you even made me want a harem but I want the girls in my harem, my lovers to be special. not just girls that want me because I'm handsome. I want to earn there love by being the strong hero I wanted to be, be able to protect them and help them." Asriel said, "but don't get me wrong, they can still earn my love, I'm not blinded by my dream, I will still love those who love me back for who I am", Asriel added.

grandpa laughed heartily "I hope you become a great hero, and find a great fitting harem", "thanks gramps I hope so too" they exchanged the words and walked to the house. "Hey grandpa" asriel called out, "yeah what is it?" Grandpa asked, "I'm ready to go to orario" said asriel with a determined look," your ready to go?" Grandpa said. "yes, I think I trained bell enough to be able to stand up for himself, so I think we're are ready to go to orario." Asriel said, "beside that I earned enough money to travel to orario and live there without a problem" asriel said, "I don't have enough money" bell was heard behind them, seems he escaped from the girls, asriel and grandpa turned to bell, "it's okay bell, I think we can both survive off my money" asriel said but bell shook his head.

"Thanks for the offer brother but I don't want to dependent on you my whole life, I admire you and I wouldn't be strong without you but I want to be a hero too, not just a shadow" bell explained "I want to go to orario but I want to work to earn it, so I will save up and get to orario on my own" bell said with a determined look, "I see now" asriel said while nodded then smiled. "Okay then, I'll see you in orario then"

A few days went by and asriel was ready to start his journey to orario, "I'll miss you both, you both grown on to me, thank you for everything, you changed my mind on many things I thought I did not deserve, I thought I could not be happy or loved but you both made me feel those emotions, and I hope I can find the same love in a partner or more. I hope I can see you both again soon, especially you bell, I hope to see you in orario soon" asriel said while hugging both of them. "I'll miss you son" grandpa said while hugging him in a bear hug. "Sniff, sniff" bell was heard crying a little. "I wish best of luck to you asriel" bell finally said, "thanks bell" said asriel as he hugged bell hard.

the other villagers came up to say goodbye to asriel and to give him some presents from everyone, "here's some gifts to celebrate your special day of leaving to go to orario and give are gratitude for your help in the village this couple of months" said one of the older folk of the village, and gave him a blue coat with bottons.

it was smooth and warm with a white lion mane like shape on the hoodie part. Another gift was a large drawstring pouch bag with two pair of clothes and two smaller pouches, a leather round water bottle and lastly two leather black and dark blue armguard gloves , the right glove covers the whole arm up to the shoulder, and the other was regular, both has metal build in them, leaving the finger are expose. (medieval renaissance style gloves).

"Thank you" asriel said as he received his gifts from them. "We also have have the same gifts for bell when he leaves too but it seems you have to wait bell" the old folk said. "Really! Thank you" bell said in excitement, "alright I'm ready, and once again thank you" asriel said while waving and walking to the direction of orario, "be save and farewell".

He looked at the direction of the village until he could not see it, the sun was rising, giving a beautiful view to see.

"It's almost the same as when I travelled to the lion kingdom" asriel said while looking at the sky, getting Dejavú. He traveled alone back then and he travels alone again, but this time, this story won't be the same as last time, he will become the knight he once dreamed of.

1 week later

Asriel yawns and wakes ups, "is been a week now since I left and i haven't cross paths with anyone yet" asriel said while he jumped off the tree branch he slept on. the journey up to now isn't as bad, the monster i incountered up to now, aren't so bad .

Suddenly Asriel felt the rush of movement behind him and spun around to see five humanoid dogs sprinting towards him. "Kobolds," he muttered, dodging the first strike.

With lightning reflexes, he drew one of his four dull daggers. As his thoughts commanded, the blade turned a bluish black, as dark as the midnight sky. In swift motion, Asriel dashed towards two of the kobolds, his knife flashing. Within three seconds, both creatures lay in pieces, sliced cleanly in half.

The remaining kobolds hesitated only for a moment before charging at him. Asriel, without even glancing behind him, he sidestepped there attack. He readied himself to face the closes kobold, countering its strike with a swift, fluid motion. His knife sliced through the kobold like it was made of butter, the creature collapsing in two halves. Asriel stood amidst the chaos, his blade eating the dim light.

Asriel clenched his fist and thought, "Electric Creation." A spear of crackling electricity materialized in his hand. With a swift motion, he hurled it at the kobold, piercing through its chest and leaving a smoking hole.

The last surviving kobold, terrified by the sight of its fallen comrades, turned to flee. But Asriel, had no intention of letting his prey escape.

He dropped into a low stance, his eyes gathering information as fast as lightning, his body humming with power as he said "body enhancement" in his mind. "Electric Field," he thought, and the ground around him erupted into a shimmering carpet of electric sparks. Lightning danced across the earth, creating an electrified arena.

Raising his dagger, Asriel hovered his other hand over the blade and thought, "Electric Enchantment." The knife glowed an eerie blue, snapping with arcs of electricity. the weapon now a deadly conduit of his magic, and prepared to finish the hunt.

Then, with incredible speed, Asriel dashed towards the fleeing kobold, catching up to it in less than a second. He spun gracefully, his dagger trailing arcs of electricity. As he slashed through the kobold, a burst of electricity erupted from the blade. The kobold was vaporized in a matter of seconds, leaving nothing but a wisp of smoke in the air.

With heavy breathing he collapsed down on one knee, "im still a little rusty to do magic and abilities as complex as those" said with a sigh "but at least my magic and strength is enough to defeat enemies". his dagger now returning to its normal form began to crumble into pieces, "my weapons aren't as strong to withstand Ki or magic enchantment" Asriel said with another sigh, "I hope nothing else happens because I will be weapon less…I should of brought grandpa axe" Asriel thought with a sigh as he continued onwards.

Asriel continued his journey to orario, until he was stopped by a strange sensation that was through the air. "What's this feeling?" he muttered, his instincts shifting abruptly from calm to high alert. He found himself standing before two towering mountains, their peaks lost in the clouds.

Then, he saw it.

Emerging from the shadows between the mountains was a massive black dragon, its scales absorbing the light around it. The beast was at least 50 meters tall, a living nightmare of teeth and claws, one eye that looked like it could suck your soul out. Asriel's instincts flared wildly, his eyes flooding him with information. His heart pounded in his chest, but he stood his ground, eyes locked onto the shadowy creature that now dominated the landscape.

The black dragon advanced, each step shaking the ground beneath Asriel's feet. It drew closer until its enormous head loomed directly above him, lowering to bring its eye level with his. The dragon's hot breath washed over Asriel, carrying the scent of smoke and sulfur. For the first time since awakening, Asriel felt true fear; this creature was unlike anything he had ever faced.

The dragon radiated a powerful force, and Asriel's body crumbled under the weight of it. His head spun, his vision blurred. As the darkness closed in, he heard the dragon's deep, ominous voice resonate within his mind, "You possess the potential, but you are not yet prepared to face me as my ultimate adversary."

With those final words echoing in his mind, Asriel succumbed to the overwhelming force and fainted, falling into an abyss of unconsciousness.

His story truly began.

(Author notes)

To clarify some stuff here

What is The lion race.

The lions race are strong, powerful, and skillful by nature but there offsprings with other races are much stronger since they get the best possible traits and inherited abilities, traits, skills, and others of both parents race.

The lions can have children with other races like humans and amazonesses.

The only thing that the children will stay the same and show that there part of the lion race will be there strength, tail, and hair but other than that, apperence and traits like, skills, intelligence, and inherited will be of both parents.

lions and other beast humans tails will have a lion tail or a mix of there tails.

Lion appearance of the strength, tail, and hair will stay even when having children with a amazonesses.

To give example here

Elf and lion


Power:lion .

Intelligence: best of both parents

.excel at magic and intelligence (elf trait).

.Intelligence at skillful use of weapons and techniques (lion trait).

Skills:the best of both parents

lion skills and elf skills.

Inherited: both

Appearance: both parents

Tail: lion tail

Ears: Elf ears (elf ears are always going to be there)

Hair:lion hair

Hair color:either

Elf beauty

Eyes: lions eyes

Chienthrope and lion

Strength: lion

Power: lion

Intelligence:the best of both parents

Skills:the best of both parents

Appearance: both parents

Tail: lion tail or a mix of both tails

Ears: chienthrope ears or lion ears

Hair:lion hair

Heritage: a mix of both or full blooded lion.

Amazonesses and lion

strength : lion

Power: lion

Skills: best of both

Intelligence : best of both

Inherited : best of both

Appearance: both

Tail:lion tail

Ears: lions ear

Eyes:lion eyes

Hair: lion hair

Skin: amazonesses skin

Gender: female

There may or may not be more changes to this


(I won't give much details for now but this will be important later on)

The lions are prideful of there strength and power.

they don't see other races as weakling but as rivals.

(Asriel is pure lion btw his just naturally gifted with magic and other stuff that will be shown later on)

Bell will be in the story but for the next few chapters he won't be.

Kai is like haki from one piece but not quite the same.


"Leaving a lot of things out from it, mostly because of his memory loss and some due to wanting to keep some sensitive memories out."

This part was updated

The dragon is now 50 meters tall, half as large as a mountain was too big.
