
chp:3 arrival in orario

"The black dragon is right," a distant voice echoed.

"…Who is that?" Asriel asked, standing on a platform of pure white, suspended over an endless black pit.

"The black dragon is right," the voice repeated, now much closer.

"Right about what?" Asriel questioned, scanning the void.

"You have potential, but you aren't ready," the voice replied from behind him. Asriel turned to see a figure of pure white light with eyes that shone a misty blue.

"Ready for what? Fighting that dragon?" Asriel asked.

"The one-eyed black dragon saw that you have the power to fight him because you possess the potential to become something greater than you can imagine. But you aren't ready for that power yet, not until you find the answers," the figure of light said, the blue orbs in its eyes dimming and then shining with each word.

"Answers for what?" Asriel asked, his confusion growing.

"Are you willing to embrace both the good and the bad? Will you sacrifice yourself to give others hope? What defines a silver lining, and are you truly prepared to become that beacon of hope for others? Will you do anything to make it true?" the figure of light asked, its voice resonating deeply.

Asriel tried to respond, but the figure vanished, and the platform beneath him disappeared. He plummeted into the abyss of black, his mind swirling with the enigmatic questions left unanswered.

Asriel woke up to the gentle caress of the morning breeze, the grass swaying rhythmically around him. He lay on the ground, dazed, with one thought echoing in his mind: "Am I willing to do that?"

He stood up, brushing off the remnants of sleep, and began walking towards his destination—towards his choice, his answer, his destiny. "I haven't really thought about it," he mused, the enigmatic questions from his dream still haunting him. "Embrace the good and the bad? What does that even mean?"

Asriel pondered the voice's words. "Sacrifice myself to give hope to others? Would I do it?" The thought weighed heavily on him. "What defines a silver lining?" These questions puzzled him the most. "Am I ready and willing to become it?"

He realized he didn't have the answers. "I say I will, but I haven't done anything to prove it," Asriel admitted with a hint of shame. "How can I find the answers if I don't actively seek them?"

Resolute, Asriel made up his mind. "I'm going to find the answers, and I will show that I have what it takes," he declared, his steps now filled with determination.

The path ahead seemed clearer now, not just a journey to a physical destination, but a quest for understanding and growth. Asriel's heart swelled with resolve as he moved forward, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

Two weeks later…

"It's been three long weeks," Asriel thought. "But I finally made it to the city of Orario," he said, a smile spreading across his face as he saw the city on the horizon. He had reached the labyrinth city, the only place in the world with a dungeon where people came to become adventurers.

"I can just imagine my brother's face when he arrives," Asriel mused as he walked towards his destination. He wondered about the people and what the city would be like. The Kingdom of Lion hadn't been the best place, but it had nice people and was a good place to live. "I just hope the city of Orario isn't as bad," he thought.

"The line to get in is big" asriel whispered as he arrived to the gates. "There's about 200 people waiting" asriel thought as he made his way to the end of the line. He waited 2 hours until it was only 4 people were ahead from him. He was a bit confused because the price would go up and down with different people, sometime it would be 25,000 valis but the next person would of paid 50,000, he noticed that it was only one out five guards that was doing it, so he knew something was wrong here, he was the only one that noticed since he had pronounced hearing.

"Next in line" the guard that was rising the price ordered, when asriel stood in front of the guard, he saw that the guard had disgust in his eyes, and tsk at the sight of a young boy who was standing on the other side of his desk, "let's get this over with kid." The guard said in a annoyed voice.

of course he had to be a scum, orario is not looking good right now, then asriel had a vacant expression and said "okay" in a crisp voice.


"Asriel silver"




Asriel knowing he can't say lion person, since his the only one, as far as he knows, he said fast

"Cat person"

"Visiting reason"

"Become an adventurer"

The guard stopped writing down the information and gazed up on asriel and began to cackle, "you becoming a adventurer?" Said the guard mocking asriel, but asriel was unfazed. "Yes that's right" asriel said without hesitation and no emotion whatsoever, the guard snorted and asked "what just because you have a scar on your face, you think your tough? You probably got that scar from a goblin", the guard said still mocking asriel, "anyways you planning to stay here permanently, you will need to pay to 70,000 valis." The guard said while smirking at the boy his trying to rip off. "At least he has the brain cells to put two and two together and know I'm staying" asriel whispered.

asriel knowing that's not the right price, he said "okay" while gazing upon other people around them, until he found someone that looked of a higher rank, a tall beautiful azure short haired woman, orange battledress, the dress leaving her silky smooth looking shoulders exposed, she has yellow straps, one around her neck, two on her chest and anothers on her waist that goes around her and goes to her other side, smooth looking thighs that are strapped with a long tight, she has strict expression on her soft looking face. when he saw her, he proceeded with a plan he made up just a few second ago.

He took out his money pouch and starting getting out the 'money needed' to pay the permanent entree, he then 'mistakenly' dropped his coin pouch and 'accidentally' kicked a coin towards the person who he thought was a high rank. the guard tried to stop it from rolling but asriel used a bit of his magic to boost the coin forward, it rolled and bumped into the azure haired woman boot, the blue eyes gazed on the coin on the ground and then bend down to grab the coin and looked around the area for the owner, then saw the blue silver haired "cat" person who was on the ground picking up his coins.

The woman walked up to the silver haired cat and asked "is this yours?" While she kneeled down While reaching out her metal gloved hand with the coin in her palm . "yes thank you, I'm sorry for bothering you" asriel said while getting the the coin, "is just hard taking 70,000 valis to pay the entrance fee" asriel said with a smile, but the woman frowned "why are you taking that much out for the entrance fee?" The woman said With a confused voice. " is the price this guard told me" asriel said while pointing to the guard, when the guard heard that and saw the azure women gaze upon him with narrowed eyes, he turned white as a paper sheet.

"Let me help you pick up your valis" the woman said, asriel tried to say that it was okay but she didn't budge from helping him, so she helped him. Picking up the last coin, there hands collided, asriel hand on top of hers, "soft" asriel said, "huh" the azure haired woman heard and was staring at the boy, "oh sorry" asriel said,"is okay" the azure woman said but still looking at him curioursly.

"thank you for your help" asriel said and then turned back to the guard but was grabbed by the head and submerged in something soft. "Wait I need to talk to the guard, would you mind waiting" the woman said while holding on to asriel head. "sure" asriel said while being submerged in the softness, "okay then" she said with a beautiful smile but when walking while the woman still holding his head and submerged in her soft bosom, the smile vanished and was replace with a cold eyes and frown that was directed towards the guard, that was now just frozen solid from fear.

her palm met the desk with a vigorous slam, the guard could only stare, even asriel was a little shaken from her slam. "You have less then 15 minutes to vacate your position and find a raplacement for your position and surrender yourself to the guild this instead" the woman said with crisp voice. The guard could only nod and ran off, the azure haired woman grabbed the form and then took asriel through the gates of orario, while doing that he swore he felt many jealous eyes upon him but he was soon in a room with a desk. The woman finally let go of the asriel head, releasing him from the softness of her chest, she went and sat on top of the desk, reading the form of Asriel,"on behalf of the city guards, i apologize mister silver" the azure haired woman said, "it seems the guard gave you the inaccurate amount of money you needed to pay".

"Oh really?" Unlike his brother, his a master of lies, but even so the woman eye that gazed upon him narrowed, maybe he isn't great as he thought.

"You knew, didn't you?"

Asriel just nodded and looked at her with surprise face, and he then explained that he had a suspicion about the guard antics since he heard that the price would go up and down for people. the azure haired woman just sat there and heard him while crossing her arms under her breast, making Asriel just look straight to the woman azure eyes.

When he was done the azure hair woman walked over to him and just gave him a breath taking smile. "You should smile more miss, it makes you more beautiful than you are now" asriel said, that comment made the azure woman cheeks blush a little. "thank you mister silver for the compliment" said with a smile, "my name is shakti, shakti varma"

"Nice to meet you, miss varma, and thank you for the help" Asriel said while smiling at shakti. "It was nothing but now, what do you say that we put the permanent fee at 15,000 valis? It was originally 25,000 but since you had trouble, is a discount for your troubles and for helping stop the scum from doing more harm, what do you say?" Shakti finish and asriel instantly said "deal".

"Great!" Shakti said while putting a hand on Asriel shoulder, and smiling at him, she truly was a beauty. "okay then have a nice stay at orario" shakti said and then sent him back to the world and gave him directions to guild since she saw on his form that he was staying to become a adventurer.


(This part was inspired by "and so, bell cranel became a hero" fanfic )

Asriel walked around the city before heading to the guild, thinking it was wise to familiarize himself with his surroundings first. The city was truly amazing—vast and bustling, with a diverse mix of people from different races. The kingdom of lion had had mostly lion and mix lions of different race and multiple races but not many like orario.

"Hehe, it might even be bigger than the Kingdom of Lions," Asriel thought. "We took pride in how large our kingdom was, but this place is truly immense."

A growl from his stomach interrupted his thoughts. "Huh, it seems I'm hungry," Asriel chuckled. He realized he hadn't eaten all day, and with the sun setting, it was time to find some food.

Asriel wandered through the city, passing food stands and restaurants. Some were closed, others too expensive, and many just didn't look appealing. He sighed in frustration. "Isn't there any good food around here that's open?" he murmured.

"Are you looking for somewhere to eat?" a voice asked from behind him. Asriel turned to find a beautiful green-haired elf with sky-blue eyes and skin as white as snow. She wore a white frilled headband, a green maid outfit with a white apron, and black leggings paired with brown boots. She carried bags of groceries in both hands, her expression calm but stoic.

"A fairy?" Asriel blurted out. The elf looked at him confused.

"Ah, sorry, it's just that you look beautiful, like a fairy with your snow-white skin," Asriel explained. "But anyway, you asked if I was looking for a place to eat, didn't you?" Asriel said, something felt off about having a angry elf stare at him, it made him feel uncomfortable, more than other races but he doesn't know why.

"Beautiful?" The elf thought

The elf's questioning gaze remained, but she responded, "Yes, that's correct."

Asriel nodded. "Yes, I'm looking for a place to eat, but I haven't found anywhere good." His stomach growled.

"I see," the elf said, her face still stoic but her eyes softening slightly. "I work at a pub where we serve food. Would you like to eat there?"

Asriel's eyes lit up and his tail wagged in a slow motion left and right . "Yes, please!" His enthusiasm elicited the faintest hint of a smile from the elf, which quickly faded.

"Okay, follow me," she said.

Asriel followed the elf through the bustling streets to the pub where she worked.

5 hours earlier. A certain trickster goddess familia exit the dungeon.

A large group from a renowned familia emerged triumphantly from the dungeon. Leading the procession were three top executives, followed by four seasoned executives, and five capable second-string members.

"Tonight, we party!" a jovial dwarf declared, raising his hammer high and laughing heartily. The group erupted in cheers.

"I don't usually say this, but a celebration is indeed warranted for this victory," said a beautiful elf woman with jade-green hair.

"Ha, even the old hag finally has the right idea," said a gruff, silver-haired wolfman, a sly grin on his face.

The jade-haired elf glared at the wolfman, but before she could respond, a golden-haired, hazel-eyed elf woman stepped in. "How dare you speak to Lady Riveria like that, you mutt!" she snapped, her glare fixed on the silver-haired wolf, ready to strike.

"Thank you for the help, Alicia, but I can take care of myself. I don't need special treatment," Riveria said calmly.

"But, Lady Riveria…" Alicia protested, glancing between Riveria and the wolfman, her eyes still smoldering with anger.

"I know you mean well, but I don't like special treatment," Riveria said, turning her glare towards the wolfman. "As for you, Bete, you're going to regret those words." She began chanting her magic, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Hell no," Bete muttered, darting away towards the Twilight Manor, their headquarters, deftly dodging Riveria's spells.

"Ha, Momma's angry!" a blonde prum quipped with a grin.

"Shut up, Finn," Riveria snapped, her focus unwavering.

The scene was electric, with magic crackling in the air and the group watching in a mix of awe and amusement as Bete sprinted for safety

They arrived at the Twilight Manor, and as they entered, their goddess appeared. "Welcome back!" exclaimed the red-haired, flat-chested goddess, Loki, running to greet her familia members. She tried to hug or more precise grope a certain blonde-haired girl, but the girl gracefully dodged.

"No, Loki," the blonde girl said with a blank expression, walking off, followed by an orange-haired elf girl.

"Why so mean, Ais-pu?" Loki pouted.

"But anyway, how was the expedition?" Loki asked her captain.

"It went well. We reached level 59 with only minor problems," Finn, the captain, reported.

"That's good to hear!" Loki said excitedly. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"It's party time. Make a reservation at the Hostess of Fertility," Loki declared with a grin.

3 hours later

"Nyaa the big party reservationyaa is here, mama"said a brown haired cat girl to the owner of the pub, Mia grand.

"You better be paying a hefty amount Loki" said Mia with threatening voice.

"Oh don't worry mama, I will" said Loki with a smile and her signature eyes that are close. "I brought here all my top members to celebrate their successful expedition". behind her was Finn,riveria, and gereth, her top executive, then was ais, bete, and two twin sisters named, tione and tiona, her executive. lastly where some of her second strings, named, lefiya, anakitty, Alicia, Raul, and Cruz.

"Alright, let's get this party started" said Loki

"Hey ryuu, since syr is not here, go get the groceries" said Mia in demanding tone.

"Yes, mama" said ryuu and headed of to get the groceries.

present time.

"He thought I was a fairy and said I looked beautiful without any kind of lust or deceit in his voice and eyes," Ryuu mused. Before she could dwell on the thought, a voice pulled her back to reality.

"What's your name?" Asriel asked, noticing the elf woman seemed lost in her thoughts.

"You can call me Ryuu," she replied, her composure returning. "And yours?"

"My name is Asriel Silver," he answered.

"Nice to meet you, Mister Silver."

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Ryuu."

They walked a bit further before Asriel spoke again. "Thank you for helping me find a place to eat. You're the second person who has helped me since I arrived here, and I'm truly grateful."

"Oh, you're not from here?" Ryuu asked curiously.

"Yes, that's true. I just got here a few hours ago," Asriel explained.

"I see," Ryuu said, nodding.

After a few more minutes of walking, Ryuu stopped. "We've arrived," she announced.

Asriel looked at the building before them. The establishment stood on a charming, brick-lined street. It was two stories tall, with double doors adorned with decorative carvings. A sign above read "Hostess of Fertility."

"Let's go in," Ryuu said, and they entered together.

inviting atmosphere of the pub greeted them, filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses of adventurers, promising a hearty meal

in the hostess of fertility

Finn raised his mug in the air and stood up. "Drink up until you can't anymore! We've achieved something great today—we made it to floor 59 and wrote our legacy in the history books!" he declared. The group erupted in cheers, their spirits high.

The celebration grew even livelier as the night went on. The waitresses worked tirelessly, bringing out drinks and food for the large party. The diverse mix of races in the Loki Familia made them all the more interesting. They joked and teased each other, discussing their achievements. Amid the merriment, the trickster goddess Loki planned her perverted attack on a certain blonde woman.


Loki was smacked by the blonde woman as she tried to grope her breast. "Ouch! What was that for, Ais-pu?" Loki whined, rubbing her head with crocodile tears in her eyes.

"Don't touch me," Ais said with a blank expression.

"But you're my favorite, Ais-pu," the perverted goddess pouted.

"Go away, Loki!" Riveria interjected with her stern, motherly tone.

"You both are so mean," Loki complained. She turned around and started drinking, then had an idea. "Hey, Mama Mia, give me your strongest dri—"

"Don't you even try," Riveria cut her off, knowing exactly what Loki had in mind.

"Never mind," Loki said, pouting. "You should chill out, Riveria."

"I will not. You'll do anything to get Ais drunk, and the last time that happened, she almost destroyed the place. And for what? Just so you could grope her? I will not let you do that," Riveria said firmly. She then ordered Lefiya, Tione, and Tiona to take Ais back home.

"Aww, come on, I wanted to stay by the captain's side," Tione pouted, crossing her arms.

"Ah, you should go, Tione," Finn replied with a weary smile.

Tione could only pout and reluctantly agree, knowing it was a suggestion from the captain.

"You should really take her as your wife, Finn. She's madly in love with you," Riveria said.

"No, Riveria, I would only accept a Pallum wife," Finn responded without hesitation. Riveria rolled her eyes and moved on to other matters. Even from afar Tione heard his words and walked away, feeling a pang of hurt in her chest.

The group continued their celebration, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement and camaraderie, while Riveria kept a watchful eye on Loki, ensuring the night remained under control.

Ryuu and Asriel made their way into the pub.

"Welcome bac—" Anya started to greet Ryuu but stopped when she saw Asriel. "You brought a cat boy, Ryuu?" she said, giving a teasing smile.

"I only brought him because he was looking for a place to eat," Ryuu said quickly, maintaining her calm, stoic demeanor. "Please sit over there, and I'll assist you after I take these groceries to the backroom," she added before leaving.

"She brought a cat cutey with a nice butt," a black-haired cat girl said with hungry eyes.

Asriel tried to ignore the hungry gaze and teasing look of both cat girls and walked to the place Ryuu had indicated.

He looked around and noticed a large group having a party. "Excuse us," a golden haired girl elf with a ponytail said. Some of the middle large group looked at direction but didn't seem interested and went back to partying.

Asriel nodded, "yes sure" said with a smile, and watched as four people walked off. An energetic Amazoness shouted, "thank you cat boy," before following a blank expression blonde girl, the elf and another Amazon that looked down.

"What a interesting group of people" asriel thought, while looking at the rest of the group in the middle.

Asriel arrived at the bar where Ryuu had directed him. Soon, Ryuu returned. "Okay, what may I get you?" she asked.

Asriel glanced at the menu. "May I have the steak deluxe, please?" he requested.

"Okay," Ryuu replied and went to the back.

A few minutes later, he smelled something familiar and looked to his right. He saw a red-haired woman who was a goddess. She approached the bar and asked the dwarven woman for something. The dwarf handed her two cups of liquid, probably water.

A few minutes later, the dwarven woman approached Asriel with a smile. "Here's your food and some extras, but don't think you'll get a discount on my food," she said with a big grin.

"Thank you, miss," Asriel replied.

"Call me Mama Mia," she said.

"Okay, Mama Mia," Asriel responded, smiling back.

The pub buzzed with activity, laughter, and the clinking of glasses, creating a warm and lively atmosphere as Asriel settled in to enjoy his meal.

"Hey, Ryuu," said Mia.

"Yes, Mama?" Ryuu replied.

"Why don't you talk to him a bit? You seem to like him," Mia said with a smirk, side-eyeing a cat happily eating its steak.

"W-what do you mean?" Ryuu's stoic nature cracked slightly, making Mia's smirk widen.

"You've been glancing at him for a while. What Did he tell you that you look beautiful?" Mia teased, and Ryuu allowed a small smile to escape.

"See? Go talk to him," Mia encouraged. She cared for her waitresses like there were her own daughters, and seeing this new side of Ryuu, she knew Ryuu was developing some sort of feelings for him.

"No, I can't," Ryuu said hesitantly.

"Leave your past behind," Mia urged ryuu.

Ryuu once again tried to decline Mia suggestion but Mia glared at her, "go now" said Mia in a demanding voice. Ryuu Just agreed at that point, "hello mister silver" said Ryuu, "oh hello miss Ryuu" said asriel after gulping a cup of water. "may I sit?" Ryuu said in her stoic manner but it was a bit off.

"Sure" said asriel.

"So are you a adventurer?" Said Ryuu While looking at his 3 daggers, "well not yet, I haven't registered yet at the guild" Asriel said and they started a conversation.

Ryuu really liked talking to Asriel but she knew that talking and possibly being friends is the only thing she can do.

After an half an hour of talking and asriel finishing his food it was time for them to close.

"Did you like the food?" Ryuu said, "yeah it was very tasty" said asriel. Suddenly a loud noise came from the middle table, "excuse me but I need to go and teach this goddess a lesson" a beautiful jade haired elf woman said and walked off with a drunk redhead goddess.

"we should get going too I guess" said a dwarf, "thank yer for the food" added the dwarf and left a huge amount of valis on the table. "Yeah everyone beat it" Mia said.

Everyone in the pub left.

Asriel was startled by a sudden noise, his sensitive ears twitching. He dropped his fork and bent down to pick it up, but his hand brushed against something smooth. Ryuu had tried to pick it up too. For a moment, Asriel held her hand.

"C-c-can you let go of my hand, please?" Ryuu asked nervously, her stoic demeanor fully gone at that moment.

"Oh, sorry," Asriel said, quickly releasing her hand.

"It was an accident," Ryuu murmured with a shaky voice. She thought, "I let him touch my hand without doing anything to him. Alise, is he the one?" She shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought. "I can't."

"I guess I should be going too" said asriel and stood up, "thank you again, miss Ryuu" said asriel "come again please mister silver" said Ryuu while waving goodbye at the door but Asriel froze. "Is something wrong?" Asked Ryuu in confusion of why he stopped, "someone is screaming for help" said asriel and looked at a direction of a alley way, Ryuu also heard it too, Asriel started running and Ryuu got a knife and followed him.

A 20 minutes ago

"Alicia I told you I don't need special treatment to win my own battles" said riveria to Alicia who was over protective " but lady riveria, you are a princess, I need to protect you" said Alicia, "I never thought highly of the title princess, I only want to be treated as a regular person" said riveria, "but your not" Alicia said, that made riveria glared at her, that made her back down.

"You should really calm down mama" said Loki, "here have a glass of water" said Loki while putting a glass of water, this is obviously something else, "I have a cup too, so you can stop judging me" said Loki

"Switch cups" riveria said while looking at Loki with menacing eyes, Loki planned this, loki had the special cup, so she switched it and drank it. But little did Loki know both cups were special, it took a few minutes for the effect to appear but then it hit Loki hard, and then riveria glared at her and slammed her hand on Loki, then said "excuse me but I need to go and teach this goddess a lesson" said riveria and left with the goddess, the other members followed, except one that drank the cup of water that Loki gave riveria.

Alicia drank the water by mistake, too distracted to notice she had grabbed the wrong cup. Being the last to leave, the effects of the special drink soon hit her. She became so disoriented that she couldn't tell where she was going. "I feel sick," Alicia muttered, stumbling in a daze. "Where am I even going?" she wondered as she wandered into an alley.

4 male humans were walking until they stumbled upon a drunken elf, all four grinned at the sight of a beautiful drunken elven woman. "Looks like is are lucky day" said one of the male humans. They surrounded her, "stay back" Alicia screamed and tried to get her sword out but realized she was unarmed. "Oh let us have a little fun" said one of the males and grab her from her shoulder, Alicia punched him. "You bitch" said the male and slapped her and made her fall on the ground and back to a wall.

"H-help, someon please help!" Alicia screamed for help. "No one is going to help you" said a male and force himself on her.

Present time

Asriel ran, and from a distance, he saw four men surrounding an elf woman, one forcing himself on her. Rage consumed him at the sight. Ryuu watched as Asriel's anger grew, seeing his fist clench and sparks of electricity crackle around it. A lightning-like bow formed in his hand, unlike any magic she had seen before. Asriel fired an arrow of electricity at the man on top of the girl. The arrow shot forward with incredible speed, leaving a trail of sparks in its path.

The arrow burst into a cascade of sparks upon impact, sending the man flying off the woman in a dazzling trail of electricity. The woman remained unharmed, shielded from the electrical surge. The other three men stared in awe as their comrade was hurled away by the electric arrow. Turning towards the source of the attack, they saw two figures approaching through the haze of residual sparks.

The men braced themselves for a fight as Asriel and Ryuu advanced. One lunged at Asriel, but he swiftly dodged by dropping into a low crouch. His fist crackled with electricity as he delivered a powerful fist to the chest, sending the attacker reeling. Following through, Asriel unleashed a backward right kick, electrified with crackling energy, that launched the man into a wall. Sparks danced along the man's body as he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Ryuu turned her attention to another man. Moving with lightning speed, she was a blur, impossible to track. The man barely had time to react before she stabbed him in the shoulder. With a fluid motion, she hurled him into the wall, where he crumpled into the ground.

The third man, seeing his comrades fall, charged at Asriel with a desperate roar. Asriel sidestepped effortlessly, then summoned a surge of electricity that crackled around his body. a left hook to the jaw, an electrified jab to the chest, a knee to the stomach, an elbow to the back, and finally a powerful right cross that sent the man sprawling, unconscious before he hit the ground.

The last attacker, visibly shaken, tried to flee, but Ryuu was faster. She intercepted him with a swift kick to the chest, knocking the wind out of him. As he gasped for breath, she finished him with a spinning kick that sent him crashing into a pile of crates.

Ryuu was surprised by how good asriel fought. Asriel calmed down and went to check on the elf, "good she's unharmed" Asriel said while looking at the beautiful elf, "she passed out though" he added. "She can rest in my room" Ryuu said, "okay then" said asriel and picked up the golden haired elf, "she looks familiar" Asriel thoght but brushed it off "probably from the big group from the pub" he thought and walked with the golden haired elf in his hands.

Ryuu looked at him carrying the elf, "he really went to help her without hesitation," Ryuu thought while looking at him with a smile, "I'm going to tie these scums together" Ryuu said, "okay" said asriel.

Asriel after putting the elf to bed in Ryuu room, he left and went back to Ryuu, "I guess I should go now" Asriel said, "okay, mister silver, bye" Ryuu said, "can you call me by my first name" Asriel asked, "o-okay asriel" Ryuu said. "Please, come again soon asriel " added Ryuu, "I promise" Asriel said with a smile, which Ryuu returned but smaller

Saying there final goodbye, Asriel left and Ryuu went inside.

"It's been a long day," Asriel said, yawning. "I should probably find an inn." He looked around and wandered into a narrow alleyway, where he found a quaint establishment. A sign reading "The Quiet Inn" hung above the door, with a smaller sign beneath it proclaiming, "The rooms are quiet and soundproof.". The entrance was adorned with lovely blue flowers in pots suspended by chains.

"This should do," Asriel said to himself, stepping inside. he was greeted by a warm, inviting atmosphere. He saw a bell and rang it, then a old lady appeared behind the counter and smiled at him. "Welcome to The Quiet Inn," she said kindly.

"Hello," Asriel replied. "Do you have any rooms available?"

"Yes, I recently opened up, and you're my first guest," the old lady said with a warm smile. "For being my first customer, it'll cost 1,200 valis a night, young man."

"Great, thank you very much," Asriel said, smiling back. The old lady handed him a key, and he made his way to his assigned room.

The room was serene, the silence almost tangible. It felt like a peaceful sanctuary after a long day. Asriel took off his coat and gloves and then went to lay down on the bed, feeling the comfort of the quiet envelop him. "I should go check in at the guild tomorrow and then find a familia to join," he thought. With that, he drifted off to sleep, the tranquility of the inn lulling him into a deep, restful slumber.

“Leaving a lot of things out from it, mostly because of his memory loss and some due to wanting to keep some sensitive memories out.” this part was updated from the previous chapter.

Drago_fl7creators' thoughts