
Season 2: Episode 10 - Vulcans

Episode 10 - Vulcans

Stardate: 41176.2

Earth Standard Date: March 05, 2364.

Location: USS Enterprise-D, Interstellar Space, Alpha Quadrant

Tyson stepped out of the senior staff meeting. The bridge of the USS Enterprise-D felt alien to him, despite the familiar faces of the officers he'd known from the show and met when he first arrived in this world. The past hour had been a whirlwind of probing questions as he recounted his extraordinary journey. Tyson had done his best to describe the bizarre series of events that had unfolded after he'd been unexpectedly teleported off the Enterprise's bridge. He'd painted a vivid picture of the Orion Tramp Freighter being pulled through the anomaly, and his brief moment of consciousness on its bridge before waking up in an entirely different galaxy.

As he made his way down the corridor, Tyson's mind wandered back to the expressions on the faces of the senior staff. Commander Riker had leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration, while Counselor Troi's empathic gaze had never left Tyson's face. Data, ever the curious android, had peppered him with questions.

Tyson recalled describing the city planet Taris. "Imagine a world entirely covered in Towering skyscrapers that stretch as far as the eye can see, with levels upon levels of urban sprawl beneath them. Think of it as a less polished version of Earth's major cities, but covering an entire planet."

The concept of Jedi had been particularly difficult to convey. "They're like... space wizards," Tyson had explained, cringing inwardly at the oversimplification. "They can manipulate this energy field called the Force. It allows them feats like Betazed empathy along with a host of other psionic and physical abilities." He remembered the raised eyebrow of Captain Picard at that description. The captain had leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled, as Tyson went on to describe the Sith. "They're the dark counterpart to the Jedi," he'd said. "They use the Force for power, for domination. It's like they tap into the darkest parts of themselves and channel it."

As Tyson approached the turbolift, he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of describing his various misadventures. It all seemed so fantastical now, standing back in the corridors of the Enterprise.

The turbolift doors opened with a soft whoosh, and Tyson stepped inside. "Deck 8," he requested. As the lift began to move, he leaned against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment.

The final part of his explanation concerned his encounter with Q and subsequent return to the Enterprise. Tyson had watched as the senior staff exchanged knowing glances at the mention of the omnipotent being. The turbolift came to a stop, and Tyson opened his eyes as the doors slid open. He stepped out onto Deck 8, making his way toward his assigned quarters.

He mumbled a thanks to Q. The trickster's dramatic exit after their discussion had eased Tyson's reintroduction to the Enterprise-D. The crew dismissed his disappearance and return as nothing more than the whims of Q.

As he walked, Tyson's mind drifted back to the captain's final words in the meeting. Picard's cultured voice echoed in his memory. "Well, it sounds like you had quite the adventure, Mr. Tyson. I must say, I'm rather surprised that Q chose to bring you back here instead of to your own time. Nevertheless, we welcome you back to the Enterprise, and I assure you that our offer of asylum still stands."

Tyson had nodded gratefully at the confirmation that he still had a place on the ship. "Thank you, Captain," he'd replied, "I appreciate your hospitality more than I can express."

The door to his quarters slid open as he approached, revealing the same space he'd left behind what felt like a lifetime ago but in actuality was closer to a week. Tyson stepped inside, his eyes roaming over the sparse but comfortable furnishings.

He moved to the viewport, gazing out at the stars streaking by at warp speed. The sight, once so awe-inspiring, now seemed almost quaint.

A chime at the door broke him from his reverie. "Come in," Tyson called, turning from the viewport.

The door slid open to reveal Counselor Troi, her empathic dark eyes filled with concern. "I hope I'm not intruding," she said, her voice gentle. "I thought you might appreciate a friendly face after such an intense debriefing."

Tyson managed a small smile. "Not at all, Counselor. Please, come in."

Troi stepped into the room, her gaze sweeping over Tyson's face. "How are you feeling?" she asked, moving to sit in one of the chairs by the small table.

Tyson sank into the chair opposite her, running a hand through his hair. "Honestly? I'm not sure. It's all so... surreal. Part of me still can't believe I'm back here."

Troi nodded, her expression understanding. "It's perfectly normal to feel disoriented after such an experience. You've been through an extraordinary journey, Tyson. It will take time to process everything you've seen and done."

"I know," Tyson sighed. "It's just... I was starting to build a life there, you know? I had friends and allies. I was learning to use the Force. And now..."

"And now you're back here, feeling as though you don't quite fit anymore," Troi finished for him.

Tyson nodded, grateful for her insight. "Exactly. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful to be back on the Enterprise. It's just..."

"It's not home," Troi said softly.

"No," Tyson admitted.

Troi leaned forward, her dark eyes capturing Tyson's gaze. "Change is never easy, especially when it's thrust upon us so suddenly. But you've shown remarkable resilience, Tyson. You adapted to an entirely new universe, and you'll adapt to this transition as well. Keep in mind that there are many crew on the Enterprise feeling the same way. The ship is reasonably new and the crew is still getting familiar with each other."

Tyson appreciated her words. "Thank you, Counselor."

Troi smiled warmly. "You're welcome. Now, why don't you tell me more about these Jedi? I'm particularly interested in their empathic abilities."

She leaned forward, her dark eyes sparkling with curiosity as Tyson began to explain. "The Force," he said, his voice taking on a reverent tone, "It's a connection to everything around you, living and non-living. In a way, it's like empathy, but on a cosmic scale."

"Fascinating," Troi murmured. "Since you're half-betazoid like me, can you explain how this interacts with your inherent empathy?"

Tyson paused, considering his response. "It was... complementary, in a way. My empathic abilities as a half-Betazoid gave me a foundation, a sort of... baseline sensitivity to others' emotions. The Force amplified that, but also expanded it."

He stood up and began to pace, his hands moving animatedly as he spoke. "I imagine your empathic abilities, are better than mine, Counselor. Since you've lived with them your whole life. For me, using the force is like being able to sense not just emotions, but intentions, and the very life force of beings around you. It was overwhelming at first."

He closed his eyes for a moment. "When I unlocked the ability to use the Force, I was granted a baseline knowledge."

"That sounds incredibly helpful," Troi observed.

Tyson nodded, opening his eyes. "It was. It's hard to describe how deep and... beautiful everything became. Imagine feeling the pulse of life all around you. And then, as your awareness expands, feeling the connections between all those life forms."

She smiled warmly. "You've been through an extraordinary experience, and you're still adjusting. The key will be learning to integrate these new abilities into your life in a way that feels comfortable."

"You're right," he said, "But enough about me. What's been going on here? I feel like I've been gone for ages."

Troi's lips curved into a gentle smile. She adjusted her posture, settling more comfortably into her seat before responding.

"In truth, not much has transpired since your disappearance," she began, her tone measured and calm. "We maintained our position for a day after you vanished, hoping the anomaly might reappear. The bridge crew ran continuous scans, and Data worked tirelessly to analyze the sensor logs from the incident."

The thought of the Enterprise waiting for him, scanning empty space, for signs of the Q-caused anomaly made him smile. "And then?" he prompted.

Troi continued, "When it became clear that the anomaly showed no signs of reemerging, Captain Picard made the difficult decision to depart the system. We've been traveling at Warp 7."

"Where are we headed?" he asked.

"We're en route to rendezvous with a science vessel," she explained. "They've been studying a collapsing red supergiant star. It's a rare opportunity to observe such an event up close."

Tyson hummed in thought. "A collapsing supergiant? How long until we reach them?"

"It will be almost two weeks before we arrive," Troi replied. She stood, moving to join Tyson at the viewport. "We had just left Farpoint Station when you first arrived on the Enterprise. Farpoint is, excuse the term, far from the core of the Federation. We have an itinerary of tasks and missions that we must attend to, while gradually making our way back."

Tyson nodded, his gaze returning to the stars. Two weeks. It seemed like an eternity. "I suppose that gives me some time to... readjust," he murmured, more to himself than to Troi.

The counselor placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her touch conveying understanding and support. "Indeed it does," she agreed. "And we'll all be here to help you through that process, Tyson."

— Star Jumper —

Tyson led Counselor Troi to the door of his quarters. "Thank you for checking on me, Counselor," he said, his voice warm with sincerity. "And for spending this time with me."

"It's my pleasure, Tyson. Remember, my door is always open if you need to talk further."

As the counselor's footsteps faded down the corridor, Tyson reentered his quarters. He held up his Access Key to the door. The familiar swoosh of the Enterprise's doors filled his ears, but the sight that greeted him was far from the starship corridor. Instead of the grey of the Enterprise-D's hallway, an antechamber opened up before him. This was the entrance to his Personal Reality, a pocket dimension that he had control over. Tyson stepped inside, the door closing behind him with a soft hiss.

Doors lined the right wall of the antechamber, each one was an Inter-Reality Connecting Door, a portal to a different time or universe. One led directly to T'Pol's quarters aboard the NX-01 Enterprise. The other was connected to Vicky's personal quarters aboard the Leviathan in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe.

But as fascinating as these portals were, they weren't Tyson's primary concern. His mind was focused on a more pressing matter; the 147 Vulcans currently residing in the Medical Bay of his Personal Reality. The memory of their rescue from the Seleya, a Vulcan D'Kyr class cruiser stranded in a Trellium-D asteroid field, was still fresh in his mind. He had saved them, along with T'Pol, from certain doom. But now they would be waking up in a reality far removed from their own.

"Ivy, are you with me?" Tyson asked, his voice echoing slightly in the empty antechamber.

There was a moment of silence, then a familiar presence made itself known. Within Tyson's HUD, a virtual display in his field of view, gained when he entered the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe, an avatar of his Companion Vicky manifested. This virtual intelligence did not have direct communication with Vicky, in the way of a hivemind, she was more like a personal copy stored within his armor. Tyson had named her Ivy so that he could mentally separate her from the true Vicky.

Ivy appeared as a holographic projection, visible only to him.

"Of course, I'm here," Ivy replied, her voice a mix of amusement and affection. "Do you need something?"

Tyson couldn't help but smile at her familiar tone. "No, I just wanted to make sure you were there. Haven't heard from you in a while."

Ivy's avatar rolled her eyes. "Miss me that much, did you?" she teased.

"Of course," Tyson responded without hesitation. As if in response to his words, he felt his Gray Goo Suit constrict gently around him, simulating a comforting hug.

"I'm always here," Ivy assured him, her voice softening.

Tyson nodded, grateful for her constant presence. Vicky had started as a V-KO IV Nursedroid, a curious hybrid of nurse android and sexbot. But through spending his Character Points, Tyson had upgraded her into something far more complex. She had become his trusted Companion and irreplaceable ally.

With Ivy's reassuring presence, Tyson approached the door leading to T'Pol's quarters on the NX-01 Enterprise. If anyone could help him navigate the delicate situation with the rescued Vulcans, it would be her. As he neared the door, Tyson felt his Gray Goo Suit shift and reform, taking on the appearance of a Starfleet uniform from that era. Though he felt subtle differences; Ivy hadn't skimped on his defenses, there were thin cortosis and beskar plates woven into the uniform.

"Thanks," he mumbled to Ivy, knowing she was responsible for the quick change.

Tyson placed his hand on the door. No sensation revealed he was crossing between universes, to him, it felt no different than stepping between rooms.

T'Pol's quarters were sparse by human standards, but each item was carefully chosen and placed. The air was slightly warmer and drier than the Enterprise-D. The soft glow of meditation candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, filling the air with a faint, spicy aroma.

T'Pol herself was seated on a meditation cushion, her eyes closed in deep concentration. Her short-cropped hair, bangs, and pointed ears were quintessentially Vulcan.

As Tyson's presence registered, T'Pol's eyes opened. She rose gracefully to her feet, one eyebrow quirking upward in a characteristically Vulcan expression of curiosity.

"Tyson," she greeted him, "I've been anticipating your arrival. Has there been a development with our... guests?"

"Greetings, T'Pol. It is agreeable to see you again," he continued, trying to word his greeting in a way that would transmit his appreciation in a Vulcan manner. "The crew of the Seleya is due to awaken today. And I imagine they're going to have a lot of questions."

"Indeed," she said, moving to her desk. She activated a computer terminal, fingers flying over the controls. "We must prepare a comprehensive briefing. Their last memories will be of the Seleya, suffering from the effects of Trellium-D poisoning. The transition to their current situation will be... jarring."

Tyson moved to join her, grateful for her calm efficiency. "That's putting it mildly," he agreed. "We're not just talking about a change in location. We're dealing with a fundamental shift in reality. I've been working under the assumption that Enterprise can't handle that many additional crew members, and so I've made additions to my Personal Reality. It will be able to accommodate them. The dilemma is, how do we even begin to explain that? "

T'Pol's lips tightened slightly, the only outward sign of her concern. "A valid point. We will need to approach this methodically. Perhaps we should wake them in small groups."

As they continued to plan, Tyson felt gratitude for T'Pol's presence. Her logical approach was exactly what he needed. Together, they began to outline a strategy for integrating the Vulcan survivors into their new reality. They worked, refining their approach and anticipating potential questions and concerns.

Ivy's avatar flickered into view once more, visible only to Tyson. "Don't forget, you have more resources at your disposal. You have 900 Reality Points in reserve," she reminded him gently.

Tyson nodded, grateful for the reminder. If they lacked any necessary facilities, Tyson could spend his Reality Points to continue upgrading his Personal Reality. He considered the additions he'd already made. The Medical Bay was able to heal virtually any ailment short of death. The Housing Complex and Choice Apartments stood ready to provide comfortable living quarters. Basic Nutrition and water and power systems ensured all basic needs could be met. These purchases had been made with the Vulcans in mind, but Tyson realized they also transformed his Personal Reality into a truly livable space, valuable regardless of where his adventures might take him.

— Star Jumper —

Tyson frowned as he reviewed the Personal Reality upgrades. He discovered a potential way to return the Vulcans to their homeworld. But it wasn't something he'd brought up yet. The plan would require T'Pol's participation and a significant investment of Reality Points on his part. While it was an upgrade he planned on purchasing eventually, it wasn't something he needed immediately.

"There may be a way," Tyson said slowly, "But it's something we should discuss."

Tyson leaned against the wall, running a hand through his hair. "T'Pol, I've found a potential solution, but it's... complicated."

T'Pol raised an eyebrow, a gesture that somehow managed to convey both curiosity and skepticism. "Elaborate."

Tyson took a deep breath. "There's an upgrade available for the Personal Reality. It would allow us to create a portal directly to Vulcan. But it comes with some caveats."

"What sort of caveats?" T'Pol asked, her tone neutral.

"First, it would require a significant investment of Reality Points. Points that could be used for other upgrades," Tyson explained. "More importantly, it would require your participation."

T'Pol's other eyebrow joined the first. "In what capacity?"

"The portal can only be opened to a place you've previously visited. I've never been to Vulcan, but you have."

T'Pol was silent for a long moment, her dark eyes searching Tyson's face. "And what would this entail for me?"

"We previously discussed you becoming my Companion," Tyson said, "For this portal to work, you would have to accept that offer. Afterward, I could purchase access for you, and you'd gain the ability to open the portals as well."

He paused, his expression turning serious. "However, let me make this absolutely clear. You cannot be coerced into making this decision. I'm not attempting to bribe you in any way. I'm not arbitrarily requiring you to become my Companion before giving you access. These are the rules and limitations of the system I'm beholden to." Tyson's eyes met T'Pol's, unflinching. "If you don't want to become my Companion at this time, I understand completely. We can house the Vulcans here until finding another way to get them home. You can only accept to be my Companion of your own free will. But know that I would welcome you by my side, should you wish it."

T'Pol fell silent. The moment stretched, feeling like minutes as he waited for her response. Finally, she spoke, her voice thoughtful.

"You have proven yourself trustworthy by rescuing and healing the Vulcans," T'Pol said, a note of respect in her tone. "May I ask a question?"

Tyson nodded, relief washing over him at her words. "Of course. What would you like to know?"

"If I were to accept, would I still be able to remain with Enterprise?" T'Pol asked, her gaze steady.

"Yes," Tyson replied without hesitation. "As we discussed previously, your duties and life aboard Enterprise wouldn't have to change. Unless you wanted them to."

T'Pol nodded, seeming satisfied with his answer. "I have a personal question, if I may." Tyson gestured for her to continue. "When last we spoke, you were suffering from Pon Farr," T'Pol said, her voice lowered slightly. "It is a personal matter, so I understand if you do not wish to speak of it. But I'm curious, now, you seem to be beyond those symptoms."

"I apologize for not returning to you to explain that my symptoms had resolved," he said softly. "Please know that I did not spurn your offer to assist me. I was flattered, truly."

"It was a logical offer," T'Pol interrupted, her tone matter-of-fact.

"Logical perhaps," Tyson agreed, "yet also offered to repay a debt of saving you. While you did not say it as such, it was implied. I don't know much about Vulcan mating practices, but I prefer to enjoy intimacy when it is freely offered and enjoyed by both parties without condition. I admit that your offer was tempting. I respect you and freely say that I find you attractive. But should we engage in that way, I would want it to be out of a mutual want and not as a perceived repayment for your life."

"I found myself in a fight with life or death circumstances. An enemy had me cornered on a vessel that was under attack, boarded, and evacuated. I could not escape without fighting him. I killed him. It... sated the Blood Fever." Tyson's expression turned troubled. "However, I've since learned that I will be afflicted with Pon Farr again every three months. It's not something that can be avoided or treated by the Medical Bay."

T'Pol's eyebrow arched slightly, concern flitting across her features. "That is troubling," she said, her voice soft.

Silence fell between them once more as T'Pol seemed to contemplate this new information. Tyson waited, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he was asking a lot of her, offering a role that would irrevocably change their life.

Finally, T'Pol's gaze met his. "I will join you as your Companion," she said, her voice firm and clear.

Tyson's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you certain?" he asked, unable to keep the note of hope from his voice. "This is a big decision, T'Pol. I don't want you to feel pressured in any way."

T'Pol's expression softened almost imperceptibly. "I am certain, Tyson. Your actions have demonstrated your character. Additionally..." she paused, a flicker of something like uncertainty passing through her eyes, "I find the prospect of exploring other realities to be... fascinating."

Tyson couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. "Thank you, T'Pol. I promise to do everything in my power to ensure you don't regret this decision."

[50 RP] Additional ACCESS KEYs (Personal Reality)

This gives you four additional keys to your Personal Reality. These keys attune to whomever you give them to and cannot be used by anyone other than them, or someone they freely and without duress or coercion of any kind allow, to use the key. If they lose the key, it will return to them if they are still alive, or to you if they are currently dead. If they die in possession of the key, their body will be transported to your Medical Bay, if you have one.

[300 RP] PLAYING WITH PORTALS (Personal Reality)

Allows you to open a rectangular or circular portal that leads into your Personal Reality on any flat surface big enough to encompass the portal. You can open the portal on any surface you are in contact with or that your vehicle is in contact with... or that your vehicle will be in contact within less than 5 seconds and within 100 meters if you don't open the portal. The portal can be any size between 1 square meter and 80 square meters. The portal opens to the same place in your Personal Reality as the Door does and you may still use your Access Key if you want to open a door larger or smaller than the limits of the Portal. Any Companion with a copy of the key may also open such a portal. These portals open at their lowest size instantly and expand to their maximum size over 10 seconds. These portals cannot be closed while you are inside your Personal Reality. Portals will slowly close over a period of 3 minutes if you leave them open and move more than 10 meters from one without closing it yourself, as long as you are outside your Personal Reality. This closure effect can be disabled, but you can't open a portal if another is open.

[300 RP] Portal Link (Personal Reality)

Allows you to open a portal from inside your Personal Reality leading to anywhere in the current Host Reality that you've already been to. With this upgrade, you can now close the Personal Reality Door or Portal while inside your Reality and may open up to two portals at a time.

Reality Points: 250

Tyson watched the Reality Points drain away. It was a staggering investment, and for a moment, he fought the urge to cringe. But as the initial shock faded, he reminded himself of the broader implications of this purchase. This wasn't just for the Vulcans; it was an investment in his future.

The ability to return to any place he'd already visited was invaluable. No longer would he need to use his Access Key on every door. More than that, he could open portals. He'd effectively granted himself a superpower. True, he was still limited to flat surfaces he could touch, but even that limitation could be overcome, should he choose to invest further.

Tyson handed T'Pol an Access Key. The other three he'd purchased slid seamlessly into his Gray Goo Suit for storage. One would go to Vicky, and the others... well, Tyson would see how the future went.

T'Pol accepted the Key with a nod, her eyes closing in concentration. Tyson watched, fascinated, as her eyes moved rapidly behind her lids. When she opened them again, there was a new depth of understanding in her gaze.

"I understand," she said, her voice steady but tinged with awe. "I have gained the ability to open portals. I see how significant of an investment this was for you, and I appreciate what you've done to help my former crew."

Tyson inclined his head. "Shall we wake the Vulcans?" he asked, squaring his shoulders.

T'Pol nodded, her usual composure returning. "Yes, let's."

Together, they made their way through the antechamber. The Medical Bay doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing rows of bio-beds. Each one held a Vulcan survivor, their features serene in artificial-induced sleep. The quiet beeping of medical monitors provided a steady backdrop to the scene.

T'Pol moved to a control panel, her fingers dancing over the interface. "I suggest we begin by waking only the Vulcan captain," she said, "His name is Voris. As I served aboard the Seleya previously, for a year as a deputy science officer, we are acquainted. His leadership and our prior relationship may prove beneficial in this delicate situation."

Tyson nodded, trusting T'Pol's judgment. "Agreed. How well do you know him?"

"Captain Voris is a capable leader. He values logic highly, even by Vulcan standards, but he is not inflexible in his thinking. These qualities may serve well in adapting to our... unique circumstances."

As T'Pol spoke, she entered a series of commands into the console. One of the bio-beds began to emit a soft, pulsing light. Tyson moved closer, watching as the Vulcan captain's eyelids began to flutter.

As consciousness returned, Voris tensed slightly. His eyes snapped open, alert. He sat up, his gaze sweeping the room before settling on T'Pol and Tyson. To his credit, he betrayed no surprise at finding himself in unfamiliar surroundings.

"T'Pol?" Voris asked, his voice rough from disuse but otherwise steady. "Your presence is... unexpected. I trust you have an explanation for our current situation?"

"Indeed, Captain. The situation is complex and may challenge your understanding of reality as we know it. Are you prepared to receive this information?"

Voris raised an eyebrow, a gesture so quintessentially Vulcan that Tyson had to suppress a smile. "Clarity would be appreciated. My last memory is of the Seleya... we were experiencing severe difficulties."

T'Pol nodded, her expression grave. "The Seleya was lost, Captain. You and your crew were exposed to Trellium-D, and it was discovered the substance is highly toxic to Vulcan neural pathways. You have been in stasis, undergoing treatment for this exposure."

Voris absorbed this information, his face a mask of Vulcan control. Only a slight tightening of his jaw betrayed any emotional response. "I see. We were in the process of lining areas of the ship with Trellium-D." He paused before asking, "And our current location?"

It was at this point that Tyson stepped forward, feeling it was time to introduce himself. "Captain Voris, my name is Tyson. The explanation for where you are and how you got here is... well, it's going to sound farfetched. But I assure you, every word is true."

"Proceed," he said simply.

"You're currently in the Medical Bay of my facility," Tyson said, his voice steady despite the surreal nature of his words. "This isn't just any medical bay. It can heal nearly any injury, given enough time. The severe neural degradation you and your crew sustained required several days of recovery."

Voris's eyebrow arched slightly, the only outward sign of his surprise. "Fascinating." A flicker of concern passed over Voris's stoic features. "What of the Seleya? Can we return to our ship?"

T'Pol answered, "I'm afraid not, Captain. As I said previously, The Seleya was lost. It sustained heavy damage within the asteroid field, with a majority of its systems offline. Additionally, the Trellium-D remains within the ship and the asteroid field. Retrieving it is... improbable."

Voris absorbed this information, his face a mask of control. After a moment, he asked, "What is the timeline to return us to Vulcan?"

"We have found a way to return you and the crew directly to Vulcan," T'Pol answered.

Voris's eyebrow arched slightly, the only outward sign of his surprise. "Explain," he said simply.

T'Pol placed her hand on the wall next to the Medical Bay door. The air shimmered and warped, a portal slowly materializing. Beyond it, an auditorium-like room came into view, its architecture distinctly Vulcan.

"The High Command?" Voris asked with a note of recognition in his voice.

T'Pol nodded. "Indeed. To simplify the explanation, this facility can utilize a method similar to transporters but instead creates worm-hole-like passages through space. This is a method offered by Mr. Tyson at great cost to himself and unavailable to humans, but I assure you it is safe to use. Please send everyone through."

To his credit, Voris did not press further. Tyson began waking the remaining Vulcans. Voris took charge, his calm voice explaining the situation to each newly awakened crew member before directing them through the portal.

As the last of the Vulcans passed through, Tyson stepped through the portal, taking in the vast auditorium, its high ceilings, and Vulcan aesthetics. He took a moment to absorb the details before stepping back into the familiar confines of his Personal Reality.

T'Pol raised an eyebrow at his impromptu excursion. Tyson shrugged. "In case I ever need to return to Vulcan," he explained.

She nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. The ability to return to any place visited was a powerful tool, and Tyson had just expanded his reach considerably.

Captain Voris approached the portal's threshold, his face a mask of control, yet there was a warmth in his eyes. "We owe you a great debt," he said, his gaze moving between Tyson and T'Pol. "Your assistance has been... most appreciated."

"It was the right thing to do. Consider it a gift from Earth," Tyson said simply.

With a final nod of farewell, T'Pol closed the portal with a wave of her hand.

The Medical Bay, so recently filled with the quiet bustle of awakening Vulcans, fell silent. Tyson and T'Pol stood side by side, the weight of what they'd just accomplished settling over them.

"Well," Tyson said, breaking the silence. "That was... something."

T'Pol turned to him. "Indeed. Your capacity for understatement is remarkable."

"So, what shall we do now?" he asked.

T'Pol's eyebrow arched, a gesture that Tyson was beginning to find endearing. "I believe that I must return to my duties aboard Enterprise. Will you be joining me?"

Tyson hesitated, his first instinct to decline T'Pol's offer. But then an idea came to him, a potential use for his newfound portal abilities that might prove worthwhile.

"I will join you," he said, "I want to test something."

Intrigue flashed briefly in the Vulcan's eyes before her expression smoothed back into impassivity. Without another word, she led the way to the doorway connected to her quarters aboard the Enterprise. They emerged into T'Pol's sparse and orderly cabin. 

— Star Jumper —


Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In, Space Pirate, Bad Guy

Race: Augment Human-Betazoid (Hybrid)

Character Points: 1400, [250 KOTOR (Vicky)]

Reality Points: 250

Ship Points: 1400

Credits: 116,450

Status Effects: (none)


Gauntlet (Locked)

Ensign Marty Stu

A Simple Re'Q'uest

Hybrid (Betazoid)

Amok Time/Blood Fever


Mary Sue


Cosmic Awareness

Out of Nowhere

Going Native

Live and Let Live

This is (Not?) Rocket Science

Kinda Bland


Painted On




Master with your Hands

Best of the Best

Everything Is A Weapon


Force Specialization: Intelligence

Tactical Info

Sever Force


Laser Blade


Agony Booth

Cloaking Minefield


Gray Goo Suit


(Vicky) V-KO IV Nursedroid: Access Key, Artificial Intelligence Upgrade, Gray Goo Upgrade, Master With Your Hands, Light Weapon, Jumper's Master Key, Scaling Cloak, Origin: Jedi, Force Specialization: Intelligence, Enhanced Mind, Lightsaber, Armored Robes, Battle Meditation

T'Pol: Access Key,

Personal Reality:

Access Key, Additional Keys

Security System

High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Trek Enterprise)

Medical Bay

High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)

Key Link

Housing Complex

Basic Nutrition

Choice Apartments

Who's Got the Powa

Pipes Pipes Pipes

Playing With Portals

Portal Link


Tramp Freighter (Destroyed - Respawn on 02/28/2365)

Sith Interceptor (Bridge Upgrade)

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