
Time Skip

As promised the time skip is here. If you want to see things that happened between ~900 and 1900 AD, then tell me. I'll try to find a way. 


(3rd Person POV)

Many years have passed since the founding four of Hogwarts have stepped foot in Cadia and then Aquila. They didn't stay for very long. A conflict with the rules, caused them to be expelled not even a year after they were allowed to visit Aquila. 



"I really think this is not a good idea, Rowena and Sali. Why can't we just do as we were told and wait?", Helga asked them. 

"Come on, Helga. Don't tell me you're not interested as well. The books we were given in our rooms aren't enough anymore. I have already learnt more in these months than in my entire life and there is a ginormous library simply waiting for us.", Rowena said to her. 

"I don't know, Rowena. This seems to be a bad idea. They don't like anyone breaking their rules.", Godric said, which earned him a snicker from Salazar. 

"Heh, look who has been humbled by the lady knight. I must say that is an interesting development. Are you now a chicken? Eh, Godric?"

"Why you!!! Just you wait! I'll go there any time of the day. We were invited here and these other teachers can't tell us what to do. We were invited by the Emperor himself after all.", Godric says and stands up, hitting his fist on the table. 

"Goodness, sit down you bloke. I do agree with him though. I understand these children must listen to the teachers, not us. We aren't students, strictly speaking. We are guests.", Salazar said. Here we see the character of all the founders of Hogwarts. Helga Hufflepuff holds all of them together, Godric Gryffindor is the brave one who likes to rush into things, Rowena is the brilliant one who knows how to talk to the others and Salazar is the snake who can either use poison or his words to achieve desired effects. 

The four then decided to visit the ginormous library that Aquila had to offer. The reason for this? Arrogance. They were given many books in their rooms for them to read, they could eat for free and the only thing they had to give back in return, was that everything they learned here, if it resulted in new discoveries, they had to share this knowledge to Aquila. 

They walked to the library and entered through the door. They were in awe at the amounts of books they saw before them. 

"Halt! You have no access here. Leave at once!", a powerful voice was heard and two extremely tall men with golden armour approached them from the sides. They held their guardian spear in hand and had a powerful and intimidating presence. 

"We are guests here in Aqui-"

"Leave!", the man said again. 

"... no.", the voice of Salazar was heard and then, shit hit the fan. Thinking he had the upper hand since the 'guards' weren't magicians, he grabbed his wand and fired a 'bombarda' at both the guards. 



"Sali no!", Helga screamed as she didn't like violence. She was a skilled witch but didn't like confrontations. She was worried for the two 'guards'. But little did she know ... she should have been worried about herself. 

The dust cleared and revealed the perfectly fine Custodes. The slits for their eyes glowed red and with one step, they were in front of the group.


It was at this moment that Salazar knew ... he f*cked up.

The armoured fist of the first Custodes landed in his stomach, rupturing both organs and blood vessels. The shockwave travelled through his body and caused him to double over. The blood vessels in his eyes became visible and burst, causing him to bleed from all of his orifices. As the sad sod fell to the ground, the others had yet to understand what was going on.

"SALI!!", Helga screamed and took her own wand in her hands. She immediately fired a series of spells at the Custodes, trying to restrain them. Rowena and Godric were equally shocked but their reactions were completely different. Godric turned into a bull that saw red. 

"You BASTARDS!!", he screamed and unsheathed his sword. He had come a long way since his fight against the female knight. In a second various magical boosts increased his strength, speed, endurance, agility and the sharpness of his sword. He flashed towards the second Custodes and slashed his sword in a powerful swing. 


The expected shockwave never came. The second Custodes cut through Godric's sword with his guardian spear like cutting through the air. There was no resistance at all. The blade of the Guardian Spear continued on its way and had it not been stopped in time, Godric would have been bisected. A conjured wall appeared and managed to slightly change the trajectory of the Guardian Spear, causing it to 'only' cut off Godric's arm all the way to his left lung. 

The Custodes moved his head to the side and then looked at Rowena who was using Transfiguration to form a giant raven. The Custodes pointed his powerful bolter at the construct and fired.


(Flashback end)


After this very short exchange, the four were expelled and dropped outside Cadia. The Emperor had no sympathy for them. He had given them preferential treatment and they treated that kindness with ungratefulness. The four Hogwarts founders were never the same after this exchange. Godric had lost an arm, and a lung and would never be able to due physically anymore. He would have to give up being a knight. 

Rowena had lost her left kidney after the blaster shot through her. Helga was mentally broken when she saw the damage her friends had taken and Salazar ... well he would never be able to live normally again. The only reason he was alive, was due to his magic, which he had to use to constantly heal him. Thoughts of revenge started to appear in his mind and he thought about the dark magic book he found from an ancient Greek wizard, Herpo.

The four would still go on to found Hogwarts but they weren't close after that. The rest is history. 


The Imperium of Cadia continued to prosper and expand ever so slightly. They used the wars around them as an excuse to expand their borders. Two such wars were important to note. The war against the Mongols who came in the 13th century to conquer their way through Asia. When they arrived at the eastern front of Cadia, they suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the Khans. The horse riders were met with the advanced weaponry of the Cadian military. Not the Adeptus Terranes, but the standing army of Cadia. 

Bows and arrows were met with guns and even a tank. They were utterly destroyed and the area they captured, was taken under Cadia's jurisdiction. This way, Cadia managed to extend its borders to the east greatly. While they stayed the same to the north, west and south, the eastern side was greatly expanded. Countries like Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as parts of Romania, Serbia and Czechia, were also included. 

And that was only at the start of the 14th century. It was by no means over. The next 'threat' came soon.


This expansion caused another military conflict with the Ottoman Empire a few centuries later. Again fights were held and Cadia used this chance to expand to the south-east of Europe as well as Asia and Africa. In the year 1583, which should have been a great year for the Ottoman Empire, Cadia struck into their heart, hurting them where it hurt the most.


A Crusade was launched against the Ottoman Empire. The supposed deaths of righteous Cadia citizens were met with brutal efficiency. However, not even once were innocents affected. The powerful and technologically advanced forces of Cadia marched through the lands of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece. But they didn't stop there. They continued on their way and marched into Anatolia and Macedonia, which in the broader sense, the historical region of Mesopotamia and Anatolia included parts of present-day Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.

Over the span of a few years, the Cadian forces stood at the heart of the Ottoman Empire and took everything from them that they had. Today's Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt were all taken under Cadian control. 


The regions which were taken over had to be integrated into Cadia properly. There had to be laws introduced and followed. The 'old' ways were removed and the technological level was elevated to suit the rest of the country. Due to the just and good treatment from the Cadian military during the takeover and the improvements, the new people of Cadia were happy to be part of something as grand as Cadia. The propaganda helped as well of course. 

Making sure to train the new generation with proper schools and jobs, the 'old' ways were soon replaced with the ways of Cadia. The Emperor was accepted and revered as the greatest of men in existence. His glory was incalculable and his wisdom spanned through the world ... yeah the propaganda was successful. 

Meanwhile, the Emperor himself had continued improving his skill in both magic and Psyker abilities. I took inspiration from a fellow Emperor, Emperor Palpatine and recreated something akin to a 'Force Storm'. Using psychic powers, recreating this was rather simple but doing the same using magic, was not that easy as the magic in this world is not made for such widespread attacks and spells. But who am I? I'm the new Emperor of Mankind, b*tch.

I came up with a magic spell that I could control to suck up anything that I directed it towards. 



Finally, there was one last war that Cadia was involved in. The year 1914 happened and Europe went to war. Austria was now a part of Cadia and therefore not an ally of Germany. There were still reasons to fight even if the assassination attempt didn't happen. Germany actually had a problem with the big country that was Cadia. But Germany wasn't the only one. Russia was included as was Italy. Britain and Spain were still angry about the 'witches' who were hidden in Cadia. 

Cadia didn't care about them in the slightest. This angered the other countries even more and the tension exploded in the year 1914. Germany staged a coup where their representative was killed. It later turned out that the 'assassin' was actually a German. That was all that everyone needed to attack. Germany declared war on Cadia, Russia declared war on Cadia and Italy followed shortly after that. Why? No one knew. 

Britain didn't participate in the beginning. They were far too suspicious about Cadia at this point and they were lucky that they didn't do anything. The war didn't last 4 years. It lasted two years, and only because Cadia didn't attack in the beginning. They took everything that the other countries had to throw at them and waited. 

After it seemed like the war would take many years, the turns ... tabled. 

Cadia went on the offensive and attacked. It was at this moment that the world came to know the true might of Cadia and why it was so scary. 

The Adeptus Terranes or Earth Marines made their debut. It was a massacre. 


It took a few weeks until the First World War was over, once the Adeptus Terranes showed up. It was the biggest flex and middle finger in the history of the world. First, they tanked everything that the other countries could throw at them and then they striked. And what a cheek-clapping it was. The territory of Italy and most of Spain was taken quite fast under the banner of Cadia. Russia had to give away almost half of its ground as did Germany and France. 

Britain was never so happy to have waited as they did in the Year 1916. 


Not gonna lie, I liked writing this chapter. Total domination as it should be. Tell me how you liked it. There is something else that happened in 1913, concerning one of the Scamander brothers, but that is minor and will be explained next chapter. 
