
Finishing touches

Well, things are coming to an end in the Wizarding World for now. He will return in the future, but it is time to leave things to Cadia and have the advanced military do the rest. 

[Picture of Cadia's territories right now]


(Neoth POV)

"And what did he ask you to do then?", I ask Newt who has come to tell me about something that Dumbledore told him about. 

"He told me where a Thunderbird was being held. I suspect he wants me to bring it back to America. He knows I would do that.", Newt tells me. In the year 1913, a year before WWI started, Newt was expelled from Hogwarts because he took the blame for his friend Lita Lestrange's mistake. Dumbledore was against expulsion though, but it didn't matter in the end. Driven by this, Newt remembered what he knew and heard about Cadia. He decided to travel there and ask something similar to what the Hogwarts founders asked almost a millennia ago. But it was different. 

"Dumbledore is a smart man. Haha, who would have thought that the Dumbledore bloodline would turn into this scheming one? Nevertheless, I agree with you. He definitely wants you to go to America and 'investigate' the occurrences. What are you going to do?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you."

"Well the question you should ask yourself is, do you want to go?"

"I want to help the Thunderbird. But I don't really want to get involved with the MACUSA."

"I know you Newt. The reason why you were accepted back then, was because of your character. I know you don't like confrontation, but you have to decide. A choice must be made."

"I ... don't want to choose.", Newt says. 

"You wish to hide from the problems like the ostrich, but that's not how life works. Everyone makes a choice. Even not making a choice, is a choice. Quite the paradox, don't you think?"

"But, can't you ... can't Cadia do something about Grindelwald and his followers? With your power and influence, especially the political influence, it would be a simple matter no?"

"Loyalty is won with power, but it is kept with respect. Attacking Grindelwald would mean forcing my will onto other countries and that would be seen as an act of war. The rest of the world is wary of Cadia's influence and military power. We haven't fully integrated, all the new territories, after the First World War. Going to war right away again would work of course, but the people would suffer."

"I see. Well, ever since you made me a citizen of Cadia, I also hope that Cadia prospers. So what should I do? What is the choice for me to make?"

"The choice right now is rather simple. Do you want to help the Thunderbird or not? And if the answer is yes, then you can decide how you want to do that. You see I have very good relations with America."

"Yes, I know. I read about it in the book 'A History of America'. What about simply opening a portal to Arizona?"

"No Newt. As I said, face your fears and insecurities. You are a great wizard."

"*sigh* I see. Well then, there is nothing I can do is there?"

"Of course. There is always something you can do. Besides ... I'll be there should something happen."

"Thank you ... sire."


As soon as Newt left I turned to the two Adeptus Magicae who were hiding in the room the entire time. They become visible and kneel on the ground. 

"Donnovan and Robinson. Make sure to keep an eye on him. Grindelwald will act and I won't tolerate him spreading his filth any longer.", I tell them with a firm voice. Any gentleness has left the moment Newt left the room. 

"The Heretic should have been exterminated the moment he dared to go against the G- ... the Emperor's wishes.", Donovan says. He almost says the word with capital G, which I told them not to use, but they still use it when they think I can't hear them. 


"Agreed. The white-haired worm has committed the gravest of heresy and should have been submitted to the torture curse till his fluids evaporated.", Robinson agrees. Those two are the most powerful of the Adeptus Magicae in the current era, but they are also the most devoted, which can lead to some 'rash' actions on their part. I look the other way with them because they are truly and utterly loyal and aren't evil.

"Just make sure the-"


"... doesn't go too far. You have my permission to use any force necessary to make sure Newt is taken care of. I can't have my kin die now, can I?"

"Of course, sire."

"Good, then leave."



(3rd Person POV)

A few years ago, a rather talented wizard attended Aquila School of Magic and his skill was remarkable. In any other school, he would have been one of the, if not the best. But in Aquila, while the starting point might have been different and the talents of the students differed, the end result was almost the same for everyone. The 'talent' of the wizard became less and less apparent and his fellow students caught up more and more. 

Unhappy with this development, the boy thought that he could get a head start and started to practice rather darker magic and rituals. It was not what he did, but that he refused to follow the rules and did such things on his own. Dark magic was simply magic that could have an effect on the user's soul or change his emotions. And in Aquila, anything that could have such an effect was supervised by the teachers. 

One of these rituals resulted in an accident and caused two of the young wizard's colleagues to get hurt quite badly. It was so bad, that their souls were tainted after that. Had it not been for the constantly rising power of the Emperor, the two would have been doomed and their future ruined. 

That young wizard, was Gellert Grindelwald. 

After that incident, he was expelled for the crime of hurting his fellow students but more importantly for going against the Emperor's will and rules. Some wanted to kill or do worse things to Gellert. 


Newt Scamander went on his way to America and as he suspected and Dumbledore hoped, he was involved in the strange things going on there. Newt, when he found out that Credence or rather Aurelius Dumbledore was an Obscurus, wanted to ask him to follow him to the Emperor. He was certain that there was only one person alive who could heal something like an Obscurus. He was correct of course. 

Sadly, he never got the chance to do that, as Gellert Grindelwald and the Aurors of the MACUSA seemingly killed Aurelius. That was until Newt got a message and a job offer from the Ministry of Magic in Britain, to hunt down Aurelius and 'bring him back' so that they could protect him. 

Newt refused the offer, but then later still went to Paris, which was still a part of France at that point. Gellert Grindelwald was on the lookout for Aurelius as he thought that he was the one thing that not only could defeat his former lover, Dumbledore, but might also have a chance against the Emperor of Cadia ... well that's what he believed. But who was going to tell him otherwise? 

He will find out sooner rather than later. 



At the Père Lachaise Cemetery, the followers of Grindelwald had gathered to hear his words. But not only his followers were there, Aurors as well as Newt were there. Aurelius and his friend Nagini had also attended the session tonight and were willing to listen to what the 'Dark Lord' had to say. 

The people began to clap as the 'great' Gellert Grindelwald entered the cemetery. He came in like a king, something he always wanted to be and the reason why he was so jealous of the Emperor. He wanted something he would never have ... the power to rule them all. 

"My brothers ... my sisters ... my friends, the great gift of your applause is not for me. It is for yourselves. I came today because of a craving. I have a knowledge, that the old ways serve us, no longer. You came today because you craved something new ... something different. 

It is said that I hate, les non-magique, the muggles, the no-majs, the can't-spells ... I do not hate them. I don't. For I don't fight out of hatred. I say the muggles are not lesser, but other. Not worthless, but of other value. Not disposable, but of a different disposition. Magic blooms, only in rare souls. 

Oh and what a world we would make for all of humanity. We who live for freedom, for truth and for love. The moment has come ... to share my vision of the future that awaits if we do not rise up and take our rightful place in the world.", Grindelwald says and then inhales some of the smoke which Vinda Rosier gives him. 

He inhales the smoke and then exhales it, showing the audience what he has seen in his vision. For Grindelwald had the rare talent of foresight. The smoke begins to show the horrors of what would happen in the Second World War. Everyone hears gunshots, screaming, planes and destruction. 

They watch as thousands of Jews are deported and then finally they see the effect of an atomic bomb detonating ... However, the mushroom cloud suddenly becomes smaller and the scene changes again. Another group is seen who walks forward ... Adeptus Terranes, looking dangerous and imposing. 


Finally the picture changes, however. We see fighting and death. It is a one-sided war. Then the scene abruptly changes again and a bright golden light is seen. Even Grindelwald himself is surprised. From the scene, another person is seen ... the Emperor. 

"Are you looking into the future again, Gellert? Don't you know that I hold the future in my grasp? Know your place, boy."

The vision stops abruptly and a murmur goes through the audience. Grindelwald tries to salvage the situation and continues his speech as if nothing happened. 

"That is what we are fighting, that is the enemy. Their arrogance ... their power lust, their barbarity. How long will it take until they turn their weapons on us? Yes, I am even talking about Cadia. They also hunger for more territory. They are closely scheming together with the muggles. 

... Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions ... there are Aurors among us.", Grindelwald says having found his rhythm again after being shocked to the core. It should not be possible to take control of someone else's vision.

"Come closer brother wizards join us.", he says. In the stands, Newt knows exactly what he is doing. The tension in the room will explode any moment now and he will be able to say that it wasn't them who were bloodlusted. Two other 'Aurors' were among the crowd, listening and rolling their eyes at what they were seeing. 

Donnovan and Robinson were also there. But they were just invisible. Their invisibility was one that was even better than the one taught in Aquila. Remember that the wizards and witches in Aquila are better than any other wizard from any other school in the world. So becoming an Adeptus Magicae is nigh impossible. Their talent doesn't surpass that of both Grindelwald and Dumbledore, but their skills do. They are smart and ingenuitive, both things that are needed for their job. 


"They have killed many of my fellow wizards. They confined me and tortured me in New York, they had struck down fellow wizards and witches for the simple crime of seeking the truth. For wanting freedom. Your anger, your desire for revenge is natural.", Grindelwald says and in that moment, one of the witches watching, pulls out her wand and tries to fire at the Auror. But the Auror is faster and kills her. 

"No!", Grindelwald screams. He is a phenomenal actor and kneels next to the dead woman. He truly knows how to work the crowd. 

"Take this young warrior back to her family.", he says, "Disaparate, leave ... go forth from this place and spread the word ... it is not we who are violent."

One after the other, the participants disaparate and leave the graveyard, leaving only Grindelwald, his assistant Vinda Rosier, the Aurors and some third parties. But this evening is not yet over. It is about to end ... in a bang.
