
The Shocking Truth in the Past...

Lynn extended her slender fingers, pressing them against his chest.

"Besides being the leader of the Star Pirates, who are you?"

Sed paused, his gaze filled with complexity.

"Do you suspect that I am Seb?"

Lynn nodded.

Back then, Leslie used the genes of his younger brother Seb to cultivate Marcus.

However, many years ago, Seb was deceived by Leslie and killed near a black hole.

The explosion was incredibly powerful, making survival impossible.

Unless... he possessed some special ability, something extraordinary that could defy death.

Such as spatial abilities, or perhaps... something even more advanced, an ability to resist death!

However, Sed possesses fire-related abilities!

Suddenly, Sed reached out and lifted Lynn's chin.

In his blue eyes, a hint of sadness flickered.

"Lynn, do you like me because I resemble Seb?"

He actually disliked being associated with Seb, but he had kept it to himself until now.
