
Helping My Brother Find a Wife and Raise His Son?

This was indeed a straightforward and crude solution.

Marcus and Sed exchanged a glance, both harboring mutual disdain.

In truth, the answer was already apparent, but they still went ahead with the genetic DNA test.

During the wait for the results, everyone remained relatively quiet, while Marcus sat beside Lora, visibly restless.

Lora reached out and held his hand, silently offering her support.

The results were out.

99.9% percent.

Seb, resurrected from the dead, a done deal.

One wonders if Leslie, in the underworld, would have any thoughts upon learning of this matter.

In summary, he was helping his brother find a wife, and raising his brother's son, only to end up empty-handed.

Cheney chuckled, stroking his beard with a smile.

"See, I told you both that you are father and son! Marcus, don't you see the resemblance between your previous hostile state with Van?"

One must admit, these genetic genes were quite powerful!
