The sheer number of Beast-kin had dropped due to the fear from the human population. But hidden in pockets scattered throughout the county of Islatenne Empire, are those seeking others like themselves. Most Beast-kin used to be of the warrior class, proud and hearty fighters, but now things are starting to shift, and not for the better. The arrival of an unknown and devastating disease has hit the humans in the most populated areas causing many to die out. And in some areas, the humans were completely wiped out. Thankfully, the animals were never affected by the disease, which gave the Beast-kin their newfound advantage. With the reduction of the human population, the Beast-kin might have a decent chance now. Their populations have always been low, due to the mere fact that few females exist has posed a serious issue. Far too many humans had taken them as a pet of sorts, treating them as nothing more than a novelty or prize decoration. Many, many Beast-kin males have tried taking human females as mates, but all the half-breed children never live to see their first birthday, this mix just doesn’t seem to work. Humans just don’t possess enough of the animal side of themselves anymore past a basic survival instinct. Besides, almost all the human females they tried to breed with usually died during or just after giving birth. The sheer size of the child was most certainly a death sentence to almost all human females. Now with the issue of few females pressing harder than ever, most Beast-kin are in danger of dying out in their areas. Most of their mannerisms border that of the pack mentality in most proper Beast-kin tribes. They must have a mate, so what female Beast-kin remain are forced to be the mate of more than one suitor. Making most males desperate to treat them as breading stock instead. Most of the males have become no better than the humans that took so many females away, basically treating them as slaves. Not even regarding them as equals. Now with this massive shift of things, it’s almost as if hundreds of centuries of progress have been lost to the ages. Including the prized traditions that just about every tribe held to at one point in time. Making those who believe themselves to have the power, seemingly rewrite things how they want. Therefore, bringing back an age of slave casts. And it doesn’t seem to matter if your male or female, Beast-kin or human. If your deemed slave cast, you will be treated as though you were disposable, nothing but a garbage item. Most females discovered in the bigger cities are never freed, for if they are not owned by someone for their ill-gotten purposes, the fate is that of breeder, and breeder only. The females destined to be nothing more than breeders are bid upon as though they were just a piece of furniture. The highest bigger obviously got to breed for a child and paid a large sum to do so. In this new world, you are of one of three classes, Intellect, Warrior, or Slave. The Intellect class comprised of mostly scholars of various varieties, studying the old ways, make note of heritage, and battle strategies. Warrior classes went on the front lines to protect their people from any danger, trained in various forms of combat. Slaves were nothing more than those who served others for whatever their purpose was or is. From birth, you were distinguished through your eyes and markings alone. Those alone determined your status from birth. For many the fate of their heritage could be a devastating one or a rewarding one.
SinisterGoth1977 · FANTASY