
prologue 3

Real man disease trailer


  The "Iron-Blooded Knight" seemed to have heard some joke and burst into tears from laughter.

  He stood on the rock, gently turning the hilt of the sword in his hand, watching streams of red blood pour out of his mother's chest, and the muscles on his face moved the corners of his mouth.

  "My dear mother, no, no, no, what is in the original embrace is never a sect, and you know this better than I do."

  "From the time when we were still living in the sewers in the Fourth Age, we called ourselves a family. Until now, we have just split from the "united" people into small families that united and diverged. We will always be a family, just like You and your Pellet."

  "You don't understand..." Katarina tried her best to squeeze the windpipe that was pierced by the sword. Her weak voice was mixed with the sound of blood rising and the wind flowing gently, "In the Fourth Age, Family is the most useful name...so people use blood to build one family after another."

  This "ageless witch" who was dying and had lost most of her extraordinary abilities took in big mouthfuls of air in vain. Her white and tender skin was smooth and tender. Even though she had reached the end of her life, she still maintained her best appearance.

  But only she knew that compared with the daughter in front of her, the "iron-blooded knight" who was less than thirty years old, she had inevitably been engraved with more marks by the years, both on her skin and on her insides. Under the appearance of eternal youth, How much rot and necrosis has there been?

  She did not give up her last hope, and struggled to squeeze out the air she finally breathed in from her alveoli, trying to win her son's mercy.

  "Tamara...they believe in an existence called the 'Uncertain Mist'. I don't know what this means, but the original and the 'Black Saint' are because of Him, That's why I let Tamara wander..."

  Her blue eyes were filled with mist and were charming. The witch who had been seducing and instigating her whole life gave up her sharpest weapon for the first time and spoke with the sincerity she once looked down upon.

  "You chose the better, I don't blame you...but, but you need to be stable, your goal is to have a hidden existence..."

  "My child, I can help you. It has nothing to do with the sect. We are the family. We..."

  "Family." Tracy chewed on this word that was new to him, and his gloomy face gradually calmed down.

  Catalina, who was getting weaker and weaker, looked at her heir, thinking that she had grasped the life-saving straw. She held the blade of the sword with her white palm, feeling the burning pain and the viscosity of the blood in her palm, and inserted the handle into the sword. The weapon in his lungs was pulled out bit by bit and thrown into the sea from Tracy's hand.

  "You don't understand..." She repeated this sentence, "You don't know why I want to stop at this level. The gift of the gods is terrifying."

  "Yes, the gift of the gods is terrifying." Tracy took a deep breath, interrupted her mother's words, and suddenly raised her head, revealing a completely distorted handsome face.

  His fiery red hair sounded like a battle flag in the strong wind, and his eyes were burning with more than twenty years of complicated emotions towards his mother, leaving only resentment.

  "But that's not how you taught me before."

  "You told me that we are all original daughters. No matter what gender we are born with, we will always follow the twisted path forced by that perverted evil god. You know my ambition!"

  He roared out his true feelings about being oppressed for twenty years.

  "We have relied on our families and fought with each other for more than a thousand years under the leadership of each other's "mothers", just to please the original, grab a little attention from the gods of faith, and prosper in this endless intrigue and mutual persecution. prosperity."

  "But what a gift that is!"

  "A madman who should have died long ago insisted on dragging all of us to be buried with him, and he even pretended to create a family, oh, a family!"

  "Fuck the family. Today, everything about the family is in the past. Even the most glorious Abraham has fallen into the dust. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net is covered in dirt and can only rely on the peripheral vision of his ancestors. Live by the kindness and compassion of others."

  "How can the witches who gather together through despicable means continue to fight against the modern church groups and state machinery?"

  After venting without hesitation, Tracy felt much more relaxed. Looking at her mother struggling on the rocks to defend herself, she could no longer take on the aggressive attitude. She just looked squarely at the woman who gave birth to her and suffered the same fate as herself. The poor man who had suffered a tragic fate and ruined the lives of many people slowly raised his hands.

  "I'm very sorry. Like the so-called family, your time has passed."

  A blazing white rose bloomed in Tracy's palm, and the solidified flame pierced Catalina's shoulder blade, only one centimeter away from her heart. Tracy's heroic and beautiful face showed neither sadness nor joy, but a kind of expression that was in Carter's heart. Lina looked frighteningly calm, and made the final judgment with this unexplainable expression.

  "The Pellet family will continue to exist, and it will dedicate its essence and blood to the new gods and the new world." His eyes that were dyed black after becoming the "Iron-Blooded Knight" gradually lowered, and he continued to speak words that made Katrina despair. , "It's just that it will make changes according to the requirements of the new order and new gods. The church is willing to give those who are forced to take the path of witches a choice. In the future, Pellet under my command will combine the plague with Disaster sweeps away the pile of old stories and brings war equally to the heads of everyone like you."

  Suddenly, Tracy let out a sneer. I don't know whether he was laughing at Catalina who was at the end of her life and had no capital to refute, or whether she was laughing at her own past. Her long fire-colored hair covered the sadness in his eyes, and also covered the fire that bloomed in the flames. The blood flowers cover the last layer of veil for the past that is unbearable to look back on.

  Farewell, mother.

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Miscellaneous 7 and 8 (1 day off, make up next week)

  After four hours of sleep, my brain was completely shut down today, and the plot of the first volume happened to be at its final stage. I couldn't handle many things, and I didn't want to delay the plot by taking advantage of it. This would be irresponsible to anyone, so I asked me to adjust my state for the day.

  I will write about some less important settings, such as the life of Mr. A in this world, and the life courses of some characters.

  Mr. A in this world was born in 1322. He is the "Red of War" belonging to the Second Empire of Trunsoest. After wiping out a servant army of the West Byron Intis Colony, he fought at the battle site - the former Kingdom of Pas. The orphan of a wealthy merchant family was found in the ruins of a town in the area.

  After being adopted by "War Red", the "Hunters" who wanted to kill all the whining little devils and could only use milk bottles to gag the children quickly sent A to the rear. With the help of churches in various regions , A finally arrived in the holy city of Aarons one month later, and was gratified to become a true believer of the Creator who was only one year and six months old and had involuntary faith.

  Years of church life determined Mr. A's future attributes as a fanatical believer. The numerous faces from the Northern Continent around him also made him never feel out of place in the environment of the Southern Continent. (When the Church of the True Creator moved as a whole to the Southern Continent, it was in the name of the royal family. They threatened a large number of small aristocratic families in the former Trunsoest Empire, as well as a large number of skilled workers in the Northern Continent. These people, together with the fugitives who had arrived in the Southern Continent for more than a thousand years, formed the Southern Continent in the future. The ancestor of the white race.) Finally, at the age of fifteen, with devout faith in the Creator, A became a glorious member of the Aurora Order, and was promoted to Sequence Five in seven years at an unimaginable speed. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

  This unreasonable speed of promotion once made people within the church suspect that Mr. A was the favored one of an unknown Lord. However, in fact, this descendant of the colonists of the northern continent was promoted to the fifth sequence through his own efforts. Slowly stepping into the vision of the Creator and Pope Ouroleus, with an overwhelming advantage, he took over the name of the previous A and became a divine envoy whose identity is kept strictly confidential even internally.

  In the next five years, Mr. A was widely active in the Sonia Sea, the Sea of ​​Mist, and the Sea of ​​Fury, fighting against intelligence agencies and agents in the Northern Continent, as well as subordinates of various cults, and gradually collected a group of powerful people. Grazing objects.

  ("Guardian", "Priest of Light", "Apostle of Desire", "Witch of Pain", "Dream Walker", "Recorder", "Wind Blessed")

  However, the long-term life and battle at sea also made him almost out of the full role of "Shepherd" in the next five years. He only used the ability of "Shepherd" one-sidedly and repeatedly to fight against foreign enemies, which looked more like He is a conscientious "sheepdog" who has been unable to digest the potion for a long time.

  Finally, in 1349, Mr. A was sent to the Loen Kingdom in the Northern Continent to take charge of the bishop work of an underground diocese and also served as the captain of a special operations team.

  Mr. A not only had strong strength and firm heart as weapons to defend the Lord's reputation, but his androgynous beauty also played a big role in his work, so that his future subordinates and partners were Before I met him, I always suspected that he was a cold-blooded witch.

  The above is the life summary of Mr. A in this world. As for his good partner Jerry Zaratul, all that can be revealed so far is that he is equally talented and is a potential young member of the Zaratul family.

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took 4 hours to edit the film for the leader, so the extra

  To live or to die, that is the question.

  Huang Tao, the second-level master, has not considered this issue, and "Son of Steam" Russell Gustav has not considered this issue... But now, when death is nakedly placed in front of the Emperor of the Intis Empire , He roared to the gods with despair.

  "It's you who deserve to die!"


  The sun was strong at noon, and the crimson eyes dyed the world crazy. Shadows and distortions enveloped the tiny White Maple Palace, corroding and melting this palace that symbolized the new era. A nest of flesh and blood replaced the white walls, and the flower beds were lush with flowers. , smiling faces were sewn into the stamens, colorful eyes looked at the sky, and the mouths sang in unison, calling for the most loving mother.

  Bonova Gustave, who came at the oracle of the God of Steam and Machinery, was blocked from the palace. The young angel fell into the muddy water, with crimson tentacles broken down into the most elementary particles in front of him.

  The pollution leaked along with the promotion ceremony of the "Black Emperor" has exceeded the range that the angel can bear. He can only watch the "sun" swooping down from the sky first, which looks very much like the golden crow's flaming bird in the bedtime story written by his father. It spread its wings and spread fire rain all over the sky, annihilating all filth and creatures, leaving only a pure stream of light.

  However, even if he is "weak", Bonova is a mythical creature and still has the power to bear witness.

  In a world that has been reduced to elemental models and particle components, illusory darkness is entrenched on crimson, and on the deformed mausoleum-like altar, his father stands there, so strange that Bonova dare not recognize him.

  The clockwork doll composed of metal parts and gems containing data was shattered on the ground. Sapphires similar to his father's eye color fell out of the doll's empty eye sockets, staining the ground with blood red.

  The emperor of Intis wears a seven-pointed crown and a red robe. At his feet, the most pious praise of the emperor from all the people has turned into a substantial staircase, which is about to send him to the high clouds.

  Russell Gustav was holding blood in his hands. His exposed skin was covered with illusory and wriggling black hair. His handsome and majestic face was covered with hair. Violent data and bits of light surrounded the beast-like hair, acting on it. On His own blood, a simple throne will be formed... He will build His throne on the stars.

  Before the pollution and the emperor's deadly counterattack, the "Eternal Sun" was retreating steadily, and the day had been completely replaced by night.

  It's just that what Bonova saw was not the tranquility when the "Goddess of the Night" dominated, nor the heart-warming crimson moon when Lilith was still alive in ancient legends, but a completely different kind of terror.

  The red tide rises and falls on the moon disk, revealing the rusty silver under the blood red.

  Unspeakable creatures roared on the moon, infecting the "Black Emperor" who was about to ascend the throne, and also infected Bonova...

  An unprecedented urge to reproduce appeared in the mind of the "knowledge mentor" who abided by the rules. The restless desire bewitched his reason. Bonova got up from the ground and wanted to touch the bright red flesh wall with his hands.


  Gears and levers operate crazily, and huge amounts of steam rush into the sky, covering the source of the anomaly. The body made of metal is dragged high in the sky of reality, leaving an indelible trace in the spiritual world. The high temperature brings Trier It rained heavily, and the instigator used a steam engine to roar in the rainy night, repeating the closed-loop process, trying to awaken the deluded people with the roar of civilization.

  Bonois shuddered suddenly and looked up to the sky, only to find that his eyes could not capture any color from the direction of the palace.

  The body of the "Perfect One" rose from the temple. This clock-like island in the sky used its body to block all light sources near the White Maple Palace, and included the "Eternal Blazing Sun" within the scope of the partition.

  The thick metal armor rippled, melted into a liquid state, and was quickly reorganized under the control of the most outstanding "craftsman". Pieces of golden baffles replaced the armor that could originally resist most attacks. "The God of Steam and Machinery" Knowing very well who should take the lead at this time, he did not hesitate, just like he had done in the past thousand years, he sacrificed his own safety and paved a smooth road for the "Eternal Blazing Sun".

  The shadows of civilizations belonging to the golden age of the old days that believed in the sun are carefully carved on the bezel. These metals, which are essentially pictures of civilization, subvert the new order that is the cornerstone of the "Black Emperor"'s godhood ceremony. The smooth gold reflects the "eternal blazing sun". "The pure radiance emitted, layers of reflection concentrated on one point.

  The divine bird with its wings burning with flames finally extinguished the spread of the blood tide, and the filthy life disappeared, leaving only the shadow that began to collapse.

  Mass comes into play in Russell's body.

  The emperor, who was clad in red robes, had his limbs and limbs pulled apart by the twisted divine power that was out of control. He relied on digitizing his body and reorganizing his atomic structure to delay death.

  He slowly opened his eyes, and a faint blue squeezed out of the corners of the blood-colored crystals.

  "You came?"

  Russell saw the medieval scenery in the civilization picture, and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

  Boom, boom, boom!

  The "God of Steam and Machinery" had no obligation to answer a dying traitor. Only the roar of the steam engine struck Russell's eardrums.

  As death approached, Russell, who barely regained consciousness, turned his neck stiffly, trying to find his allies.

  The True Creator, the "God of Mysteries", Adam, the Hidden Sage...none of them came...

  "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

  In the midst of all kinds of difficulties, Russell suddenly made a meaningless move.

  He laughed crazily and stretched out his right hand toward the sky. The whole hand was clenched into a fist, with only the middle finger raised straight up, facing everyone, whether they were human or not, living or dead.

  "Damn you all, go to your world, go to hell!"

  His crazy appearance made the "Eternal Blazing Sun" waiting for the opportunity in the sky be confused for a moment, wondering whether the pollution belonging to the "Fallen Mother Goddess" was about to expand again.

  But nothing happened, and even Russell's condition became increasingly worse.

  This is a pointless move.

  The provoked "Sun" could not allow anyone to dare to offend its pride. A simple golden light beam fell from the sky, flooding Russell and the White Maple Palace.

  The sun rises again from the east, driving away the evil red moon and the ominous darkness.

  A pure atmosphere filled the palace that had returned to normal. The walls were still white, the flowers had lost their smiles, and there were only corpses wearing servant clothes lying on both sides of the flower bed, with their eyes closed as if they were asleep.

  The divine punishment of the sun purified all unclean things. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettRusell, who lost his spirit body and only had his body left, lost support for his raised right hand, and his body rolled straight down the steps, along the red carpet. After rolling for a few times, the throne, which no longer had the chance to take shape, collapsed into its original appearance of blood and scattered on the ground.

  The proud sun did not pay any more attention to the fool on earth who wanted to become a god. He returned to the star realm and continued to listen to the devout praises of believers.

  The hymn of "Praise to the Sun" banned the cheers for the emperor. Only the holy drive of the "God of Steam" with its golden baffle put away was still suspended in the air, no more spraying steam, no more roaring of levers and gears.

  He modified the front of his hearth, removed the armor, and exposed the big clock used for timing in the air, one time, two times.

  Boom, boom, boom...

  The footsteps, together with the death knell, passed through the antechamber, through the garden, and past the royal throne.

  Bonova came to his father and did not touch the emperor's body that fell in the dust. Instead, he knelt down and carefully picked up the broken doll.

  He carefully put all the pieces together, and his extraordinary ability easily restored the original appearance of the doll. Only the sapphires that should have been in the eye sockets remained in his hands.

  Bonova tried to stuff the "eyes" back into the hole, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it.

  His god quietly watched the child's futility in the air, and continued to ring the loud bell that resounded throughout Intis.

  Both he and he knew that, just like the remains of the emperor on earth, the sapphire had lost the spirituality left by its owner, and such an attempt was in vain.

  Russell Gustav may still be there, but no one can erase his contribution, his hatred, and the traces he left for civilization.

  But the man named Huang Tao has completely disappeared.

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