
chapter 16

Chapter 61 Old Neil

  The translucent flesh and blood slowly turned into a deep black under the owner's gaze, and bit by bit it disintegrated into long worm-like blood clots and fell to the floor.

  The pain came slowly, and Klein's will was clearer than ever. He didn't dare to look back, and he didn't dare to determine whether other teammates had suffered the same attack as him. He gritted his teeth tightly.

  On the spear woven with flesh and shadow, the extinguishing orange-red flame suddenly erupted. The already unstoppable gesture ignited tentacles that came from the roof, from the ground, and from all directions, dragging all four people into the center of the flames.

  This extraordinary thing that surpassed the limit of Sequence Seven miraculously escaped the suppression of the True God's breath.

  On the stairs leading to the underground, a lamp holder that had been in disrepair exploded to pieces. Four figures were thrown high into the air by orange-red flames that appeared out of thin air, and rolled along the slope to the bottom of the stairs.

  A heavy loud noise approached above his head step by step. Klein ignored his injury and struggled to get up from the ground, just in time to meet Dunn's eyes.


  "Chanis Gate, we retreat to Chanis Gate."

  Dunn gave the order to all the "Nighthawks" with an unmistakable urgency.

  Leonard, who had just been attracted by the fire and rushed over, hadn't figured out the situation yet. He just subconsciously helped Dai Li, who seemed to be seriously injured, and picked up Fry by the way.

  Although no one explained what exactly happened, the expression on Leonard's face changed several times in just a few seconds, and he hurriedly interjected:

  "2-105, Captain, I will control that sealed object!"

  Dunn just glanced at Leonard and continued:

  "Klein, go get 2-105, 2-065 and 3-0782. I'll get the other one."

  He didn't seem to notice that Klein was seriously injured.

  However, Klein did not shirk the blame. Even when he remembered that this might be a "coincidence" arranged by Ince Zangwill, he did not say anything to remind him. He just nodded and accepted Dunn's order, and then randomly scratched his coat. He grabbed it and pressed down on the wound that did not continue to bleed, then turned around and walked into the darkness with Dunn.

  Before leaving, when Klein passed by Leonard, he paused and without hesitation, he quickly took out a charm from his pocket and stuffed it into the "Midnight Poet"'s pocket, and whispered :

  "The opening spell is the sun."

  Ms. Dai Li may not be able to get rid of the backlash of the ritual in a short time. During the time when he and the captain retrieved the sealed artifact, Leonard and the others could not stop Megoou who was completely contaminated and mutated by the breath of the true Creator with only their own strength. Silk.

  Fortunately, there were no ordinary people on duty in the Blackthorn Security Company today, and Luo Shan finally got the holiday she had been looking forward to.

  In the deep and dark underground corridor, Klein and Dunn ran through the elegant lights and ran towards Chanis Gate.

  Leonard has already headed to the stairs, and there is naturally no one guarding here. Only the holy symbol of the goddess of the night is still silently exuding a peaceful atmosphere.

  He and Dunn divided their forces into two groups, one on the left and the other on the right, quickly picking out the sealed objects they needed.

  With the help of the underground watcher, Klein did not need to remove any extra sealing measures, and soon walked out of Chanis Gate with three sealed objects.

  Ince Zangwill's purpose is to steal the ashes of the saint behind Chanis Gate. Megoose's loss of control is definitely not part of the Southern Continent's plan. Mr. A and the "faceless man" did not appear or stop them, which shows that they I also encountered difficulties and could not provide immediate support...

  Although the situation was urgent, Klein's thoughts were extremely clear.

  With the suppression of the saint's ashes and the "Sun Flame" spell, it is not impossible for them to kill the monster on Megoose, but after this, the weak "Nighthawk" team will never be able to stop Ince Zan. Guvir snatched away the ashes.

  "Mystery" cannot affect reality. Now I board the gray fog and pretend to be "Mystery" to issue an oracle and summon angels to help. Not to mention whether it will cause a greater disaster. Time alone is too late...

  Thinking of this, Klein continued to run quickly, and without hesitation, he touched the inside of his coat and took out a copper whistle with a cold and soft surface.

  He put aside all worries, puffed up his cheeks and blew hard, only to see a huge white bone messenger crawling out of the ground. The pale bones were much more unreal than last time, and seemed to be suppressed.

  "Please tell Mr. Azik that the murderer of his son has appeared. He is near the headquarters of the Blackthorn Security Company - the 'Nighthawk' team. There are also monsters contaminated by the evil god here, and the situation is critical!"

  After saying that, Klein still felt that it was not safe, so he asked the Bone Messenger again:

  "You can hear my words and convey them to Mr. Azik, right?"

  The nearly four-meter-long skeleton messenger nodded slightly and quickly disappeared without causing any unusual changes.

  The goddess was not aware of the existence of the Bone Messenger?

  Faced with this speculation, Klein didn't know whether to be happy or desperate.

  If the goddess could understand every ups and downs in the church, then Klein's blasphemy might be judged, but on the other hand, Ince Zangwill's conspiracy would not succeed.

  And now, the Bone Messenger leaves freely, which also proves that Ince Zangwill can also come in and out at will and take away the ashes of the saints who have left the protection of Chanis Gate...

  Boom, boom, boom.

  A loud noise brought Klein back to reality from his thoughts.

  He suddenly stopped vigilantly and looked at the source of the strange noise.

  That's the direction of the confinement room.

  Different from the previous situation where his voice was completely isolated after being locked in the solitary room, now he could actually hear Old Neil's old, haggard, and anxious voice coming from inside.

  "Who's out there and what happened?"

  "Why did the suppression in the solitary room fail?"

  "Is anyone moving the ashes of the saint behind the Chanis Gate?"

  The iron door was banged on the door frame by Old Neil. Klein hesitated for a moment and approached the iron door.

  "It's me, we were attacked, there was a monster contaminated by the evil god..."

  "Monster contaminated by the evil god!"

  There was a frantic knocking on the door and the source of power was lost. Old Neil was silent for only a second before the anxious old voice broke out again.

  "Klein, let me out, quickly!"

  "Dunn has taken away the saint's ashes. The sealed objects in Chanis Sect will soon get out of control. Nothing can happen. Nothing can happen to Chanis Sect!"

  Upon hearing this, Klein was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but put his hand on the handle of the iron door.

  But he still hesitated.

  Just like what Old Neil said, there is no safety behind the Chanis Gate. Those sealed objects with living characteristics are probably about to make a move. If they fail to kill the monsters, the people behind the gate will not be spared either.

  "What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

  There was another loud noise, and Klein closed his eyes and opened the iron door.

  In the gloomy cubic room, Old Neil's skin was dark yellow, his hair was completely white, and his skin was chapped near almost every wrinkle. His eyes were bloodshot, and he almost pressed his face against the door.

  Klein looked at Old Neil, who was extremely haggard. The hand holding the doorknob trembled slightly, and he could not resist the urge to close the door again.

  Old Neil saw through his thoughts, glanced at the three sealed objects held by Klein, and revealed a smile on his dry lips.

  "Why, do you feel sorry for me, a traitor?"


  "It depends on what I do. Let's go quickly. I know my own situation well. If I go to the church, I will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Instead of being tried, I would rather die in Chanis Gate now. That way I will at least still be a night watchman." He can also go to the goddess' kingdom to reunite with Shaslit."

  Old Neil strode across the threshold, reached out and pushed Klein hard behind his back, his voice gradually fading away.

  Outside the confinement, gunshots could be heard not far away in the dark corridor, but Klein still stopped for a moment.

  He pursed his lips tightly and solemnly drew a crimson moon on his chest.

  "May the goddess bless you."


  "...The ritual prepared by the 'Nighthawk' stimulated the embryo of the Son of God, the True Creator, in Megoose's body. Out of a stress reaction, the embryo actively leaked the contamination of the True Creator, another sequence of the 'Nighthawk' Qi was also severely injured and could not recover in a short time."

  "If Leonard Mitchell, who was harboring a secret, happened to be here at this time, he might have been able to avoid this unfortunate tragedy. However, he had just been sent underground, and UU Readingwww.uukanshu.net had also replaced him. Sika who is going home to rest."

  "Although the true Creator once considered giving up this embryo that was not yet fully developed due to unknown reasons, at this moment, He changed his mind and wanted to erase the traces of His own activities in Tingen. Megoose The embryo in the body has become a link to transmit the power of the true Creator. If time permits, perhaps Ince Zangwill can harvest a copy of the characteristics of the 'Three-Headed Temple' in addition to the ashes of the saint."

  "Unfortunately, this process is slow. An embryo that is only three weeks old cannot withstand excessive force. Megoose has only gained partial abilities and weak divinity. She has no extraordinary characteristics in her body and only relies on the embryo. The links made support the action."

  "This monster who cannot think rationally can only rely on instinct to drive her behavioral logic, so she chose Klein Moretti, who has a secret, as the number one target, and then the remaining two Sequence Sevens and Lun, who also has a secret. Nader Mitchell, that makes sense."

  (The last few words have been emphasized several times, the font is distorted, and the strokes are messy. It seems that there is a conflict between the writers.)


  With three sealed artifacts in his arms, Klein rushed back to the stairs. All the lights here were turned on. Under the blue gas lamp, three "Nighthawks" stood separately in the light source. Dai Li was holding a bottle of potion. He straightened his body with his own strength, but his face was extremely pale.

  Dai Li, who was standing farthest back, heard a noise behind her and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Klein.

  She took 3-0782 and 2-105, kept one for herself, and threw the other to Leonard, adding.

  "For some reason, the monster stopped on the stairs. She seemed to be stalling for time."

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Chapter 62 3 Temples

  Delaying time?

  Klein almost thought there was something wrong with his ears, but he knew very well that no one would joke at this time, so he quickly glanced at the stairs where there was no longer a loud noise, only the sound of gasping echoed.

  Just like when I looked directly at the eternal blazing sun, if high-sequence or divine creatures would have mysterious patterns on their bodies that were essentially knowledge, Megoos, who was part of the true creator's descending ceremony, wouldn't need to do it. Extraneous movements, as long as we stand there and show our divine patterns, can kill us easily...

  But now she doesn't act, but waits...

  The citrine pendant swayed gently. Following the results of his inspiration and divination, Klein placed 2-065 on the bridge of his nose, and his vision suddenly broadened.

  Illusive black threads sprouted from the bodies of the "Nighthawks". In the field of vision covered with a gray-white filter, the dark colors of the walls and floor tiles lost their fill, and the thick walls turned into translucent frosted glass in Klein's eyes. Similar visual objects.

  He raised his gaze slightly and stared straight at the lines extending from Megoose's body.

  His eyes were not shattered, his brain was not boiling, and he was not counterattacked by divine power!

  No divine power?

  Klein made a gesture to continue looking down, but before his nerves could respond, his spiritual intuition screamed again. Megoose, who was originally staying at the steps, seemed to feel the sound of this person peeking out of the darkness. Peering out, the beautiful cheeks slowly turned, revealing a pair of empty eye sockets with only blood left.

  call! call! call!

  The horrifying biting sounds and strong malice pressed on the shoulders of the "Nighthawks" as they got closer, causing their knees to bend and their backs to creak.

  Klein pulled off the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out a handful of tarot cards from his pocket and threw them casually into the corner, breathing rapidly and saying:

  "Don't look at her belly..."

  "There is divine power in the embryo of the true Creator."

  The mellow voice that suddenly came from behind everyone was like magic, gently slapping away the burden that was weighing on the "Nighthawks".

  Holding a rectangular box that looked as silver as bone, Dunn slowly walked through the depths and walked towards his teammates.

  The urn carrying the saint's ashes was pushed open a gap, and countless tentacle-like threads poked out from the gap, shaking gently.

  In the dim underground corridor, the deep darkness seemed to have vitality, inspired by the extended power of the ashes of these saints, and swayed gently with the tentacle threads.

  The gauze curtain hangs from the top of the corridor, blocking the shadows that are about to move in the blind corner of the light.

  Dunn's eyes passed deeply over Leonard, whose arm was wrapped with pale veins, Frye, who was holding the handle of the gun tightly with both hands, Daley, who exuded a warm and pure atmosphere in his hands, and Klein, who put on his glasses again, and gently pulled He touched his collar.

  "The Holy Church has sent a telegram. They are organizing strong men and they will be here soon. Let us delay as much as possible and wait as long as possible."

  The heavy breathing came closer and closer, but the deep gray pair remained calm.

  "I will use the ashes of Saint Selina to delay this monster. The divinity revealed by the evil embryo will only grow with time. No matter what happens, whether my situation is good or bad, once I die, you will immediately withdraw the investigation. Nice Gate, the ashes of the saint will block her progress."

  Captain...Klein's lips were dry and his throat was blocked.

  He looked at Dai Li, who was not far away from him. He didn't see Dai Li's expression clearly, and he didn't dare to look more. He took a deep breath, and with the influx of spirituality, his vision turned gray again.

  When they were ready, death came quietly.

  Dunn Smith suddenly raised the urn, and Leonard moved even faster than Dunn. He turned his wrist and the pale blood vessels wrapped around his forearm suddenly expanded to the limit.

  At the end of the stairs, Megoose, who had just taken a step, suddenly lost the ability to move forward. Her beautiful head was frozen at the moment when her mouth opened, and dark red, milky white, and light yellow colors exploded.

  On the illusory curtain, the background of black gauze bloomed with a magnificent silvery white like countless stars. The substantial darkness under Megoose's feet suddenly shrank under the pull of the silk thread, and together with the surrounding curtains, the headless person was Tightly wrapped.

  Klein took the opportunity created by the captain and Leonard without hesitation. He spread his fingers and pulled hard into his arms. Several spiritual threads that emerged from the cracks of the dark package were pulled by him.

  Frye cast a spell symbolizing death, and Daly drank the potion. Her pale arms stretched out from behind the curtain and grabbed Melgoose's belly.


  You all go to hell!

  No one can kill my child!

  Suddenly, a shrill, furious scream erupted in the minds of all the "Nighthawks", and it was the voice of Megoose.

  An invisible pressure surged forward, and the dark curtain that had not yet been closed was broken by the huge impact. Klein, who had just made a dodge, was slapped against the wall. Dunn, who was holding the ashes in his hand, staggered backward, leaving a few Although the person was not directly targeted, he still fell to the ground. Even the walls on both sides were cracked and half of the few wall lamps were extinguished in an instant.

  Even though she has lost her head, Megoose is still conveying the instinctive and hysterical resentment from the depths of the true Creator's divinity in a special way.

  Her bloody neck and collarbones on both sides continued to proliferate and squirm with purple tumors. The heartbreaking pain drove her body to rapidly evolve, growing three old, young, or immature heads.

  The scream at the spiritual level impacted the fragile spirit of mortals. As soon as Klein stood firm, his eyes were filled with blood. He could only vaguely see the three different but similar heads heading towards him, Dunn, and Renner respectively. The direction of virtue.

  The blue flames suddenly shot up, and the glass covers depicting angel patterns on the few remaining wall lamps were shattered. The quiet power poured out from the inside of the urn that Dunn was holding tightly.

  Dunn Smith's bloodshot gray eyes gradually became sharper, like pine needles. The blood vessels on his face bulged, and the erected hairs were stained black. The sides of his waist seemed to be squirming with poisonous snakes, holding up the thin black hair. Coat hem.

  Enveloped in this illusory light, the "Nightmare"'s state underwent some bad changes. Its bent legs started to move, and its body looked more like a beast than a human.

  Captain... No... Leonard, who was leaning against the wall, caught the distortion happening to Dunn and instinctively wanted to turn his wrist.

  But before he could react, his beautiful green eyes were replaced by a hint of dark brown.

  The "Midnight Poet" whose temperament had changed no longer looked at Dunn, but firmly pointed his wrist directly in front of him.

  Megoose, who had grown three songs, stopped again, and Dunn did not continue to lose control.

  The "Nighthawk" captain was not crazy, but extremely sober, and continued to hold the urn in his hand.

  He controlled his body like a puppet in a dream. His consciousness and sight were elevated to a wonderful level, and he took a step forward with a overlooking attitude.

  The silver top cover of the urn was blown to pieces, revealing the ashes as white as star sand. The miniature of the galaxy shone under the influence of darkness. The blue isolated in the shadow stepped out of the scope of the lamp holder and floated in the air. Burning into pieces, fine illusory threads intertwined into a network, and the entire hall became bone-chilling. Tentacles with only outlines and no substance opened the curtain one after another, drilling out from every corner, looking for food to fill the bottomless darkness. .

  In an instant, Klein realized that this might be a unique opportunity. He stepped forward resolutely, risking his chest being pierced by violent flesh and shadow again, and snapped his fingers.

  His action was like a signal. Dai Li and Frye squeezed the charms in their hands and pulled them down with their hands.

  The spirit body, which was originally too frightened by this terrifying confrontation to show its face, showed its claws and pounced on the shadows gathered at Megoos' feet one after another.

  Orange-red flames exploded on an unnoticed tarot card in the corner. Klein's figure appeared, pulling together the thread of the spirit body and using the saint's ashes to freeze Megoos for a moment. His eyes were dark brown. Leonard understood and threw out a touch of gold.


  This is not the opening spell set by Klein, but the surface is covered with mysterious patterns, and the spell carved with blossoming flowers guarding the sun suddenly comes to life. A faint light rises from the traces written by the carving knife, and a round of virtual shadows solidifies. It was extremely hot, and the extremely dazzling sunlight burst out instantly, making dawn rise from the ground.

  The blazing white fireball released its own temperature wantonly. The stone slabs that had existed underground for countless years under the Church of the Night were burned to pieces under this terrifying temperature and melted into a thick slurry. Deep red and brown colors spread across the earth, mixed with The black and gray steam was blocked a little by a wall of orange flames, and then retreated under the blue flames.

  Klein walked out of the flames and collapsed on the ground, half-body leaning against the wall, his legs swinging, and traces of burns could be seen all over his body.

  The threads and tentacles retracted the darkness from the source, and the remaining shadows were eliminated from the ubiquitous darkness underground. Dunn mechanically lowered the urn without the lid a little, and the surrounding darkness that had lost its traction suddenly collapsed, like a tide. , bringing cooling to the already overheated hallway.

  "Is it resolved?"

  Klein, who had just faced the explosion of the "sun", burst into tears. He squinted his eyes, trying to stabilize his eyes, which were constantly divided into several layers and overlapping images that were difficult to distinguish, trying to see clearly what was happening behind the ashes and gunpowder smoke.

  He was convinced that Megoose would never be able to have power comparable to a real demigod in a short period of time just by transmitting power from the embryo.

  But the saint's ashes in the captain's hands and the "sun" charm extracted from 3-0782 are so powerful?

  Is this solved?

  Klein used his peripheral vision to see the shaky Leonard, as well as Frye and Daly adjusting their breathing, and a sense of absurdity suddenly came to his heart.

  A group of rookies counterattacking and killing powerful villains only exists in Shuangwen. He has never experienced such a good thing since he came to this world...

  How can a monster that will grow into a true "mythical creature" sooner or later be so easy to deal with?

  Just when he was about to turn his head and ask Captain Dunn, the sound of heavy breathing came again from behind the billowing thick fog that had not dispersed for a long time.

  Almost instantly, two very similar shadows sprang out from behind the thick fog. The bone blades as pale as snow quickly split open the obstacle in front of them, accompanied by a sharp wind. The speed was so fast and the angle was so tricky that it was "magic." The powerful spiritual intuition of "Master" pierced Klein's shoulder without even responding.

  The slender figure stepped back gracefully, easily piercing Klein's tendon, and with a diagonal slash, split open his skin, flesh, and even bones, nearly splitting his upper body in two.

  Sen Han, who had just protected Klein, penetrated into his lungs along the damaged fascia, causing him to almost faint from the pain. He didn't even notice that his exposed flesh and blood was dissolving into long translucent strips. He snapped his fingers with his good right hand.

  At the same time, another slender shadow also grew out of the shadow. The long white bone blade was stuck on the tentacle covered with hard black hair extending from Dunn's waist, unable to advance or retreat.

  Dai Li, who wanted to use her spirit body to push away the monster in front of Klein, saw this scene and suddenly let out a roar like a wounded mother animal. Blue-green scales pierced her skin and dotted her eyes, just like her usual love. Gorgeous makeup.


  Her long hair, which was burnt by the high temperature, suddenly rose up. Frye, who had just reacted next to her, was also infected by the strong necromantic aura. Their eyes seemed to be burning with pale flames, and they clenched the air with their five fingers at the same time. A pinch.

  The ferocious spirit rushed out of the air, and its transparent arms pierced the heart of the slender figure. However, only the powerful-looking spirit had not yet touched the figure's skin. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net collapsed inch by inch and disappeared into the air, looking so powerless and ridiculous.

  Mortal love, hatred, and hatred cannot play any role in front of the will of gods.

  "Those who blaspheme shall die."

  The dull hoarseness dispelled the thick fog. The human figure wrapped in the shadow robe, with no trace of Megoose's shadow, walked slowly. Two deep tracks like ties under her feet squirmed gently, trying to bring back her body. Two other parts.

  Dunn, who was linked to the saint's ashes, was vaguely aware of the monster's intention. Several tentacles as thick as a python were stacked on top of each other, flipping and squirming, and forcibly broke off one of the arms of the slender figure.

  With a bang, the white bone blade fell to the ground.

  But even though he tried so hard, Dunn, who had not truly mastered divinity, still failed to leave the shadow in front of him, and "Megaos" became complete.

  The three identical heads all have no eyeballs. The eye frames are filled with blood and have lost their skin. The lips, which are dark and crispy and stick to the surface of the skull, are just opening and closing. This simple movement is slowed down in the eyes of the "Nighthawks". Countless times.

  The ashes in Dunn's hand were unattended, and the blue spirituality spontaneously spurted out, rushing towards the sculpture-like "living targets" who stood in place and lost the ability to move.


  There were no exaggerated explosions, no dazzling colors, just an extremely slight crisp sound, and the three "Nighthawks" lost consciousness.

  Wrapped in the blue flames emitted by the saint's ashes, Dunn struggled to bend down, his body once again showing signs of sliding towards the beast.

  Klein watched all this in despair, bit by bit, as the lenses in front of him cracked and cracked...

  It cracked, leaving a fine line filled with gray and white.

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Chapter 63 Gao Jie's Death

  Ashes were mixed with sweat and stuck to the cracked lenses. Fine lines filled with gray and white quickly expanded, outlining lines of spiritual bodies. As the seal became damaged, the vision became unstable and suddenly became illusory, but Klein only After hesitating for a second, he quickly made a decision, snapped his fingers, and his body was once again engulfed in orange flames.

  As he left the sight of "Megaos" and was suppressed by "Yangyan" just now, the almost solid darkness surged again. Countless tentacles that integrated the outline with the environment were raised, entangled with each other. The smooth silk threads all over the body and the ubiquitous blue flames penetrated into the shadow dominated by corruption and swam towards the source of power.

  Dunn, who has almost no human features left, is covered with a layer of black gauze.

  He stepped forward firmly, bringing the darkness around him with him.

  Daley, Frye, and Leonard, who had fainted and lost consciousness, were dragged back by the thread hidden in the shadow. The disembodied tentacles took the "Megaos" step first and raised their heads from the ground, like poisonous snakes. He bit down hard on "Megaos"'s ankles, which left only bones and a layer of burnt black.

  The "Sun Flame" that broke out just now did cause damage to the incomplete monster. Her condition was incomplete, and the embryo in the empty abdominal cavity had shrunk a lot. Just the shadow in the assimilation corridor had already affected her. Mostly spiritual.

  As "Tranquility" penetrated, Dunn, whose head was completely hidden in the darkness, sang softly. "Megaos" who was about to utter obscene words suddenly stopped and stood there, as if lost. The target's eye sockets, which had lost their eyeballs and eyelids, were gradually filled with blood.

  Klein looked at all this and subconsciously raised his intact right hand.

  Although there were no clear signs, he still realized that as long as there was enough time, the saint's ashes in the captain's hands could completely "pacify" the monster and send her spirit to a silent death.

  But this is almost impossible.

  Dunn, who has no real accommodation characteristics and simply relies on the power of ashes, cannot support it for too long.

  If she wants to completely eliminate the monster in front of her, she must have another high-sequence ability to give her a fatal blow.

  It would be nice if the "Sun Flame" talisman was still there, if I could make another talisman at that time... Klein, whose left arm was swinging and his body was almost split in half, suddenly thought of something and froze in place.

  He held the almost unusable 2-105 and put the unstable sealed object back on the bridge of his nose by accident.

  The fine lines that had covered the lenses were slowly dissipating gray, giving him a ridiculous illusion.

  The attitude of the extraordinary people in the Southern Continent caused him to misjudge...

  Although "Secret" keeps saying that he cannot interfere with reality, isn't his purpose just to replace him and become the next master of the gray mist?

  Even if this is also a lie, the imprisoned true god must want to return to reality. Judging from the attitude of the Southern Continent, he is probably a container cultivated by them.

  If the precious container is threatened by life, a threat that cannot be solved by itself and the surrounding forces, will He remain indifferent?

  With unrealistic hopes, Klein took the risk and used the damaged sealed artifact.

  However, the cold and erratic voice did not echo in his ears, and Shen Zhuan, who was trapped in the gray fog, did not give him any enlightenment. All that appeared in his mind was dizziness and pain. Instead, several spiritual threads flickered in the black and gray field of vision. attracted his attention.

  At the end of the thin line floating in the air, the unconscious Dai Li was curled up in the corner of the corridor, with her hands under her head, and a ball of golden-red light emitted a weak yet steady soft light.

  Ha, this can be considered a revelation of fate... He smiled bitterly.

  As he prepared to take action, two thoughts grew in the dizziness that accompanied the graying.

  A voice told him that returning home, to Earth, was the goal he should pursue. Everything that happened in this strange world had nothing to do with him, but it was a dream, and home was the most important thing.

  But another voice, the voice of Klein Moretti, said that this is his real home. His family lives in this isolated city. His captain and teammates are burning their lives, even if there is no Pious beliefs, based on morality, love and other things that constitute self-awareness, must also fulfill their mission and live up to their identity.

  Two completely different voices collided fiercely, and another precious second passed by quietly.

  However, the confrontation ahead continued, fresh muscles began to grow on the head, and the three charred black figures that started to separate again gradually showed signs of waking up.

  The death threat that had already walked in front of him did not allow Klein to calculate the pros and cons. He decisively jumped to Dai Li with flames and pulled out the badge that contained the blood of the "Eternal Blazing Sun".

  In his blurred vision, he saw the crumbling Dunn, and saw "Megaos" who was about to break free from the shackles and get rid of the erosion of "darkness".

  In the lower abdomen of "Megaos", the crescent-shaped embryo beat slowly, and the evil patterns became clear again. The divine power was first reflected in Dunn's eyes, who looked directly at the embryo, and the illusory black veil suddenly Transparent, the existence almost disappears, thick blood is constantly dripping from Dunn's eyes, and the deep gray gradually loses focus.

  Captain... Klein had a grim look on his face, closed his eyes, and decisively raised his right hand with deformed knuckles. At the same time, he squeezed out the remaining spirituality with his left hand, and ignited the flame for the last time.

  The "world" was ignited with orange, and the thin figure of the "Magician" jumped out from an inconspicuous corner.

  The shadows and flesh and blood, stimulated by the pure aura emitted by 3-0782, reacted instinctively. The chain hammer made of shadows rotated at high speed, like a battle ax held by a giant, squeezing the air and twisting it in mid-air. A strong wind came out from the right side.

  As the shadow chain hammer flashed past, Klein's body, which was split by the bone blade, finally couldn't hold on anymore and split into two halves.

  The "Nighthawk", whose heart and lungs were completely exposed, fell heavily to the ground and seemed to have lost its mobility.

  But the next one, his spine made a crunching sound. He actually bent his body forcefully, and his broken upper body miraculously stood up.

  The lenses covered in mud were shattered inch by inch, and the obvious cracks became increasingly gray. Klein's brown eyes exploded into blood foam the moment he looked directly at the embryo in the abdominal cavity of "Megaos", and his brain was transformed into a god-shaped image. The pattern's arrogant power burned it to pieces.

  It's just that this long-anticipated impact is far less than the feedback of looking directly at the "Eternal Blazing Sun". Even though he has lost the ability to think clearly, Klein's body still follows the last instruction issued by his brain, trying his best to The Holy Emblem of the Sun in his hand was stuffed into the womb containing the embryo.

  Suddenly, Klein, whose brain had been damaged, heard something.

  It seemed to come from an infinite height, and it seemed to be his own voice.

  On the surface of 3-0782, which had been buried behind the Chanis Gate of St. Selina Church for hundreds of years, the simple sun pattern suddenly became vivid, with two occult symbols composed of a golden sphere and a segment of lines representing light. Layers of pure white wings bloomed from the side, and a line of sight was cast from a distance, with contempt and a familiar cold snort.

  The divinity originating from the true Creator is wrapped in the carrier of divine blood and cannot go any further. The symbolic sun turns into a sun disk, bright red like blood, and quickly fades away from the deep black around it.

  The scorching temperature scorched the embryo in "Megaos"'s body, and the shrill, helpless cry of the baby resounded underground. A ball of blazing white flame instantly turned "Megaos" into a human-shaped torch. , rapidly shrinking under the strong gravity, and the flames squeezed into a solid ball of light.

  It is the light that illuminates the darkness, the light that brings warmth.

  "It works." A voice in the distance said.

  Plop! Plop!

  The powerful heartbeat sounded in Dunn's chest again.

  It beat, pure breath spurted out from the inside out, the tentacles and black hair that grew out of the distortion fell off neatly, and the eyes of the "Nighthawk" captain lit up again.

  His deep gray eyes swept across, with pathos and determination, he picked up the urn of Saint Selina.

  Drawn by 3-0782, "Darkness" gathered around "Megaos", isolating Klein, who had completely lost his vitality and the seal on the bridge of his nose was completely damaged, from the final attack.

  The two merged into the bodies of the three monsters, like a star whose life span was coming to an end, flying high in the sky, breaking through obstacles, and leaping continuously until the top of the sky exploded in the thin atmosphere.


  The thick lead clouds were blown open for several kilometers in this sunrise-like scene, revealing the peaceful and harmonious night behind them. The rain evaporated into mist before it even hit the ground, reflecting the colorful colors.

  The Blackthorn Security Company was razed to the ground by the high temperature when the "sun" rose, and the remaining light from the sky shone into the corridor through the charred and holed floor.

  Dunn, who was holding the ashes of St. Selina in his hands, returned to normal. He was so exhausted that his hands lost strength and the urn slipped from his fingertips.

  He subconsciously glanced at the sound under his feet, but when he saw that the ashes like stardust were not spilled from the urn, but were instead adsorbed on the bottom of the urn like gel, he stopped looking at it and staggered straight up. Run forward.



  Half walking and half crawling, he lost all feeling in his legs and feet, so he propped himself up on his elbows, came to the young man's side, and whispered in the young man's ear.

  But no one will answer his call.

  Klein Moretti fell on the tattered ground. His bookish face was missing his eyeballs. Various viscous liquids flowed from his ears and mouth. His back was facing the hole where the light was shining, and he seemed quiet. Fell asleep.

  Klein... Dunn's vision was blurred.

  He felt that his consciousness was inevitably falling into drowsiness, and tears lingered in his eyes. He used his last strength to cover Klein's empty eyes with his hands, and gently brushed them downwards.

  At this point, all the "Nighthawks" who were still fighting underground had lost consciousness.

  Rustling... A quill held by a pale hand stopped moving.

  In the dead silence, rhythmic footsteps broke the belated silence. A pair of brand-new leather shoes walked past everyone who fell on the ground, and a hand reached down, a slightly pale hand.

  It holds the urn of Saint Selina.



  The sword edge pierced the belly, slashed hard, and opened a gash.

  Mr. A stood on the corpse of the spirit world creature. The real touch under his feet gradually disappeared and he stepped on the earth.

  The battle just now made a lot of noise, but no official Beyonder appeared in front of him at this time, only panicked civilians and ordinary police officers who were at a loss.

  The light that symbolizes daytime has long been dispersed by the subsequent heavy rain. At eleven o'clock in the night, Tingen is uncharacteristically brightly lit. In front of almost every window, there is a face peering out, trying to figure out what is going on. Filled with fear The whole city.

  This place is not far from the Blackthorn Security Company where the "Nighthawk" is located. It is only separated by a street. Mr. A squinted his blood-red eyes and clearly saw that there were only burn marks and traces left on the original second floor. Broken things, it was extremely quiet there, no sound came out, like a tomb.

  "I saw Ince Zangwill go in."

  Jerry Zaratul put his wet hair behind his hands, his expression ugly.

  The corners of his mouth moved with difficulty, but he couldn't force out a smile.

  "I didn't expect it to end like this. Klein Moretti is dead, Lord..."

  "Ince Zangwill owes us his life." Compared to his companions, Mr. A behaved quite calmly.

  He firmly grasped the inverted cross on his chest, and veins popped out in his pale palms. After squeezing to relieve his emotions for a while, he suddenly said.

  "Have our people left cleanly?"

  "Of course, except for Colodo, who was contaminated and I couldn't save him, everyone else has dispersed and left the city of Tingen." Jerry Zarath's nose twitched, feeling the coldness of the air and rain, "Just We are left."


  Mr. A nodded.

  "There is still a safe house that is not activated, let's go."

  "Let's go..." Jerry Zaratul didn't react at first. After understanding what Mr. A really meant, he couldn't help but be shocked, "You still want to stay here?"

  "The 'Red Gloves' of the night and the senior deacons are coming soon. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net When they get a firm foothold, we will both be found sooner or later, and neither of us will survive!"

  Mr. A, who put on his cloak again and walked towards the alley, said calmly without looking back:

  "The Holy City's order is to bring back Klein Moretti, and His Highness Zaratul asked us to stop Ince Zangwill. Both tasks have not been completed, and we cannot leave Tingen yet."

  "Besides, didn't you pray to His Highness Zaratul?"

  "I think He's already here."


  Megoose... Megoose!

  Klein sat upright suddenly, as if he was reaching out to grab something from the front.

  With a thud, his hand hit the hard stone and he bounced back onto the seat.

  The gray fog was boundless, and a few familiar pages of notes, the holy book of the "God of Mysteries", and the diary of Roman Ambrosius appeared in front of him, giving Klein a blow to the head.

  His memory still lingered on when he stuffed the "mutated Holy Emblem of the Sun" into Megoose's womb and heard a strange sound, then seemed to fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

  Klein instinctively touched his eyes, lowered his head, opened the buttons, and looked at his chest.

  There was no half of the body missing, exposing horrifying internal organs and bones, and no translucent wounds that were about to burst into long blood clots. Everything was normal.

  "You...no, I should be proud."

  "My successor was actually able to command the true god of the enemy country in Sequence Seven to help the out-of-control divine monster have an abortion..."

  "It's really, really admirable."

  A peaceful voice broke the silence in the palace like a giant's residence. "Mystery" sat on the "Magician"'s seat and cast his gaze to the highest place.

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Chapter 65 Decision

  Raphael Cemetery at night.

  Azik, who had a bronze complexion, held a bouquet of white flowers and stood in front of Klein's grave. He didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said to himself:

  "Sorry, I'm ten minutes late."

  "But I should know what to do..."

  He bent down and put down the bouquet of flowers, turned around and looked at his feet, his slightly slumped back slowly straightened, his sad brown eyes were stained with indifference and cruelty, and his temperament suddenly changed. The gentleness belonging to the university lecturer disappeared, leaving only the suffocating, death-like coldness.

  "A believer in the true Creator?"

  He raised two fingers from his naturally hanging palm, and the invisible air flow moved upon hearing the news, lifting the two pieces of rotten flesh under his feet that had lost the ability to control themselves into the air.

  The evening breeze blew off his hood, and Mr. A's delicate, female-like face was twisted into a ball in pain. His bloody eyes couldn't stop turning upwards, and his slender white neck was almost broken by the transparent spirit body. He could only Only by opening two more air holes in his lungs could he barely maintain the most basic breathing.

  As the "Death Archon" spoke, the spirit holding his throat relaxed a little. However, Mr. A did not answer the question. Instead, he looked to his side first, and his eyes traced an arc with difficulty.

  The disguise of the "faceless man" has long since collapsed. Thousands of worm-like flesh sprouts are twitching on Jerry Zaratul's face. Blood is flowing at their roots. The skin all over his body is dissolving and his bones are sinking. At the ends of the shriveled limbs were four rag bags holding stones.

  Jerry Zaratul is almost on the verge of losing control, and may collapse into countless maggots and fleshy skin at any time, crushed by invisible pressure.

  "Are you believers in the true Creator?"

  Azik looked at Mr. A, who still had some energy left, and repeated his question.

  "Yes..." Mr. A's body betrayed his brain and he answered honestly.

  "Why did you take away Klein's body?"

  "Who gave the order?"

  Azik's voice was low, and he turned a blind eye to the "hehe" sound coming from the throat of the dying "faceless man".

  "He is the favored one of the Lord, His Highness Zarath. He asked us to take away the favored one and protect him..."


  Azik's two thin needle-like pupils suddenly shrank, almost narrowing into a slit under his brown eyes stained with dark green.

  The grandson of Old Zaratul of the Solomon Empire?

  Some of the memories that were lost in the corner were dug out, and Azik couldn't help but compare the "Zarath" he saw after killing Qilingos that day with his grandfather, whom he knew very little about in his memory.

  After Solomon's death, did his family seek refuge with the True Creator?

  Klein was able to grasp the whereabouts of Qilingers at that time, could it be related to these people?

  Thinking of this, Azik couldn't help but look at the mute photo behind him.

  But soon, he withdrew his gaze.

  Before he came, the words of the two true believers of the Creator who wanted to pry open the tomb can prove from the side that Klein himself should not have much involvement with them.

  At least while Crane was alive, he refused invitations from followers of the True Creator to take him away from Tingen.

  Azik breathed a sigh of relief and took a few seconds to stabilize his condition.

  "How do you plan to resurrect Klein?"

  "Or are you going to use his body?"

  At his level, resurrection from the dead is not a shocking change, so he was not too surprised when Mr. A just said that he was taking away Klein's body to protect his safety, and he didn't even think about it specifically. I accepted this statement easily.

  "It will not be used, and there is no need to be resurrected. The Beloved One is the embodiment of miracles. He is the chosen one chosen by the great Lord above the spiritual world. He has not truly died."

  Mr. A answered Azik's question mechanically.

  The Beloved One is the embodiment of miracles... There is no real death... These words are like a mantra. Bone-piercing pain breaks out deep in Azik's soul, and blurry pictures flash through his mind. .

  His memory became clearer and clearer, and the existence of pupils was almost invisible in the eyes polluted by the dark green.


  The brilliance that symbolizes knowledge and antiquity has sealed off the spiritual world. The phantom of Origin Castle, which always resides above the Seven Lights, reflected in history, has crushed the shell of the underworld, allowing the breath of the Seven Lights to penetrate. It is also covered by the gray fog. The wrapped river resonates.

  The body of the feathered serpent still retains the temperature of the dying star, and the shadow cuts across the chest, detonating the flesh and blood buried under the scales.

  Between the storm and the mad tide, a huge corpse with a face very similar to Azik Eggers, with madness and unwillingness condensed in its eyes, slowly sank into the sea, with countless pale and red fireballs following the flesh and blood. Explosions flew around the world.


  Azik seemed to have experienced a death.

  He wiped off the cold sweat on his face, his pupils returned to normal, and he easily accepted the extra memories in his brain, whether they were retrieved from oblivion or obtained from elsewhere. His palms showed clear outlines under the crimson moonlight. .

  He pointed down slightly, and the two figures hanging in the air suddenly lost their support and fell to the ground.

  "Get up and tell me, is the 'God of Mystery' still alive?"

  The two paralyzed bodies on the ground—Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul—were forced to regain their normal ability to think and act within a few breaths.

  The two made different choices almost at the same time.

  Hot flesh and blood boiled in Mr. A's body. Jerry Zaratul bit one of his teeth into pieces. Two strange powers were about to come.

  Azik watched this scene, his brows furrowed, Senhan, who was alone in death, returned again.

  However, at this moment, Azik suddenly stopped moving, and the two middle sequences who wanted to commit suicide at the feet of the angel through cleverness were also forced to stop, and they all looked in the direction of the tomb.

  On the grave belonging to Klein Moretti, the stone slab with a shovel stuck in it was lifted from the inside out, and a pale hand suddenly stretched out.

  Klein, wearing the most elegant black tuxedo he had ever worn, crawled on the edge of his grave, withdrew his hand as if to say hello, and smiled angrily.

  "Good evening, Mr. Azik."


  If given a choice, Klein swore that he would rather lie in the coffin for a longer time.

  He looked at the three figures in front of his grave, and his eyes swept over the delicate-looking Mr. A and the face of a young Bei Dalu whom he had never seen before, and he was not surprised.

  When he was still on the gray fog, he had already predicted that after crawling out of the coffin, he would most likely see these two old acquaintances.

  After all, they kidnapped him once, and he was a stranger again...

  If you really think about it, Mr. Azik was the accident... Klein climbed out of the grave stiffly, sorted out his burial objects, and then ran to Azik with awkward steps. Next to Mr. Zick.

  "Did you hear everything just now?" Azik's expression was still bad, but his tone was much kinder.

  The history teacher was not surprised at all. Instead, after the initial inspection, he breathed a sigh of relief. His worried look made Klein always feel as if he had a terminal illness and was about to die soon.

  However, the cemetery is obviously not a place suitable for conversation. Although Klein intends to explain to Mr. Azik and is willing to share some of his own secrets, considering that there are two light bulbs standing under Mr. Azik's feet, he has to signal with his eyes. .

  Azik, who understood the situation, glanced at the ground and shook his head.

  "It doesn't matter, they can't hear our conversation."

  "As for others, I can't stop them."

  Azik suddenly interrupted Klein who had already spoken but before he could speak, stopping the shocking secret he was about to reveal.

  "You don't need to delve into that name," he added in a subtle way, "I'm just a little sensitive."

  As he spoke, he abruptly changed the topic.

  "What are your plans for the future?"

  "Are you ready to leave Tingen?"

  Klein was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed subtly.

  "Yeah, but I haven't thought about it yet."

  Mr. Azik knows the existence of the "God of Mystery", and it is not difficult for him to understand.

  As an angel who has lived for more than a thousand years and whose traceable activities can be traced back to the end of the Fourth Age, it is normal for him to have experienced those years of strife and to have seen the true gods and hidden existences of the past.

  Mr. Azik does not allow himself to tell the current status of the "God of Mystery". He must have more considerations.

  Klein reached over Azik's shoulder, stood at Mr. A's feet, and looked down for a while.

  "I think I need to have a chat with them before I can decide what my next move will be."

  "Are you planning to go to the Southern Continent?" Azik was a little surprised.

  But then I thought about it. If Klein continues to wander around the Northern Continent, especially in Loen, he will easily reveal his true identity and be regarded as an apostate by the Church of the Night. He will be put on the purge list, just like Ince now. · Zangwill, and the brothers and sisters who were about to live a decent life because of his death will also be implicated.

  This might really be a good choice...provided that the "God of Mystery" is really dead.

  "Are you already planning to convert to the True Creator?" Azik sighed, but hesitated.

  "No, I just..." Klein took a deep breath, "I was just thinking that ever since I accidentally entered the extraordinary world, I have been bringing danger to people around me. Even if I can rely on I will leave with your help and escape to a temporarily safe corner. Fate will still find me one day in the future, and the believers in the Southern Continent will faithfully fulfill their Lord's oracle and take me away."

  "Instead of hiding from XZ and causing more tragedies, it is better to take the initiative to embrace these dangers now. At least I still have a choice, and I think they are not all malicious towards me."

  He paused and said to Azik, who looked at the two people below him with increasingly dangerous eyes:

  "And I think if I seek further advancement, the followers of the True Creator will be able to help me even more."

  This was a decision he made above the gray fog and had nothing to do with Mr. A and the unknown "faceless man".

  The meaning of "mysterious" is easy to understand.

  He hoped that He could accept His legacy and prove His "legitimacy" to the True Creator.

  From a practical point of view and from a revenge point of view, the Southern Continent can be regarded as an excellent helper, although he has not yet figured out the true intention of "Secret".

  But what the hell?

  Rather than once again being manipulated by someone like Ince Zangwill, who possesses powerful extraordinary abilities and sealed artifacts, to unknowingly manipulate his life, push him into a corner, and endanger the people he really cares about, Klein is more willing to take the initiative. Attack.

  Even in the end, the life script weaved for him by "Secret" will still be lost.

  "That's what you think..." Azik gradually lost the strength to continue persuading.

  After all, isn't he the same?

  He has never escaped from his father's shadow, and there may be interference from several other beings, but he has indeed gained a lot in the more than a thousand years of wandering in the Northern Continent.

  In front of an absolute and despairing chasm, powerless little characters like them could only struggle in this way.

  "Okay, I respect your choice." Azik rubbed an animal skin bag hanging on his waist, and then took off a translucent flesh film from his left hand, "I plan to continue to pursue Ince Zan. The traces of Gevir, who used his blood to commemorate my son, should be wandering around in recent times. If you need anything, please contact me via messenger."

  "No matter which path you choose in the end, you will always encounter more and more terrifying dangers in the future than you do now. Don't be stingy about the opportunity to ask for help because of your pride, Klein. There is no shame in seeking help from your elders and friends. UU Read www.uukanshu.net"

  As he spoke, he put the translucent fleshy membrane in his hand into Klein's hand.

  "This is 'Creeping Hunger'. I have made a certain seal so that it will not be hungry normally, but every time it is used, it must be fed with the flesh and soul of a human being, otherwise, it will devour you."

  Azik suddenly smiled.

  "But if you really get together with the believers of the True Creator, I think they should have ways to avoid the negative effects and maybe reduce the burden."

  ..."Creeping Hunger"? From the legacy of a certain "shepherd" after his death? The legacy of Pirate General Zillingus?

  Klein immediately recalled what that glove represented.


  He instinctively wanted to say something to refuse, but looking at Azik's unyielding gaze, he finally said nothing and calmly put the glove on his left hand in front of Mr. Azik.

  Azik nodded with satisfaction and casually pointed in the direction of the nearby woods.

  "Okay, you take the time to communicate with them, and I'll go for a walk nearby."

  Mr. Azik wants to leave some private space for me, and secretly monitor Mr. A and others. Is he afraid that I will fall apart and encounter something unexpected?

  Klein was moved and whispered goodbye to Azik. He watched as the colors around him suddenly became thicker and turned into conspicuous blocks of color. Azik's figure gradually became transparent in the crimson moonlight and deep night, and its outline was lost. The lines dissipated in the mist after the rain.

  After a while, there were sparse sounds under his feet. Mr. A grabbed Jerry Zaratul's arm and pulled him up. Two blood-red lights met Klein's eyes.

  "Mr. Moretti, you gave us a big surprise."

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