
Chapter 2 

3 Days Later, Mexico 

Naruto sighed as he was on an adjacent rooftop of a bar called Kirby's, he had declined the offer to join S.H.I.E.L.D as he had other things to worry about than playing super spy, and made a deal with Fury, which lead him to his current predicament 

"This is the target." Natasha said handing Naruto a folder which he opened and he raised an eyebrow looking up at her 

"Seriously?" Naruto asked getting a shrug from Natasha, "Fine." 

Pulling out a tri-pronged kunai, Naruto was about to go and kill the target but Fury quickly stopped him, "Wait," Fury hissed stepping in front of Naruto, "We didn't bring you to kill him." 

"What am I supposed to do then, get him laid?" Naruto asked only for Fury to hand him a syringe 

"We need a blood sample." Fury said 

"Wait, so the most dangerous mission you have that's going to get you off my back, is stealing blood from a nerd?" Naruto asked 

"Agent Romanoff says you're the strongest person she knows, and we may need your skills to get the blood sample from the target. He may not look like much, but our Intel says otherwise." Maria Hill stated 

"If vague whispers, and unreliable resources counts as intel, that is." Natasha said 

"So what's his deal?' Naruto asked before everyone looked to the bar when they heard a crash as the door burst open and a weak looking man was tossed out as a group of Mexicans walked out and began to push the weak man around mocking him before one of them punched him in the face sending the man to the ground 

Naruto watched as the man his target began to thrash and get bigger as his skin turned green before the 7 foot tall creature released a roar as the Mexicans looked at it in fear before they ran but the creature kicked a van that crushed them 

"We need a blood sample from that." Fury said as Naruto sighed 

"I'll be back." Naruto said before he stepped off the roof, "Banner?" 

The green behemoth turned to Naruto with a glare as Naruto held up the syringe, "I'm going to ask as nicely as I can. Would you allow me to draw some of your blood?" 

Banner growled before with a roar he charged at Naruto, "Guess not." Naruto said as he stashed away the syringe and as Banner was over him with both fists raised 

"HULK SMASH!" Hulk yelled bringing both fist down on Naruto who vibrated allowing Hulk's fist to phase through him while he punched Hulk in the chin sending him flying out of the small village into an abandoned village miles away in the middle of the desert before Naruto sped after him 

"Let's move." Fury said as the Hellicarrier arrived and picked them up before they went after Naruto and Hulk 


Hulk landed on asphalt and got up holding his chin, before he growled and turned to look at Naruto, "Sorry buddy." Naruto said as both his fists began to glow in a yellow light, "but I asked nicely." 

Hulk glared at Naruto who smirked, "C'mon." 

Hulk quickly rushed forward with Naruto meeting him halfway before Naruto slid between Hulk's legs and kicked him in the hip sending Hulk sliding across the street, before he dove at Naruto and tackled him to into the abandoned bus stop bench and savagely began to punch Naruto into the concrete before he grabbed Naruto and was about to throw him but Naruto vibrated his body causing Hulk to scream as he was burned and release Naruto who landed on his feet and sent a jab to Hulk's ribs and a hook to his chest sending Hulk tumbling back 

Naruto rushed forward as Hulk rebounded and swung at him, but Naruto jumped and used Hulk's arms to swing behind him and as he was behind Hulk he turned and kicked the green behemoth in the shoulder blades sending him stumbling a step forward as Naruto landed on the back of his neck and shoulders 

Hulk growled and turned to Naruto who kicked himself up over Hulk before he palmed Hulk's head, and kneed him in the back of the head sending Hulk face first into a warhouse as Naruto flipped and landed on his feet 

Naruto was about to see if Hulk was out after that when a forklift came flying at him, Naruto smirked and raised a hand catching the edge of the forklift and lifted it up to slam on top of Hulk who came rushing at him 

The explosion sent Naruto skidding back a bit, as he looked at the raging fire before he saw Hulk stand up his glowing green eyes glaring at Naruto as he growled 

"This is fun. Let's continue." Naruto smiled 

Hulk roared in rage as he shot toward Naruto much faster than before as Naruto rushed for the green behemoth as well 

Naruto punched forward meeting Hulk's own fist but his punch was over powered and he was sent flying into a car but he quickly rebounded as the car tipped over while sliding across the pavement before he kicked it at Hulk who simply slapped it away before he was punched in the jaw but Hulk barely felt it and sent a wild punch and kick at Naruto before he caught Naruto's leg and tossed him through a building 

Naruto flew through the building and flipped to his feet that he dug into the ground before he sped out of the way as Hulk landed where he was and with a roar began to chase Naruto but it was an impossible endeavor as for all the speed and power Hulk had he was no match for the speed of a speedster especially one like Naruto 

'It's as I thought, the Immortal Iron Fist is nothing to beings like this. I guess it's time for Kyrptonian strength then." Naruto said as his fists lost their yellow glow and he ran to a building and put his foot on it before he flipped over the Hulk who ran into the wall as Naruto landed on his feet and back flipped away a bit and suddenly ducked as Hulk tossed a large metal sign like a Frisbee 

Naruto shot forward soon as Hulk came out of the building and punched him in the face sending a shockwave exploding out that helped send Hulk flying away 

"I love you Kara." Naruto smiled as he held up his fist before he sped forward in front of Hulk's flying body, as he grabbed the syringe from his waistband and held out an arm and with a grunt wrapped his arm around Hulk's neck and stabbed the syringe into the vein on his neck, holding on as Hulk began to try to get him off even slamming into buildings and cars to get the blonde speedster off 

Filling the syringe as Hulk tried to fall back on a large sharp price of metal, Naruto entered Flashtime and stashed the syringe and kicked off Hulk keeping his arm around his neck before maneuvered his body to be above Hulk and a Giant Rasengan appeared in his free hand before he exited Flashtime just as he slammed the orb into 

Hulk's torso sending him smashing into the pavement causing dust, concrete and other debris to explode outward 

Naruto stood over Hulk as he panted and watched as the wound began to slowly heal, and smirked as he looked at the panting green giant, "My advice Hulk, learn to fight. Wild and sloppy fighting will get you killed if you run into someone stronger than you. Lucky for you, I see you as a potential sparing friend." 

Naruto got off Hulk and lifted him up, before he spied a metallic device that had been watching the fight and snatched it before he sped ti some random isolated place and dropped off Hulk and began to make his way back to the abandoned village 

Naruto watched in surprise as the device shifted in on itself till a hologram of his face appeared and he sighed, "Of course. Why wouldn't I have a counterpart here as well. Sup Naruto." 

"Naruto." the man on the hologram nodded "So did you enjoy the fight?" Naruto asked "It was amusing."

"So what do I call you?" Naruto asked 

"I was reborn Nathaniel Odinson." "Norwegian?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow 

"Asgardian." Odinson smirked getting a nod from Naruto, "I find myself curious about you sense I felt your presence appear 20 years ago." 

"Thanks." Naruto shrugged, "So what? You want to compare notes on the crap Konoha gave us or something?" 

"I don't care about such a thing, the Elemental Nations gave me all that I could ask for before I destroyed it." Odinson smirked as his 

RinneSharingan flashed for a moment

"I see." Naruto said his own RinneSharingan flashing "I've reached out to tell you to stay out of my way." "You're threatening me?" Naruto asked smirking 

"I wouldn't call it that, I'd say I'm warning you. There will come a time when our paths will cross, and if you get in my way, you will not like the consequences." Odinson said 

"Okay, all you've done is made me curious on these consequences." Naruto smirked, as Odinson scoffed "Tell me about yourself Mr. Odinson." 

"What's there to know. I was the first child of Odin, and Frigga the rulers of Asgard. My sister Hela and I, helped Odin conquer 9 realms before our ambitions outgrew his own, and he sought to kill or imprison me alongside my sister, but I was to powerful for him took his eye and only sparred him on the account of my mother, after he forever barred me from entering Asgard ever again. I drifted and met a Titan and after taking his head, I took over his operation and will unite the realms under a single banner. Mine." 

"We Naruto's always aim for leadership roles don't we?" Naruto asked with a sigh, "Look Odinson, normally I wouldn't give a shit about your goals to interfere with them, but I'm kinda playing the protector gig in this realm, so if you come to Earth looking to start shit, then I will step in." 

"If that's your choice." Odinson said nodding, "There is only room for one Naruto Uzumaki in this realm. When we meet be prepared to fight to the death." 

"Always am." Naruto smirked before the hologram was cut and it began to blink in a red light that Naruto tossed into the sky where it exploded before he sped away and returned to the battlefield alone, 

Naruto looked up to the Hellecarrier and flew up to it, and hovered before the window to see the agents looking at him in shock while Natasha smirked as he held up the syringe filled with blood 


Odinson tossed the hologram disk to the table, and walked to his bed, where a green skinned woman was lying under the covers along with a brown skinned woman who had white markings on her face 

"What will we do?" the green skinned woman asked 

"Nothing for now, we need to locate the stones before we make our move. Gamora, Brunnhilde the game just got interesting." Odinson smirked looking to his wives who smiled as they crawled to him and Gamora claimed his lips, while Brunnhilde grasped his dick which immediately grew to full mast and she began to lather it in her saliva 

Earth, Washington DC 

After handing the syringe to Fury and watching for himself as all evidence of anything out if the ordinary concerning himself, and Jessica was deleted as per the deal, Naruto was ready to return to New York 

"So this is it." Natasha smiled standing across from Naruto who nodded, 

"Least this time I have a gift ." Naruto said causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow 

"A gift." 

"It's one I Elektra." Naruto said holding up his hands that he cupped as if he was trying to catch water before red, and blue flames overtook his hands before a blue grape was in his hand 

"A grape?" Natasha asked with a twitching eyebrow 

"I just fought a nerd that turned into a giant green beast. Looks deceiving." Naruto said causing Natasha to nod before she took the grape 

"What's it do?" Natasha asked 

"Best way I can put it is that you'll be like the humans of my original world, and 12 year olds in my world could outclass Captain America, and it'll give you a healing factor." Naruto said as Natasha looked at him at the last piece of information 

"You mean it could-" 

"Give you back what the Red Room stole from you." Naruto interrupted causing Natasha to look at him in shock before she threw herself into him and kissed him 

Naruto returned the kiss while holding Natasha close to him before they separated, "Thank you." she said 

"You're one of a few people that I count as precious to me, I'll do anything for you." Naruto smiled as Natasha pecked his lips 

"And that is why I love you." Natasha admitted causing Naruto to smile, as he handed her the grape, 

"I love you too." Naruto said before cupping her cheek, "Be careful Nat, you may want to make up for your past, but something about this organization rubs me the wrong way." 

"Well S.H.I.E.L.D was made to fight the Nazi's, and you did lead a world filled with them." Natasha said as she ate the grape 

"All of which I killed, thank you," Naruto replied causing Natasha to chuckle, "but seriously, be careful with these people. I've only been around these people for 2 days and I can already tell that something strange is going on with some of them." 

"I'll be careful." Natasha promised getting a nod from Naruto who nodded before he stepped back watching as Natasha climbed into her car, 

"Don't be a stranger." Naruto waved 

"I won't." Natasha said before she drove off and Naruto turned around and began to walk down the street 

"Nathaniel Odinson huh?" Naruto asked giving a bloodthirsty smirk, "I can't wait for our battle." 

Naruto sped back to New York, and grabbed some Chinese food before heading to his loft where Jessica and Trish were staying 


Baldur Odinson/Nathaniel 

[img: https://7wallpapers.net/wp-content/uploads/12_Charlie- Hunnam.jpg] 
