
Chapter 3

Chapter 3 

3 Weeks Later 

It's been 3 Weeks since Naruto turned down the offer to join S.H.I.E.L.D and the main focus had been to help Jessica get Trish clean which was coming along nicely despite the normal difficulties of dealing with an addict. 

Currently Naruto was walking down the street, and came to a stop across the street, as he looked up at the Rand Enterprisis Building, with a sigh he walked across the street and up to the front desk 

"Um, I'm here to see Ward, and Joy Meachum." Naruto said "Name?" the desk woman asked without looking up 

"Nathan Rand." Naruto said causing the woman to look up at him in surprise 

"Um just a moment please." the woman said reaching for the phone but a security guard who had overheard Naruto walked up 

"You don't belong here." the first guard said 

"Excuse me?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow as they tried to force him to the door but he pushed them away, "Do not touch me." 

"Hey!" another guard yelled running up to provide back up as he brandished his electric baton, but when he went to attack Naruto he simply sighed and spun around the man and swept his feet out from under him causing the man to fall with the taster hitting his leg causing him to shake as the guards rushed to help their comrade Naruto boarded the elevator 

"Excuse me." the woman sitting beside the elevator said as Naruto entered the top floor looking around in remembrance, before he entered the office to see Ward sitting down 

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Ward said standing up "Oh Ward." Joy said walking in and seeing Naruto 

"Joy? Damn." Naruto said looking over to Ward who was still looking at him, "And that makes you Ward, I see your nose is still a bit cricket from when I broke it." 

"Who are you?" 

"Nathan Rand." Naruto said causing the Meachum's to look at each other, "I see you got rid of my dad pictures." 

"I think your in the wrong place. Nathan Rand has been dead for 9 years." Ward said 

"That's what your old man thought when he tried and failed to get my inheritance." Naruto said before he looked over his shoulder as the guard from earlier pushed himself through with a gun aimed at Naruto 

"Freeze." the guard demanded causing Naruto to sigh 

"Take this crazy piece of shit away." Ward demanded as Naruto looked at him 

"My apologies Mr. Meachum, he attacked the guards." the guard lied "Serious?" Naruto, and Joy asked

"Blindsided our guards in the lobby." the guard glared 

"I would say I was the one blindsided since I was defending myself." Naruto shrugged 

"I'm calling the police." Joy announced 

"Please do." Naruto said stopping Joy who looked at him in shock, "This is my property, and I can prove exactly who I am." 

"Alright enough of this shit, if you set foot in this building again, our guards will take it as a personal threat and will respond with whatever means necessary. I think you know what that means." Ward said and the guard stepped forward 

"Touch me, I break your arm." Naruto said causing the guard to pause and look at Ward who nodded and soon as the guard placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, Naruto swung his arm up and pinned the man's hand behind his back and snapped his arm at the elbow sending his screaming to the ground 

"Ouch." Naruto sighed before he looked to Ward, and Joy, "This meeting didn't have to go this way, but then I remember I'm dealing with the guy who tried to prank me by putting a dead frog in my sandwich and cried like a bitch when he discovered I switched sandwiches with him." 

Ward looked at Naruto in shock 

"I'll be back, and I'm coming for what is mine." Naruto said walking away before stopping at a table where a bowl of M&Ms were kept and he grabbed some before throwing the brown ones back and walked off not seeing Joy's shock expression 

Naruto left the building with a sigh and walked off, before he paused seeing a woman putting up flyers for a dojo, and with nothing better to do he walked up and grabbed a flier 

"Is this you?" Naruto asked looking at the flier causing the woman to pause and look at him 

"Yeah." the woman nodded 

"Cool. I'm Naruto." Naruto introduced himself shaking the woman's hand causing her to raise an eyebrow 

"Fishcake?" the woman asked smiling 

"Maelstrom." Naruto corrected quickly causing the woman to giggle 

"Colleen Wing." 

"Nice to meet you Colleen, I may just stop by so we can spar." Naruto smirked holding up the flier as he began to walk off 

"You'll lose." Colleen said

"We'll see." Naruto smirked walking off Rand Enterprises 

Ward, and Joy were talking about Naruto, "All I'm saying is when people start to discover it's Nathan, we're gonna have a problem. We can't admit that it's him, even if it is true." 

"It's not him, Joy." Ward said 

"Then how did he know about the frog in the sandwich? Or the thing with the M&M's?" Joy asked 

"M&M's?" Ward asked raising an eyebrow 

"When when we were kids we would eat them together. All but the brown ones. Nobody would know that but Nate." Joy said 

"Joy, I'm sorry, but a bunch of M&M's doesn't prove anything." Ward said 

"It does."

"It doesn't Nathan Rand is dead." Ward said 

"No one can confirm that, last we heard of him he had just escaped after being rescued in the Himalayas. We need to talk to him." 

"We are not going to do that. Joy, you and I need to be united on the front, that he is not who he may be, okay?" 

"Wouldn't it just be easier to accommodate him?" Joy asked 

"Do you really want to negotiate with somebody who clearly has anger problems?" Ward asked motioning to where their guard had to be helped up to go get his arm fixed 

"No, but we have to do the right thing here." Joy said "We are doing the right thing." Ward assured

"What, exactly?" Joy asked frowning 

"I'm working on something that will be generous, efficient and benefit us and Rand. Nathan Rand will not jeopardize that. Trust me." Ward said before he walked away 

Naruto's Loft 

Naruto leaned against a wall watching as Jessica checked on Trish who was asleep before she walked over to him, "How was she today?' he asked 

"Better than before. She found this church she wants to visit in Los Angeles apparantly it has a good rehab program." Jessica said walking into the kitchen 

"In LA?" Naruto asked walking after her and sitting on a stool at the island watching as Jessica grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Hennesay 


"Yeah she'll want to stay away from there." Naruto said as Jessica poured them a glass 

"Why?" Jessica asked raising an eyebrow 

"During my brief stint in Los Angeles, I became acquainted with Leslie Dean, along with 2 of her friends." 

"You slept with a pastor and 2 members of her flock?" Jessica asked amused 

"I don't know if Catherine, and Tina were part of the church but they were in the some cult. They sacrificed members they found and helped with addiction once a year." Naruto said 

"And you didn't stop them?" Jessica asked 

"Had no proof, and wasn't comfortable killing them since they have children." Naruto shrugged 

"Hm. How was your visit to Rand?" Jessica asked 

"It went as expected. I'll be going back soon probably with Jeri." Naruto said as he grabbed Jessica's hand and had her walk around the island to sit on his lap, "Have you thought of what you wanted to do?" 

"I'm not the housewife type." Jessica said causing Naruto to quirk an eyebrow, "I want to make my own money, since we can't steal anymore." 

Naruto placed his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek, "Whatever you decide I'm with you." he said 

Jessica smiled before she kissed Naruto's lips and began to laugh when he stood up with her in a bridle carry and carried her to their room 

Next Day 

Naruto was standing in front of his old house, just looking at the building for the first time in years 

Joy walked up and paused seeing Naruto, after his appearance at the office today and seeing him with the m&m's she believed there was some truth to what he was saying and as she approached she saw the tattoo on his shoulder of a diamond with a 'S' in the middle of it, something he used to doodle when he was bored or lost in thought 

"N-Nate?" Joy asked 

"I've been back in New York for about 2 years now, and this is the first time I've come here." Naruto said before he looked at Joy, "You've grown into a beautiful woman Joy." 

Joy blushed lightly and smiled at Naruto walking up to him and hugging him, causing Naruto to smile as he returned the hug, "D-do you want to go inside?" she asked once releasing him 

"No." Naruto shook his head, as he sat on the doorstep and she followed him 

"What happened to you?" 

"After rescue services found me, I couldn't just be shipped back to New York, especially knowing what was in store for me at that age." Naruto said with a shrug, "I traveled and lived my life." 

"But someone would've put the word out that you were alive." Joy replied as Naruto school his head 

"I wasn't going by Nathan Rand billionaire heir to Rand Enterprisis, I was going by Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said causing Joy to smile as that just solidified who he was as Naruto used to insist on being called Naruto when they met new people, "I tried to reach out when I heard about your dad, but I couldn't get in touch with you." Naruto said 

"Thank you." Joy nodded, "I was 13 when Dad died. And I still hadn't quite gotten over you and your family... I was lost. I... I didn't care about anything. I was just going through the motions. But I had this I had this vision this dream that kept happening over and over. I was a kid back at school and there Dad was at the end of the day, just standing by the fence waiting for me. And I'd run to him, and he'd take my hand just as I passed the gate. And then the dream would end. But his smile... I must have had that dream a hundred times." 

Naruto reached over and used his thumb to wipe the tear that fell from Joy's eye causing her to smile at him, "I had those kind of dreams too." 

"Why did you reveal yourself now?" Joy asked after a moment of silence 

"I'll be 22 next month. Since I've turned 18 I always talked myself out of revealing myself, but I promised myself I would do right by my parents legacy this year." Naruto said looking out into the space as Joy nodded hesitantly 

"I wanna be fair with you, Nate." Joy said causing Naruto to look at her 

"Okay." Naruto said raising an eyebrow 

"When Dad died, I was left with a huge responsibility. Our fathers created something important, and it's my job to keep it healthy and vital." Joy said handing Naruto a contract from her bag causing him to raise am eyebrow before he looked through it, "This is our offer for your shares. I think it's quite generous." 

"Hundred million dollars?" Naruto asked with a frown 

"Ward wanted to give you 40, but I got him to go higher. Just think of all you could do with that." 

"Says here I have to change my name." Naruto said 

"The world already thinks Nathan Rand is dead, let's just leave it that way. You can just be Naruto Uzumaki. You can start all over. It is gonna be great." 

Naruto looked at Joy before he tossed the contract onto the ground and walked off stepping on it as he went 

"W-Wait, Nate!" Joy called grabbing the contract and racing after Naruto grabbing his arm causing him to pause 

"Joy, let me go." Naruto said without turning to her 

"What's the problem, the generosity of this offer speaks for itself. You may not understand it, but Ward and I worked for this money. We worked day and night, while you were off doing whatever you were doing. So don't turn your nose up, " 

Joy gasped as Naruto shot around glaring down at her, "Fuck your money!" he spat causing her to flinch, "I wasn't mad about the fact thay you just basically tried to cheat me with that bullshit 100 million dollars, I'm worth Billions bitch! The problem is you thinking I would change my name! Next time you start a conversation with someone saying you want to be fair with them, actually try to be fair." 

Naruto turned and walked off, as Joy watched him, "I have to live in the real world, Nate. This is how it works!" she yelled but was ignored 

Later, Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz 

Jeri Hogarth walked out of her office on her phone before she looked up and suddenly turned around with a can of mase aimed at Naruto who smirked, "Quick on the draw aren't you?" he asked 

"I'm experienced." Jeri said with the mase held high, "Back away from me." 

"I'm not here to hurt you, Trinity. I need your help." 

Jeri's eyes widened at what she was called and only one person called her that, and as she looked closer she began to picture a little boy beside the man in front of her, "Nathan?" she asked 

"One and only." Naruto smiled Moments Later 

Naruto and Jeri were sitting outside of her building, "I heard you've been handling the estate since the crash. Including the graves. Thank you." Naruto said 

"The least I could do. Your father gave me my first job. He always wanted Rand to be something good in the world." 

"I'm guessing you're not a fan of the Meachums?" Naruto asked "We have a very complicated relationship." Jeri nodded

"Told you Ward was a dick." Naruto replied causing Jeri to smile "Yes you did.' Jeri nodded 

"I want my families company back. Can you help me?" Naruto asked wishing he could just go and physically force them to hand back over his company but this needed to go the legal way, and mind control was out as it would be bizarre with their reputation to just hand over the company to him especially with the first meeting they had 

"I can, first we need to dig up every shred of physical evidence we can find to prove your identity." Jeri said before Naruto handed her the backpack he had with him 

"My immunization records from school, hospital records, my birth certificate and social security card. I also added in the contracts the board, and Harold Meachum signed." 

"Effiecent." Jeri commented 

"I knew that there was a possibility that they wouldn't want me anywhere near Rand, so I had to prepare myself." Naruto nodded looking to Jeri who shouldered the backpack, "So what's it gonna cost me?" 

"Nothing. But if we win, my firm is on permanent retainer for Rand. Deal?" 

"Deal." Naruto nodded 

"We have a suite set up for occasions like this. I need you to lay low and I need you to keep from drawing any attention to yourself." Jeri said standing up 

"Okay, I'm, uh I'm staying at the Little Singer Building."

"I heard that place went up for sale a while ago?" Jeri asked 

"Not really, I won the deed from the last owner." Naruto said with a shrug as Jeri nodded, "It was nice seeing you again." 

Jeri smiled, "You too." she said as Naruto smiled and walked off Chikara Dojo 

Colleen was watching as her students left for the day when she saw Naruto walk in, "Come for that spar?" 

"Of course." Naruto smirked as he removed his shoes and took off his shirt causing Colleen to blush slightly as he walked to stand across from her and the two bowed and got into their ready positions 

Next Day, Rand Enterprisis 

Ward, Joy, and their lawyers sat in the conference office, as Naruto and much to their surprise Jeri got off the elevator and entered, "Good to see you again, Jeri." Ward greeted as the two sat 

"Wish I could say the same. Okay, well let's get started, shall we?" Jeri asked 

"Please do." Ward said as 

"My client and I are still insisting on the full rights guaranteed as the sole heir of Rand, which includes a controlling 81%, board seat and compensation, but we are now adding a corner office, support staff," 

"81%?" Ward asked aghast along with Joy, "The Rands had 51% shares." 

"No they didn't." Jeri smiled before she passed out copies of the contracts, "Those are copies of the contract the members of the board including Harold Meachum signed. If you would turn to page 7 and read line 6 you would find that there was a clause inside that gave Wendall Rand and his heirs control of the company and its employees." 

"Bullshit my father would never sign something like this, he and Wendall built this company together." 

"No they didn't." Naruto said looking Ward in the eye with a amused expression, "Your father attached himself to mone when he heard the plan my father had to start Rand. My mother grew tired of his mooching and talked my dad out of giving Harold a free pass when he tried to rename the company Rand-Meachum Inc. Your father signed and started at the bottom like everyone else and worked his way up to Cheif Counsel because as long as a Rand is alive and well there is no way a Meachum could be CEO of my families company." 

Ward glared at Naruto before he looked to Jeri, "You can't even prove he's who he says he is. At best he's crazy, at worst he's a con man. Take the offer and be thankful that we don't sue you." 

"Proof of identity." Jeri said placing a paper on the table that Ward took 

"What is this?' 

"That is a DNA test with my client and Wendall Rand. It proves that this is Nathaniel Daniel Rand." Jeri said 

Ward looked at the paper and to his sister who was looking at Naruto before he looked to his lawyers and they shook their heads, before one leaned over 

"Its over Ward, there is nothing we can do. This DNA test and the contract with your fathers signature on it has all but assured that this is actually Nathan Rand, and a Meachum can never be in charge of this company. So long as a Rand still breaths." 

"Y-... You can't just show up and take control what qualifies you to run a Billion dollar corporation?" Ward asked 

"I have a multiple PhD's in fields of sociology, kinesiology, geography, Asian studies, Middle Eastern studies, African culture, American and European history, psychology, political science, chemistry, engineering, quantum physics, biology, computer science, and a Masters in business." Naruto smirked as everyone looked at him in surprise, "I'm a fast learner with a eidetic memory." he shrugged 

"I think we are done here." Jeri smiled as she gathered her things as she and Naruto stood and left 

Ward stood walking off making a call, "We have a big problem." he said on the phone watching as the elevator closed on Naruto and Jeri 


Joy Meachum 



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Colleen Wing 


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