
Chapter 20 - connections and hajin!(II)

'Gangwondo Wonju' a global city filled with sturdy modern structures. Although its buildings were limited in height due to the threat of monsters, Foreigners of all skin color walked around with their weapons. they were most likely mercenaries, calculating the price of the day's haul.

'the reason why I'm here is partially the same.'- I thought as I looked around the place, searching for someone. 

 "It feels like a trustworthy name." 

 "Ha, haha, thank you."

 "Ah!, there you are, park soo-" Before I could continue, I saw someone I should have never ever seen. 

It was hajin, talking to a tall, average-looking man with slouched shoulders and circular glasses. I had many questions like, why is this happening?, did I befriend someone hajin should have met?, did the plot go awry? or did C have a hand in this. 

 But before I could even think and answer it, I started walking away from there, trying to act normal. of course blame in on my low luck stat, because that damned (not really) man with a bad eyesight found me. 

"ARIN!!!!, you're finally here. I was searching for you. And look who I found."- he shouted as i stopped in my tracks. Ignoring him now won't do me any good since, hajin already saw me. its better to give a random excuse. 

 "there you are, I was just searching for you..... and this is?"- I said pointing towards hajin, hiding my anger and nervousness. 

 "ah, yes. this is kim hajin. hajin, this is arin crestaine." - he said introducing us to each other. 

 "you and hajin are going to be working together.... if that's fine."- he continued, as he looked at me and hajin for answers. 

' I didn't know what to do. if I decline I might come off as rude, which is a very bad thing for first impressions. And besides, I'm sure I have to do, a lot of explaining for myself.'- I thought as hajin just stared at me. 

His expression had an combination of surprise and confusion. 

"thats, fine with me. what about you....mm?, Mr kim hajin?" 

 ".....Just hajin is fine. can I also address you as arin?" 

"sure hajin."- I said, before turning to Park Soohyuk. I was waiting for him to speak up. 

 "now that the introductions are over, lets get to the field."- he said. 

 "uh, I forgot to tell. My main weapon is a gun. Is that okay?"- Hajin asked Park Soohyuk.

 "I don't think why that would be a problem. Gun or sword, mercenary or hunter, it doesn't matter to me! New customers are always welcome!"- Park Soohyuk said with a bright smile on his face. 

 "well then, lets go." - I said. I'm sure by now, hajin would have realized that I'm not a guy but a girl. he must be very confused and, in need of an explanation which, I'll soon give him once we're alone. 

By the way I didn't know that Park Soohyuk was the agent hajin befriended. if I had known, I probably wouldn't have even come near him, after all I don't want to interfere in the story too much. I should have read the novel properly..... 


"Ah, there's one there."- spoke hajin, breaking off my thoughts that I had been thinking for the past 30 minutes about what and how to confess to hajin. 

 "Ok we'll hunt this one. hajin you can stay behind. let arin handle this."- said Park Soohyuk. as he said that, I lifted my head to see a monster with a large body and protruding teeth, it was a low-rank grade 9 monster called an iron hog. 

The 'iron' part of its name was because its skin was stronger than iron. 

 "Why? I can kill it"- hajin asked as he slowly moved forward.

 "...Yes?"-Park Soohyuk was a bit baffled, with an unbelievable expression which seems to say 'Do I need to explain this too?' 

 "You can't kill an iron hog with a gun. Even piercing its outer skin will be difficult."- he explained as I just stood there, observing the monster. 

"But it's expensive." 

"Yes?"- he said looking at me, to see if I would try to stop him. 

sorry Park Soohyuk but, it's hajin's time to shine. I just stood behind them as I watched the drama unfold. If Park Soohyuk wasn't baffled before, he'll definitely be now. 

"Even if it's expensive, attacking it isn't a good..."

"You'll just have to wait and see."- Hajin took out his gun, Desert Eagle and aimed it forward. The gun barrel shined under the blazing sun. 

 "how shiny~" - I muttered under my breath. 

 "W-W-Wait just one min—" Park Soohyuk made a fuss, being flustered, but hajin didn't hesitate. He pulled the trigger, as the bullet shot straight to the middle of the iron hog's head, and before the hog could even notice it, it tore through its iron-like skin. 

There was nothing it could do with its brain shot through. It helplessly fell down. 

 "Perfect."- hajin said, with a grin of satisfaction in his face. 

"...wow. I never thought other crazy people like arin existed." Next to hajin and in front of me, Park Soohyuk exclaimed in awe. he muttered the last part but, me and hajin could hear it. 

aghh!! how embarrassing. thankfully it didn't seem like hajin heard him. 

 "So? Clean, isn't it?" 

 "Uh... That's a great gun! Your sharpshooting is amazing too." 

 "Haha, I'm flattered."- hajin spoke as he pointed at the iron hog's corpse. 

 "So how much will this go for? It looks pretty expensive." 

"Well, iron hogs are already pricey and since this corpse is in such a good condition, even after the fees, it should be at least 600... no, 800,000 won." 

 "Wow." hajin and Park Soohyuk chatted as though they didn't see me. 

 "Hold on. Let me store the corpse first."- Park Soohyuk said as he took out a magical pouch. 

 "I'll help."- I said, as I walked towards Park Soohyuk getting ready to lift the hog. 

 "Thanks arin."- Park Soohyuk said, as he held the pouch. Wow, so now you see me ~ 

"well, now that we're done with this, we should look for more."- I said looking around. 

"You can stay here, me and Arin will hunt as much as we can and call you." - hajin said, as he looked at park soohyuk.

"Why? I have to help you guys."- Park soohyuk spoke as he was flustered. It was of great luck that he had found both hajin and Arin. He has to be the agent of their expectations. Hajin got closer and whispered something to park soohyuk, to which he was listening very closely with a smile. Of course, having the gift i have, i can listen to everything ~ 

"- so I feel like he doesn't like me. That's why I want to speak to him, in a bit more quiet place. I want to be friends with him." - hajin whispered as park soohyuk just listened to these lies with a smile. 

 He was happy that, atleast one of us was trying to become friends. So he immediately agreed to hajin about this as came to me. He put his hands on my shoulders, straightened himself and he spoke in a serious voice. 

 "Arin.... You both are strong." - He said looking at me and hajin. "But I'm not, that's why you both go ahead while i slowly come join you. That way you both can hunt together. I also have something to do." - he continued. 

 "Ok."- i said in a nonchalant voice. I already knew what they're actually planning. And I myself want that, so no reason to decline. 

 "Do well." Park shouted before leaving behind us. This message was supposed to be for hajin, I think. 

 "....." There was an awkward silence between us. I know that I had planned this all out in my head but, I feel nervous now that I actually have to do this.... 

Ugh i don't know how to start. I should have added human emotions as a factor when i considered what to do. Unable to bear the silence, hajin spoke first. 

" you're not a guy are you, why did you disguise yourself with a magic device?" - Hajin spoke. 


and this marks the end of my old chapters. i didn't change anything from these chapters because i wanted to keep it as a memory to my dumb self.

from this part the chapters will be inconsitent.

shuriOC_altcreators' thoughts