
Chapter 21- connections and hajin~(III)

The boy he was speaking to, Arin was silent. he wore an expression of surprise on his face. he flinched as he got angry all of a sudden. 

"Who are you? Why do you know that?"- he spoke as he was just furious. He bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from doing something he shouldn't.

.....Is what she was acting. Arin calculated all her steps as, she acted like chae nayun when she was talking to hajin about his brother. Arin needed hajin to believe her story. She didn't want hajin to find out about her this early. she wanted to delay it, at least until the yeohna-djinn incident. 

Hajin was relieved with her answer. There was never a character like her in his novel. So he was doubting if she was a djinn, but it seems that she isn't. 

"Just tell me the truth." 

"And why do you think I'll do that?" Arin questioned hajin with a mocking tone but, 'what should I do!!!!' she was crying inside not knowing what to do. 

"I might be able to help you. And this is not a request to which you can say yes or no, this is an order." 

"Hah, what makes you think that you can threaten me?" She scoffed. 

"I don't know what the hell you're doing in cube with a disguise but, if you don't tell me the reason, I will expose you."

"Go ahead, but i assure you you won't be able to take a step outside this field." Arin said menacingly. But again, she was hitting herself inside thinking that she should have just told him instead of dragging this.

"And I assure you that i might beat you before you even touch me with your sword." - Hajin said as he pointed his gun at her. 

 "You saw how i killed that hog, I'm pretty sure you don't want that happening to you." Hajin continued nonchalantly. However, just like arin, he was also panicking inside. He was taking a gamble by, bluffing about his strength.

What he doesn't know is that, Arin already knows what he's doing. On the outside, she should an emotion of anger and indecisiveness. While on the inside, she was so happy that she was dancing. 

A part of her trouble was, how to tell hajin, without seeming too cooperative. But now, hajin himself threatened her, thought it was not much of a threat. This was a great time to reveal.

"I... I had to disguise myself due to a..... Family problem..... You don't need to know more than this..." She said, as she paused a lot, fidgeting with her fingers as she avoided hajin's eyes. 

 These all were obvious signs of discomfort, which Arin was delivering to hajin. 


" Fine. Just tell me, is it safe or dangerous?"- said hajin, understanding that Arin's message.

"It might be a little dangerous but, don't worry I'll make sure that no harm is done. Not in my watch atleast." Arin said, as she calculated all the things she might need to say to hajin to convince him.

Hajin nodded as Arin just stood there, feeling relieved that hajin believed her. After that, there was an awkward silence. 

"GROOOOOWL"- A cry, no growl was heard. Both of them turned to see a big monster, a little bigger than a human. Slowly smaller monsters started surrounding them from all sides, getting them cornered. 

[ steel Boar (modified)]

[A very strong boar having great defenses and attack power, with a low speed and great stamina. Has sharp reflexes and mana absorption ability with increases its stamina with time.]

 Both of them looked at each other as Arin spoke. 

 "Why don't we deal with them first" she said, as she pointed towards the monsters. 

"Good idea. I'll deal with the hogs, you deal with the boar. I'll join you once I'm done." Hajin said, as he was getting ready to start shooting.

 "It's fine, I can take care of the boar myself. But, can you take care of all those hogs." Arin said smiling, looking towards the hogs. 

"Heh, I'm far more stronger and faster that those hogs." Hajin stated as he stood in his position. Both of them smiled, as they stood close with their backs to each other. Arin cracked her knuckles as she pulled out a sword. 

hajin smiled and said "lets finish this." 

both of them ran towards their respective prey and wasted no time in attacking.

The sound of bullets fired by hajin could be heard along with frequent noises of a sword hitting a hard foe. 

Arin made sure to cast a invisible aura barrier on hajin thinking 'just in case'. She made sure not to use too much magic. 'showing your cards this early in the game would do no good' she thought to herself as she made many jumps to avoid the raging boar.

"what a dumb boar. it reminds me of someone except, they're both cute and dumb!"- arin muttered to herself in nostalgia.


"Tut. Tut. Tut. You're not allowed to interrupt someone as they're thinking ugly boar." Arin said, acting like a disappointed person.

As though the boar understood what Arin said, it became more angry and charged at Arin with some boulders by its side.

It strategically shot the boulders at Arin with great force as it rushed at her with power. Unfortunately for the boar, Arin dodged all those boulders and the boar.

"Not bad, but not enough to beat me." Said Arin, jumping around like a flea.

"Would you stop talking and finish this already?!?" Hajin shouted from afar.

"Well, times up. I gotta go fast, so let's finish this" Arin said as she split her sword, and rushed towards the boar. She wanted to use the whip form but, she held of using it. Same reason as before.

While Arin was doing her job, hajin was also doing the hogs rush while using bullet time to attack as many as possible. He made sure to not waste any bullet and hit them all in their weak spot, in other words the middle of their head.

This was the fight would be finished faster. He was also thinking about all the money yet would get after selling them.

Within 15 minutes, the fight was over. The green grassy area was coverd in brown from all the jumping and dodging. It was slightly covered in red around some spots but, there were more corpses than blood due to the great precision on hajin and Arin. 

Damaging the monster more than necessary might just reduce their value.

"Woah, look at all these corpses." Arin exclaimed, as she bent near one of the corpse, poking around checking if it was alive.

"Yeah, and they're gonna fetch a lot of money~" hajin said smiling.

"AGHHHH!!!!"- A scream was heard.

Arin got away from the monster in surprise as, hajin looked around for the source of the noise.

Just 15- 20 m away, they could see a scared and flustered man on the ground. He was shaking seeing all the monster corpses around.

"W-what i-is this?" Park Soohyuk said stuttering.

"Hmm? This? This is a monster corpse. Didn't you one before?" Hajin asked, as he looked at one of the monster corpse.

 "Of course I looked at a monster corpse before!. I'm asking did you guys kill them."

"Who else do you think killed them."- said Arin, dumbfounded of park soohyuk's question.

"Do you have the magic pouch?" Hajin asked as he walked towards park soohyuk and helped him up.

"Yes..." - park soohyuk said, as he gave the magic pouch to hajin.

Hajin took the magic pouch and tried to put all the monsters inside as, Arin helped him do the same. Park Soohyuk still couldn't believe what he just saw, not only 20 iron hogs but a ----boar

"Ugh, stop moving around I can do this by myself!"

"I want to help!!!"

Arin and hajin were bickering like kids when another 10 minutes later, they finally finished putting all the monsters inside.

"Let's hunt for more!"- hajin and Arin said in unison as, park Soohyuk just chocked on the water he was drinking.

"You want to do what?"

"Hunt, let's hunt more." Arin said with determined and sparkling eyes which was actually sparkling due to the fact that she can use her sword more.

"We can back out if there's any monster we can't defeat." Hajin said, sounding mature and sensible when in reality, he just wanted to earn more money.

Seeing the determination of both of them, park soohyuk agreed with a pale face, wondering what destruction this duo would cause.
