
70: The precausions

After both Velzard and Velgrynd took their seats, Rimuru began speaking. "It's nice to see you guys after a long time."

Velzard and Velgrynd both smiled awkwardly at her words. The last time they visited was when the battle arena was made, and since then, almost half a year had passed. It wasn't that they didn't like coming here to relax; they were simply too busy.

Velgrynd, for one, was occupied with managing the empire alongside Rudra. The recent growth of the empire had increased her workload, and Rudra's occasional escapades to fight Guy made things even harder for her. But the most challenging aspect of her duties was learning politics.

As a true dragon, she had no experience in this field. Her formidable strength, which had granted her almost everything she wanted, was rendered useless in an empire where her identity was kept secret. So, she began learning the art of negotiations and politics to ensure she wasn't a burden to Rudra. However, lately, she had been having second thoughts about her decision. Humans could be far crueler than any monster she had encountered.

As for Velzard she too was busy managing the lands Guy conquered. At first she was going to leave everything to the maids but after her big sister scolded her for being lazy she changed her mind.

The ice continent as it is now called is a place where the strong is right. Due to the major population being demons this rule is quite suitable.

Guy usually leaves all the responsibility to Misery and Rain as he didn't care much about ruling. And when Velzard heard of this she honestly didn't know what to say. On one hand she is furious at how irresponsible her mate is. And on the other hand she is glad that he has no interest in ruling.

Guy can be many things: a destroyer, a demon , a master swordsman but he can never be a wise ruler. He has no patience or compassion that a ruler needs.

So Velzard is usually the one who deals with the one under Guy' s rule. Well she didn't have too much as demons are quite competent when they know what they are doing. So she only has to read the reports they send and give her input for it.

With Misery and Rain handling the troublesome things she didn't need to learn politics like her sister. But she was nonetheless quite busy.

" Anyway putting aside that, I called you guys here to inform you about something important. " Rimuru said with a serious tone.

Hearing her words everyone nodded seriously. They knew Rimuru wouldn't like it when they joke around when the situation is serious.

"You all heard about Lucia being pregnant, right?" Everyone nodded again. They would have to be living under a rock if they hadn't heard that news.

"Well, do you guys remember when monsters give birth, a part of their magicules will flow towards their child? This, in turn, makes the parents much weaker for a period of time," Rimuru said, making them nod again. This was common knowledge at this point.

Powerful monsters would go into hiding as soon as they realized they were pregnant. Even after giving birth, for a time period, the parent would be weakened.

"And it is also the same for us true dragons. For the child to be healthy and full of potential, the parent must give a part of their power. This is also what is happening to big brother," Rimuru said, shocking them. They never thought that their elder brother, who created this world, would also be included in this rule.

"Wait, does that mean big brother is getting weaker? " Velzard asked in shock.

" Sadly yes. His magicules are not regenerating any more. If I had to guess he would be unable to use his skill after 8 months. " Rimuru said.

" But big sister isn't that a bit exaggerated . Although monsters tend to lose their power during that time it isn't that much that you would lose control over your skills. " Veldora said showing off his rare moments of intelligence.

" Yes that would be what happens normally but you should realize when it comes to me and your big brother nothing is normal.

You see big brother is actually facing tribulations so to speak. " Rimuru said with an annoyed face at the end.

"A tribulation like that in Cultivation Novels," Veldora asked in puzzlement. Did he somehow manage to enter a cultivation world unknowingly?

"Yes, it is one like that. You see, when me and big brother were making the laws of this world, our big brother, with his usual carelessness, added a law that God's love is equal to everyone. I found out about it a bit too late, so I was unable to change it entirely. The only modification I was able to make was that God would face a tribulation, and after he is successful in overcoming it, this rule would forever be removed," Rimuru explained.

"So it's big brother's fault again," Velgrynd said, to which Rimuru had to nod agreement.

"So what are we going to do about this, elder sister?" Veldora asked, trying to save at least what's left of his big brother's dignity. His big brother has a tendency not to think about the consequences of his actions.

"Well, we will take turns guarding him. Velgrynd, you can make the excuse of being near their home to visit them regularly. Velzard, go and see him at least twice a month. Say that you are curious about how a baby between a human and a true dragon would be. And lastly, Veldora, you go there with Ivaraj twice a week to deliver the food I make. And I will visit him from time to time while also instructing his subordinates to go to his house and guard it. Remember, don't ever tell him anything about what we talked about. Just go there and try to be as curious as you can be. He should never realize that we are guarding him and Lucia from any harm. Do you guys understand?" Rimuru asked, making them all nod in unison.

Seeing their determination Rimuru sighed internally. She hoped all the precautions she is taking are not wasted. She can't let Milim be a Orphan again . Especially when she could do something about it.







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