
71: The Birth of Milim

Time passed in the blink of an eye. Just as they discussed, the true dragons watched over Veldanava and Lucia by visiting them regularly. Although Veldanava felt suspicious at their frequent visits, he dismissed it since he had better work to do. With each passing day, Lucia's cravings increased, making it a bit taxing for Veldanava.

Thankfully, Rimuru, who knew how a pregnant woman would act, helped him by supplying almost every craving Lucia wanted. And as expected of Milim's mother, most of her cravings were for sweet foods.

Veldanava's subordinates, who were like headless chickens without him, were taken in by Rimuru. She explained to them that Veldanava would most likely not be available to give them any orders for a few months, so she gave them some instructions to follow.

Her first orders were to select a team to guard Veldanava in the dark, just in case there was a monster attack. The group happily agreed, and in less than a minute, they nominated a few members for the guard duty. Surprisingly, Dino was chosen as the leader, despite his lazy demeanor. Rimuru didn't mind the arrangement and agreed to it.

The angels performed their duties perfectly, protecting Veldanava and his family from the shadows. Due to their house being situated in a quiet place in the empire, it was quite easy for the angels to protect them by eliminating any bandits or monsters who came near the house.

Nine months went by, and finally, a healthy baby named Milim Nava was born. When Milim's birth was confirmed, Rimuru threw a grand celebration for everyone. For an entire day, the restaurant was filled with various festivities. Many people came to see little Milim and congratulate Veldanava and Lucia. Despite the large crowd, Rimuru didn't mind the extra work; she was happy to celebrate this joyous occasion.

The one who was happiest of all was Veldanava. How could he not be, finally managing to make a family of his own? His own flesh and blood. The void that was always in his heart was finally filled. At that moment, he felt like the luckiest person alive. Overwhelmed with happiness, he ended up getting drunk, forgetting that almost every skill of his was being sealed.

Although Rimuru and Lucia would usually chide him for his behavior, seeing his happy smile, they decided to let him off the hook for today.

Soon the party ended and everyone left the restaurant with satisfied expressions. Due to this special occasion Rimuru went all out in her cooking. This made many crave her food more and more.

~ The next day ~

"Argg, my head hurts," Veldanava groaned as he got up from his bed. Looking around, he realized he wasn't in his mansion room but in the one he used when living with Rimuru and the rest.

Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, causing him to groan in pain once more. After realizing his situation, he smiled wryly and muttered, "Damn, I hope Lucia and Rimuru let me off the hook this time. I really need to stop forgetting that my skills are getting sealed."

Contemplating his remaining abilities, he tried to concentrate to see what he still had at his disposal. After a while, his smile became helpless. "Damn, the only thing I have left is Creation Lord Ahura Mazda, huh? Not even Uriel survived the sealing process. Even so, I can't rely on it since this too can be sealed. Well, at least I have thought acceleration and magic sense with me. With my swordsmanship, I might be able to make do for now," Veldanava said, trying to comfort himself. No man likes it when their skills are sealed or unavailable.

*knock* *knock*

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, startling Veldanava, who was feeling a bit depressed. He quickly composed himself, put on a cheerful smile, and went to see who it was.

Opening the door, he saw his wife carrying Milim in her arms. His smile widened as he spoke, "Oh, Lucia, did you come here to bring my sweet Milim to her daddy?"

He booped Milim on the nose, eliciting laughter from her as she used her tiny hands to hold Veldanava's finger.

Observing her husband's actions, Lucia pouted, puffing her cheeks. "Oh, it seems as soon as Milim came, you forgot about me," she said unhappily.

"Haha, how could I dare something like that, my dear wife?" Veldanava said, trying hard to coax his angry wife, with cold sweat running down his back. Dragon or not, nothing is more terrifying than his wife's wrath.

As Veldanava attempted to soothe his wife's displeasure, he grinned mischievously and said, "My dear Lucia, how about I make it up to you by granting your every wish? Name it, and I'll make sure it happens!"

Lucia's expression softened as she considered his offer, her lips curling into a playful smile. "Anything?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Anything and everything," Veldanava affirmed, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "You want a week-long vacation to that picturesque village you've always dreamed of? Consider it booked! Or perhaps you're craving those delectable pastries from that quaint bakery downtown? I'll fetch them myself!"

Lucia couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm, feeling her heart flutter at his willingness to make her happy. "Well, in that case," she said, her voice teasing, "how about a cozy family picnic in the meadow by the river? We could spend the day lounging in the sun, enjoying each other's company."

"Ah, a picnic it is then!" Veldanava exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I'll prepare all your favorite snacks, and we'll make it a day to remember. Milim will love playing in the grass, and we'll cherish every moment together as a family."

With a gleam of anticipation in her eyes, Lucia leaned in to plant a kiss on Veldanava's cheek. "You truly are too good to me," she murmured, her heart swelling with love. "I can't wait for our little family adventure."

And with promises of sweets, picnics, and cherished moments, Veldanava and Lucia embraced, knowing that their love could overcome any obstacle, big or small.







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