


I walk into the room and unlike in my other classes this room was just empty. Except for the bowl of fire and water at the edges of the room it was plain. The whole pack was standing round a very old man. The man was old in age and experience looking at how deep his eye socket had receded and he relied on a staff to stand and walk. The whole room was as silent as a graveyard and the tension in the air was so thick you could through it with a knife. I walk up to the circle and the moment he sees me his eyes light up and he smiles.

"Just the young man I was waiting for, way to grace us with your presence Alpha Kleitin" his says thick sarcasm and mockery lacing the sentence and you could just sense the anger in his voice. Way to go Kein you just had to piss off another lecturer on your first day in his class.

It just seems like all these lecturers just have a thing for me because except being the only dark element mage student in the school and the Alpha of the outcast pack I don't see any other reasons. Ohh now I can see there are a lot of reasons. I bow my head in apology and respond

"I'm sorry I'm late to your class sir. It won't happen again" I apologize and he nods before walking away from the circle. He waves his hands and that sends a huge boulder headed my way. Everyone else dives out of the way in time and just as I was going to get hit I call on the air and use it to slice the rock into two causing it to narrowly pass me and fall to the ground in parts. That was a close one.

"What the hell I could have died if I was hit" I snap pissed off at the man and instead of him to show any sign of remorse all he did was laugh and wave me off. He laughed for a while and all I could do was watch him. I squeeze my hands in anger and when my hands begin to bleed was when I realise I was squeezing too hard and I let it go. How could he laugh after putting my life in harm's way. What psychos of teachers do they have in this college for God sake?

"That is why you are in battle magic class." He starts after mocking me "In battle your life will always be in danger from all manner of things both magical and normal. Any slip up from any of you will end you guys all in seconds. Well done Mr Kleitin you were thinking on your feet and reacted instantly.

The rest of you acted very poorly, you are a class and I expect you to act as one. The only way any of you will survive outside this school premises is if you have each other's back. Now let's go again" he says and he waves his staff again. Multiple boulders, shards of ice, balls of fire and blades made out of air start towards us from different directions.

We all form a circle our backs to each other. We all start shielding and neutralising the attacks individually but the more we stopped the more it became and we were losing to it. I take charge immediately and give out commands.

"I know most of you hate me but if we want to get out of here in one piece we have to work together" I say and Natalie and Bryan nods while the rest feign nonchalance and ignorance but i know they could hear me. Well two should be enough "I will create an earth shield around us to protect all of us from the wind blades. Once that is done Natalie you manipulate a firewall huge enough to melt every single ice shard that comes anywhere close to it." I say using air to cut a boulder

"Bryan I need you to shatter every rock around you with air, Maria I need you to drain the air in the fire attacks of making it impotent and die out and Rodriguez I need you to use that water to quench all the fireball attacks that she misses. I reply and they all nod.

We get to work and immediately I raise the earth high enough to cover us all but not too high so they can see the attacks coming towards us. They all do as I say and slowly the attacks reduce until finally the attack stops. We were all sweating profusely right now as it took me stretching beyond my limits to keep the shield up not to talk of them.

We all fall on the ground as the shield falls and we all breathe heavily. The old man walks up to us applauding us with a look showing he was impressed with us. Yeah thank you so much for almost killing us. The effort was helpful.

"Amazing, I now see why you are the Outcast Class. You completed a third year battle magic test in one try. I like the way you all decided to stop working alone and work together. Your strengths were shown and your weaknesses were covered up the moment your Alpha got you guys to work together. Nice work Alpha Kleitin and keep up the good work Outcasts. Class is over" he says after praising us and disappears, almost immediately the bell rings and we all pack our stuffs and head out.

"Nice work guys, at least this is a step in the right direction as a Class" I say and stretch my hand for an handshake with Rodriguez. He looks at my hand with disgust and scoffs

"Working together doesn't make us friends. I won't stoop so low as shaking a filthy norm like you" he replies and walk out of the class after pushing me out of the way. His girlfriend also glares me as she runs up to him. I don't know what to do with this guy but at least I know when it comes to it he will always have the class' back. I pick up my backpack and walk out of the class room.

"Wow that was some top magic you did in there. I thought you said you couldn't access your magic a few days ago?" Bryan asks shocked I was able to hold the shield for that long.

"I just accessed it yesterday night and it just came naturally to me. It felt like I have been using magic my whole life" I reply and looking at him the answer was satisfactory but the same could not be said for Natalie who was just out to find out what I was hiding. We finally make it to our final class of the day.

Self defence and weaponry was one heck of a class but I don't ever want to miss it. I don't know if the school wants to kill us but putting Self defence and weaponry right after battle magic was a freaking death trap. Most of us were worn out already and were hoping since it was the last day of the week maybe Prof will cut us a slack a little but men we were just dreaming.

Unfortunately for us Prof was in a bad mood and he meted all the frustration on us. The training today was harder than any we have done before. We started with exercise hoping it was as usual but instead he doubles the amount we have to do and reduced the time span. We had to train twice as hard in a shorter time and that was wickedness to me. We move to the normal training and today we did a little physical training to develop our hand to hand combat and more of weaponry. We practised with throwing knife, stars and archery.

Being my forte I did exceptionally well and the moment he realised I am good at it he begins to increase my work. He started by telling me to throw 4 knifes at once at different targets. I tried it and failed repeatedly and every single time I did he would scold me shouting all kinds of things at me and tells me to pick them up and try again.

I was not allowed to change knifes so I needed to run the distance to the targets and pick up my knifes before going again but I keep a strong face with a determined heart and kept pushing myself but I finally didn't do it till the class ends. The bell rings he ends the class and we all proceed to pack our stuffs. We pick our bags and were heading out of the class when Prof calls me back

"Alpha Kleitin, can I speak to you a little" he beckons in a calm and soothing voice that I never expected him to ever speak in. People really come in different faces. I nudge Bryan and Natalie to go on without me and walk up to him.

"I can see how much effort you are putting in repressing your other sides and abilities in school" he says and my face drains of colour as I become white as a corpse. I could not phantom how he was able to find out and I could not pick out if he was for me or against me from his sentence. "Relax Karl told me about you and asked for my assistance in training your undead side." He says and I relax, I'm sure Karl wouldn't have told him if he didn't trust him.

"Ohh okay but I have only one question. Why did you accept to do it? You have always hated me from the first day I stepped my feet in your class so why did you accept to train someone you hate?" I ask and instead of a reply he also burst into laughter. I really need to figure out when I became a jester that every word that comes out of my mouth just makes every lecturer laugh.

"I don't hate you boy" he says when he had gotten in a good laugh

"i just see a younger version of me in you with so much more potential and I was trying to push you to not only be a better fighter but a better person than I was by being hard on you" he chuckles again "I only frown at those I like. He says I hate him, what a waste of hatred" he says mocking me and I roll my eyes

"I only accepted because I already planned on having personal extra trainings with you before and finding out what you are just makes me more intrigued" he says looking at me with so much interest and with a smile on his face. I never dreamed that the day will come when Prof Preston will be smiling but here he is not only smiling but laughing with me.

"Wow now I think I need to improve on reading people because I suck at that" I reply and he laughs

"Well mastering spirit magic will give you direct access to people's mind and emotions and when you become a full undead I might teach you how to use your memetic abilities" he replies and i nod

"As for the training, I talked to Karl and we have agreed that you will be training with me from 2:00am to 5:00am. This is mainly because undead like you who haven't been turned fully are weaker in the night but with enough training you should be almost as strong as a fully turned undead or even stronger." He says and I nod.

I am pretty sure these people want me to end up a walking dead because how would I train from evening till 2:00am with Karl and then spend the rest of the midnight with him. When will I have to sleep or even spend time for myself for goodness sake. I just hope Karl has a very valid explanation for this because I might bite his head off with the way things are going.

"I promise to do my best at training and you won't regret this" I say faking appreciation. I just really want to get out of here as soon as possible

"Well you are free to go then. See you tonight" he says and I nod walking out but he speaks again "little advice, next time you are going to fake an emotion don't do it with a master undead" he says and my eyes were going to fall out of my socket in surprise but I hide my shock and quickly apologize to his already receding figure.

I have just had enough of all these people dictating my life for me. I don't even have any free time to myself at all. All i do is train, train and train like a warrior preparing for the greatest battle of his life. I haven't even been able to enjoy any time in this school, this is really unfair.

Why does it have to be me? Of all the people who could have gotten this enormous power why did it chose me? Why can't I just live a normal life like the rest of the other supernatural who go to class and train whenever they want to train.

I head straight to the pit like they call it in the school. It was where the trials were been held and i could not miss my first trial. According to what Natalie told us the Trial is like a weekly test where the top students are chosen.

It is a test in which two people would be put against each other, they are meant to fight each other and the first person to either knock the other person out or get the person to withdraw giving the win to the other person. In the trials there are no rules and once you get into the pit you are on your own. You have to rely solely on your wits, strengths and abilities.

I know they said this school is the best but putting your students in constant danger weekly is not the best way to get them to stand out in the magical community. I don't know who will be my opponent but I don't want the fight to last long so that we can move on quickly. I walk into the pit and I see why it was called that.

The place was a stadium with a huge hole in the middle of the ground where the fight was happening and the top was filled with seats where you get direct view of whatever was happening.

The stadium was filled with students of all kinds in their P.E uniform.

I found out recently that all classes partake in the trials and they are not done by year so you can be pit against a third year as a first year student. I guess the spectators were the ones who had either gone or are waiting to go. There were two boys in the pit when i walked in.

One of the boys was running round the pit as the other one throws ball after balls of energy at him and all misses. I could see the frustration on the attacker's face and I know the other guy was trying to wear him out and frustrate him so he can make mistakes he will capitalise on.

Just as i was thinking about it the attacker stops to gauge the situation before running towards the other guy.

That was his mistake because the moment he starts running the other guy stops and throws a huge fireball at him and since he was running towards the fire it was too late for him to block the attack as it slams him to the wall knocking him unconscious immediately.

The guy was named as I walk into the locker room where the names were placed and go through the names in search of mine. I was at the bottom and I was fighting some Neuman Gullerman. He is a third year senior energy shifter and immediately I start thinking of ways to make the duel as quick as possible.

Well this should be fun
