


I walk into the place and take a seat. I put a call through to Natalie to confirm where she and Bryan were and she tells me that they were on the other side of the pit whet3 the rest of the spectators were sitted. I wanted to just get up and meet my friends and spend our first trial together but a lot of things have just been going on recently that the more I see them the more my resolve broke and I want to tell them everything.

The unfortunate thing about that is I can't tell them anytime soon so I chose the better option of avoiding them as best as I can. I open my phone and scroll through the internet and as usual there's been absurd contents on the decision of the school to open its gates to Norms.

The pessimist believe there is a sinister plan behind that decision and the optimist believed it is the first step taken towards the destruction of this capitalist society and the rebuilding of an egalitarian society where everyone is happy. I wish

I know I should be grateful to be a supernatural but I have just been having this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach there is a reason that is not for the good of the Norm behind the sudden acceptance of Norms as supernaturals. I think back to the early and easy days of my life when all I had to do was go to school, play and eat.

Those were the times I had no worries whatsoever but now not only am I thinking of my personal safety I also have friends to think of and a whole school to consider in every decision I make. I know very soon I might lose this position of Alpha but the battle magic class today just made me understand the weight on me. I am in charge of these people's lives and anyone who dies during my time as Alpha's death will be on me solely and no one else.

Ohh my God I'm starting to brood again, it might just lead to depression if I am not careful. I walk up to the board and most of the games were over. All the members of my class and my friends except Rodriguez and Natalie had gone and they won. It was Natalie's turn and she was going against a guy named Fela Vuile.

Only God knows the meaning of that name. It turns out he was a fourth year master life caster and even looking at the guy you would know he is powerful. I read Natalie's name and I was shocked by what I saw, how come I never knew she was a second year student. I know she had more control over her powers than most of us but I thought she just trained harder than the rest. I look through the board to confirm who else in my class was in another year.

I know I signed my death sentence the day I accepted that challenge but today just confirms it. The only person in the pack except Natalie in another year was in his third year and it is none other than his almighty Crown Prince Asshole Rodriguez Clay. If I had known this earlier I would have given up my position as Alpha long ago.

I am going to murder my principal today because he knew and never told me about it, he just wants to see me dead before I can even control this power. I know I'm powerful but that can't be compared to someone who has been under the tutelage of some of the best lecturers for the past three years. Not only does he have more experience than me, he is also the most powerful student in the school after me. Officially I lose my life in one week. How interesting

Natalie and the other guy enter the pit and from the TV I could see that she was in a tight spot. Unlike her he was in a Kafta and he stood at one edge looking at her like a dog to be slaughtered. This doesn't seem to freak Natalie as she plays with her nails resting on the wall with no care whatsoever. The bell rings and the guy immediately rush towards her casting a powerful spell. From the amount of mana he was pumping into the spell it is going to be very deadly.

She doesn't move from her spot as the whole crowd watch expecting her to react, I was already scared hoping she was not caught in a time loop. Just as the guy reaches her she react in a split second moving from the wall and appearing behind him. She kicks him behind and the attack he was holding hits the wall and explodes sending him flying about 12 feet from that point.

At first I thought it was teleportation but when they show it in slow motion I realise it was super speed, man that girl is quick. She runs up to him and punches him once knocking him out cold, she is strong also by the way.

She was declared the winner and I jump punching the air, that was one quick fight. The next people were two girls who were both third years. The game was basically a battle of the elements and one of the girls who got the upper hand quickly ends the fight with a barrage of fireballs.

The next person was Rodry, he was to go against a female final year student and as she walks out you can clearly see the fear in her eyes. She was a master spirit magician and still she was scared of a third year student. After accepting the challenge I heard lots of opinion but the worst of them all and the one which stuck to my brain was the fact that he was a beast in the pit.

The bell rings and they start running towards each other, he jumps and midair shifts into a beautiful panther. This increases his speed exponentially as he pounces on the girl, she raises a rock just as he gets close and mid air he shifts and shatter the rock just in time before he hits it.

Looking at the fight I could see he had superb control over his shift making it easy to use his shifter side hand in hand with his other side but the only thing I could see here is that he couldn't use the element or even cast in his animal form. That was his weakness but his speedy shift covers that weakness up.

He uses the same momentum to cast a spell that lifts the girl off the ground and he kicks her in her ribs sending her barrelling to the ground. The moment she hits the ground the force sends dust stopping us from seeing them. I already believed she was either unconscious or even dead.

The dust clears and we see her draw a rune in the hair and doing hand signs and the prince was on the ground shifting slowly. Someone around me mentions that it is a spell used on shifters to make them shift slowly and painfully. He says normally it is used on late bloomers to make them shift but now it is used by magicians and casters to weaken them in war.

If so then I have to learn this spell and add it to my arsenal for our duel.

She really believed she had won when all of a sudden he starts to mutter words and slowly he starts to say them loudly

"tendor actum fulet perumun" he shouts recurrently until all of a sudden the girl falls on the floor writhing in pain. His eyes were shinning brightly the colour of his uniform and his whole body was shinning gold. His aura was showing forth and everybody gasps in awe.

We could see the girl peeling from inside as she turns a deep red and it looked like her body was burning from inside out. I could only imagine the amount of pain she was going through. She passes out from the pain and once she was out cold his eyes begins to dim and turn back to their normal colour and the aura disappears completely leaving a heaving Rodriguez. They were right, he really a beast in the pit. Is this the person I'm supposed to face in a week's time? I cannot.

He was declared the winner and the medics come in to carry the girl out on a stretcher as he walks out fulfilled. The trial continues and for people who haven't eaten anything after breakfast everyone was so agile and ready to watch another set of people almost kill each other.

The next few matches were less deadly since most of them were quick matches and the opponents already had a plan, whose plan worked ended up the winner while the other ends up unconscious. Finally after a long wait the time arrived. I hear the commentator call our match. He calls my opponent first and he walks out of the other door and I gauge him from the TV view as I await my name to be called. Shortly after the commentator starts with his paparazzi call

"Now the long awaited and final match of the day is here, a match to always remember. Let's all welcome the Alpha of the Outcasts and maybe one day every student in the school. The most powerful student in the first year and he might also be the first person to beat our undefeated champion in a duel next week for the position of the Alpha. It is the one and only Alpha Kenan Kleitin" he screams my name and the whole crowd burst into applause as I walk out.

Since this was the final match of the day everyone was here to watch it. In a little room to my right all the lecturers were there with the principal. Karl had his usual smug smirk on as he watches me with his interested eyes. Prof Preston gives me thumbs up and the old man from Battle magic smiles at me awkwardly, this man has to be the oldest lecturer in the whole college. To my left my friends were seated in the crowd cheering me on and it just makes me happy to know they always have my back. I give them a huge smile and face the match at hand.

Now looking at the guy for the first time since I came in I can agree that it is shitty to believe a TV. He was very tall standing around 7'6ft and he was equally huge. This is a David and Goliath match but in this one the David is 6ft tall and the goliath is a freaking shifter. He was supposed to be slower with this size but being a shifter he will be way faster than normal people and since I'm a caster I can't use super speed.

The bell rings and he creates a circle of fire round me to circle me in and suffocate me. Really, is this the best you can do bro, there is a reason I'm the Alpha of the Outcast class you know. I awaken my magic and I feel it instantly. I wave my hands and all the fire come together to form a huge fire ball which I throw at him. He was shocked seeing the size of the fire ball headed towards him but he reacts quickly raising the earth as a shield.

 The fire collides with the rock and the sheer force of the ball shatters the rock sending rocks flying around. I use the air to create a shield and the rocks bounce off it. I use the same air to create 6 circular blades that I throw at him. He uses super speed to avoid them easily.

He creates ball of energy and shoot them at me but I already saw that coming so I lift myself off the ground using the air and throw fire balls at him. He blocks the fire with a water shield and throws an energy ball and I don't see it coming. It hits me square in the chest and I fall to the ground.

He doesn't stop the attack as energy ball after another keeps hitting me and just as I was about to fall unconscious all my regular training and sleepless nights start to cross my mind. The fact that they are going to waste just gets me angry at myself and the angrier I got the less I felt the energy ball until I couldn't feel it at all. I open my eyes and see that I was in the middle of a huge black energy ball and the more energy ball he threw the stronger the energy ball became. The ball was feeding on his energy balls and I retain my smirk.

This is the moment I stand to my feet and close my eyes to focus on all the energy in the environment. From the air to the water, to the earth, every single thing had huge amount of energy, even every human here had different forms of energy.

I begin to drain that energy empowering my own energy ball, slowly the ball lifts off the ground and starts floating in mid air. I could feel energy increase slowly and become stronger, it was becoming heavier to carry and control but I hold on to it pumping all my mana into it until I know I couldn't hold it anymore. I direct the whole energy ball at him and the energy in it hits him with so much force that slams him to the wall and creates a huge dent in the wall and the ground.

He goes out cold and I could smile, I was still midair so I drop myself slowly holding on to my power until my two feet were on the ground. I look round and everyone was looking at me like they had seen a ghost. My friends were the first to break out of the shock as they jump up and begin to applaud.

Meon keeps shouting 'that is my friend' and Lei hits him behind. The whole crowd joins them and I could feel my stomach turn from how happy I am.

I look to the teacher's side and Karl was looking at me with a shocked face. For the first time he was surprised by what I could do and every single lecturer was. Prof Preston jumps to his feet clapping and every other teacher join him except Karl and the old man. As for Karl he smiled at me clapping while the old man smirks at me and I hear his voice in my head.

'I knew you were more than you let on, nice to finally see it' I hear and he turns to leave the stadium. The area was getting noisier by the minute as students were screaming and clapping crazily. I bow and walk out of the pit into the locker room. The moment I enter they all start to applaud and part way for me and I don't know what exactly warranted such behaviour from not only one but all of the student body.

I felt very awkward with every step I took because all eyes were on me. Once I get to the lockers I open mine, pick out my bag and throw it over my shoulder before heading away from the prying eyes of the students.

The moment I open the doors I was welcomed by the fresh breeze and it eased my anxiety a little. I don't know what exactly I did in there but it isn't normal

Way to go Kein
