
Arriving at Korean Peninsula

Three hours and forty-five minutes later, Graves and his team, known as the Specters, gathered around a tactical map spread out on a table. Graves, as Specter-1, led the briefing.

"Listen up, team. We've just entered Korean airspace. We've got fifteen minutes before we make our jump," he began, his voice firm and commanding.

He pointed to the map. "Our drop zone is here, just outside of Seoul. Once you land, you'll regroup at Rally Point Alpha," he marked the spot on the map. "Our objective is to gather intel on the progenitor's last known location. This won't be a simple in-and-out. Expect heavy resistance."

The team nodded, their faces set with determination.

Graves continued, "Specter-2 to Specter-5, you'll take point on the initial sweep. Specter-6 to Specter-10, you're on overwatch and rear security. Remember, we're in enemy territory; maintain radio discipline and keep a low profile."
