

Three hours and fifty minutes later, the Specters, having executed their high-altitude, low-opening (HALO) jump, approached their drop zone near Seoul, South Korea. The darkness of the night enveloped them as they descended in stealth, their figures barely discernible against the vast, starlit sky.

Specter-2, the team's lead jumper, checked his altimeter, noting they were nearing the optimal altitude for parachute deployment. He signaled to the rest of the team with a hand gesture. The team, in perfect sync, prepared to activate their chutes.

Each team member's parachute was a specialized HALO rig, designed to provide a controlled descent from high altitudes. These parachutes were less detectable by radar and emitted minimal noise, essential for covert operations…though it didn't matter in this operation but still a cool feature. As the altimeters hit the pre-designated mark, each Specter pulled their ripcords, and the chutes deployed silently into the night.
