
The Captain (3).

“Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s refocus on discussing your final mission and why it’s essential that it takes place in the city of Sweden,” Edward declared, his gaze shifting to the frozen Pale.

Pale was encased in unbreakable ice, a punishment he would eventually thaw out from but it would probably take an hour or two, However being trapped in the very element he wielded was a form of retribution that struck deeply.

As every member of the team and every mage present whispered about the situation, Selene had made the decision to freeze Pale in ice, rendering him unable to escape, leaving him conscious to witness the embarrassment he was subjected to.

“Your final mission is to emerge victorious in the next Blood Moon War in the city of Sweden,” General Edward announced, eliciting surprise from all the mages in the room, except for a few who were confidence in their abilities.
