
War Of Sweden City (1).

It was finally the day of the Blood Moon, and the Sweden city guards preparing to fight in the war were already outside the city gates.

They were filled with anxiety at the thought that they may never see their loved ones again, knowing the history of how their previous armies sent to face the second Dimension race were nearly wiped out during the previous five Blood Moon wars.

Despite this, they had accepted their fates as the new group of individuals sacrificing their lives for the survival of their city and its people.

Alec and the mages of the War God Mage Academy quickly made their way to the gates, knowing that the long wooden bridge they needed to cross after leaving the city gates would soon be closed, so they hastened their steps, eager to ensure they could participate in the upcoming battle,.

The city guards who remained within the city gazed at the War God Mage students clad in armor of various colours.
