
All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Goblins and wretches flooded the streets of Rova, the larger specimens spearheading the invasion in a crude fashion while Axiolypito climbed onto a roof, getting a good view on the massacre, whose benefits were all going to go to him.

He clapped at the spectacle before his eyes, the city dwellers struggling to even understand what was going on before being shanked in the legs by goblins and thrown to the ground to be taken apart under the green and grey flood.

Axio marveled at the sight of the brutish pawns of his little army, Grute, the gorilla-like goblin hadn't been so hard to replicate, the wretch simply had to find which of the green monsters had birthed him and paired with his offspring manipulation, he had been able to discover how to produce more like him, although all the others were wretches and this inherently superior.

It seemed like this particular ability had the potential to become so much more than what it was right now, especially since other wretches would do anything he asked of them, the ones born with him as their parent seemed even less free-spirited.

Although glorious, he hadn't only prepared those to take over the city, some of the monsters could be seen carrying some of his spawners around, coming into deserted house and dark corners, or even burying them all over the city as they went, spawning a variety of animals and insects.

Including truly imposing beasts, Axiolypito hadn't been able to unlock any monster-spawning spawners but he had developped a third version as he had expected, one capable of spawning much larger animals, such mooses and wolves, a staggering increase in size comparing to the previous two.

After this, instead of another type of spawner, it had simply been an ability perfecting the previous three, spawner mastery allowed him to have more control over the size of the spawners, letting him play around and see just how small or large they could get.

Although allowing small spawners to spawn large animals, the large a spawner, the more it would spawn and the faster it would be, allowing truly industrial productions depending on what he was trying to do.

This ended up in swarms of insects filling up entire streets.

It was something to be proud of and the wretch certainly was patting himself on the back for his brilliant plan but having this many spawners be under control was only possible thanks to the last abilities that had been unlocked.

He had noticed that his needle claws seemed a bit different compared to the rest and this was why, now, by stabbing one of these in the nape of a monster, they would be at his mercy and become puppets if he so wished, seeing through their eyes and controlling their every movements.

This most notably allowed him to retain influence on spawners close to them as well, it was taxing on his mind but he would never admit this and the more were placed, the less the burden was.

Soon enough, this entire city would be filled with his spawners and servants.

He looked up at the tall trees summoned by Faceless's domain, the wretch didn't quite get what it did other than change the environment and make everything darker and foggier but seeing the tall monster appearing in the distance from time to time, it seemed like he was doing well enough.

'Not that it is anything to be impressed of'

'In the list of bastards, monsters are still above humans' he remarked to himself, smiling as he saw someone's head fly out of the crowd for a moment.

The other minister seemed to focus on taking out adventurers and guards, pretty any one that were carrying weapons and appeared to be somewhat powerful, the wretch had no clue how standing close to them lead to those guys completely freaking out or going limp on the ground but he didn't care much.

the fact that he didn't kill them only made more XP for him and only for him.

"Everything is going just as plann-" he was in the process of gloating to the sky above when he suddenly felt a cold sweat on his back and the crystal in his oversized coat warming up.

While the wretch suddenly felt worried something was off, the crystal seemed like the opposite, getting...

'...Excited?' thought the wretch, hearing something land amongst his flood of monsters, blowing a lot of them to pieces, sending arms and legs spinning through the air, as well as a head that landed right at his feet.

"Huh..." He stared at the building before him, where a huge armored figure had just jumped upon, holding a huge mace with both hands that was a perfect fit for them.

The shiny silver knight glared from beneath their great helm, bending their knees, seemingly dead set on taking out Axiolypito in particular.

'I guess it is obvious I am in charge, due to my inherent charisma obviously' a blur of silver shot forward but hit nothing as the wretch dashed out of the way, somehow managing to end up right behind where the knigth had charged and leaned against their back.

'What a goddamn pain, I will never get past this armor with my claws and I can't let this vermin get used to my speed...' rolling small spawners out of his sleeves, the wretch threw them all at and arond the silver knight, some drastically changed their sizes before exploding with various critters and snakes.

With an unnecessary snap of his fingers, nearly all of the goblins and wretches stopped their invasion and turned in a frenzy, charging the aberrant enemy with the hatred of their masters, they put themselves inbetween Axio and the knight.

The silver foe remained silent and probably unfazed by this as they simply readied their mace, knocking their fist against the mace head before swinging at the monster in their way, Seemingly unbothered by the insects having crawled into the armor or the snakes trying to fruilessly choke them out.

Axiolypito simply waved his hands dismissively as he casually stepped back and let his horde to deal with the knight.
