
The Trees

"Everyone was teleported away? what were in you guys's rooms?" asked Superstes as she finally managed to find the rest of her group, being the last one to manage to get out of the trap room.

It seemed like the trap had still been active but that the dangerous part of it had suffered from the decrepit nature of the dungeon.

Only Superstes had had an actually moving enemy and still, the skeleton hadn't been much of a threat, thankfully so, if she couldn't deal with a guy missing three limbs and whose only weapon is a busted dagger, she would have to reconsider her carrier choice.

The weapon that had somehow appeared afterward didn't appear or feel any different than any other weapon, apart from the fact that it was so perfectly balanced and made that it felt off in her hand, she was much more used to approximately well done things.

But the system itself, force that could be found pretty much in everything, had had something to say about it, so it must mean that it was precious in some form.

"Any of you ever heard of a certain 'Slaughter Lord'?" she asked her group but no one had anything conclusive to say about it, people putting slaughter in titles wasn't exactly the most uncommon thing and Superstes doubted the system itself would have made any remarks if it was just any warlord or mass murderer.

Feuman seemed like he had had a spark of genius for a moment but ended up not saying anything, pondering for a few seconds before realising that what he was thinking about didn't even relate to what was being said.

"That name just makes me think about the heretic flame for some reason but it doesn't actually have anything to do with it" he waved his head as they arrived at the very last room of the dungeon.

Getting to here would have taken much more than just a few hours originally and as expected, this room was filled with quite a few riches, that were stuffed into the spacial bag the group had, unfortunately, the core was nowhere to be found.

It seemed like it had truly been reduced to nothing as the system had said, a shame considering those could sell for quite the sum.

With enough money to last for a long while even if split, the adventurers went back in the direction of the surface, making a bee-line for the exit and quickly coming face to face with Faceless Lord's domain.

It had deployed everywhere he had been and killed plant life, the group didn't quite get what was happening at first, it seemed like they had just exited the dungeon from a different entrance and ended up in another place altogether.

However, the Fifth Minister's domain wasn't exactly the stealthy sort, his odd and monstruous signature was all over the energies all around, it was obvious that this wasn't normal.

Superstes watched the surroundings, her gaze stopping on one of the tall trees, all of them looked similar but this one appeared to be a bit off.

There was a slight protuberance, she stepped a bit to the side after raising her hand to silently alert the others that something was to be looked out for.

A few more steps and she saw that the tree did not have any protuberance and that instead, something that had been the exact same color and appearance as the bark had been standing right there this whole time.

The moment she acknowledged the figure presence, she felt like an intense soundwave had washed over her, a piercing headache made her almost fall over as she lost control of her legs.

Incessant whispers started assaulting her mind relentlessly, not understanding a single thing being said to her, the whispers grew louder and louder, soon being all she could hear, a new pain arose.

Much stronger and much more painful but without any clear source it was coming from.

Looking up at the incredibly thin and tall creature in front of her, she reached for her spear, gathering her strength for one attack.

Before she could however, Faceless looked to the side, moving uncharacteristically fast before everything warped and the monster was away, making the pain subside immediately.

The spear lodge itself in the tree behind where the head of the Faceless Lord had been moments ago.

Grabbing her forehead with of hand, Superstes turned to see that everyone was in similar positions as herself right now.

"Everybody alright?" asked Lolianth, managing to get back on her feet first.

"The heretic fire is speaking to me!"

"Feuman is on cloud nine and having spasms" remarked Cinla as she raised the madman up by his collar and shook him until he started acting like his regular insane self.

"Was this an envoy of heresy?"

"Did you feel heresy?" asked Cinla.

"No" he answered instantaneously.

"Then it wasn't"

Ignoring the two mages having a back and forth, Superstes stood back up and looked in the direction of the city.


The Faceless Lord appeared in the middle of a street, where about twenty meters away, the silver knight was rampaging through a tide of monsters that attacked them from all sides.

While wanting to take out the evident threat, the knight was doing something to his domain, one of the purposes of it was to prevent anyone caught in it to escape its hold, if the knight continued like this, any survivor would be able to run straight out.

It simply couldn't be allowed, if the crown was alerted too quickly the city would become contested before being properly fortified, even if the mission was succesful, the minister wouldn't allow for it to be botched.

Focusing on maintaining it, he trusted that Axio would be able to deal with the silver knight.

He didn't understand why a royal knight was there but it didn't matter, any minister of the Obsidian Queen should be able to at least take on a single enemy of this caliber.
