
Chapter 87 – The Couple’s situation

Buzz Buzz!

Inside a bedroom, above the table, a phone buzzed loudly and vibrated uncontrollably beside another still phone.

Two people could be seen sleeping on a large bed, a man and a woman with blonde hair, as they looked at each other. They wore no clothes on, as they had just finished doing something every married couple did.

When they heard the buzzing phone, they wanted to ignore it and continued sleeping. One reason was they were too tired, and the other reason was the fact they were currently not in their home but in a hotel in another country.

However, the phone that buzzed was the one they used to communicate with a certain individual. An individual who was really scary and made the man swear with his Spirit Power to help him.

So the man, Robert, stirred awake and raised his body carefully not to wake his wife up. He reached out to the phone and noticed two new messages simultaneously sent to him.
