
Chapter 88 – Separate Action

While it was already evening in Romania, the sun had just reached above the head back in the US.

Two people, one looked young, and one looked old but still energetic, were standing on a roof of a certain building, looking down at a destroyed stone on the side of the road.

"Only one left." The young-looking woman with long purple hair and rather open clothes muttered with a frown. "I can't feel the Spirit Power from the cornerstone. It's been destroyed, no, Marcus?" She turned to the old man beside her.

"It's smashed to pieces, yeah." Marcus nodded, even though he knew the woman couldn't see it. "It's faster than I thought. It seems that those bastards have planned this for a long time. Probably ten years ago. You still remember what happened at that time, no?"

"Of course. That time, shit happened." The woman, Dragon, nodded firmly. A vengeful look on her face.
