

Sean and his now revealed older brother Freddy Kruger just looked at each other.

"I have to ask? How did you figure it out who I was?" Freddy asked amused.

"I put the pieces together and remembered an old story my mother told me about my father being with another woman before her. What I don't understand is how you became the Dark Rider." Sean said before they circled each other.

"It might seem like Ancient history to certain friends of yours from Egypt but I found what remained of a dark evil that I know you destroyed so long ago by traveling to the past." Freddy said.

"Apophis." Sean said.

"Ah you remember after all. I found only a very small piece but that alone was enough to grant me power to become the Dark Rider. Plus being of the main bloodline of the Ghost Riders helped." Freddy said.

"That alone gave you enough power to liberate you from your duty as a rider. Instead of killing those who spilled innocent blood you can kill anyone now." Sean said.

"True." Freddy said.

"So why didn't you kill me? You've had plenty of chances to do so." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Wheres the fun in killing your where no one can see it? No I have something far more fun in mind. And I promise you that when it happens you'll be helpless against me." Freddy said.

"And Thanos?" Sean asked making him raise an eyebrow.

"So you know? Cleaver. But then again we're both the same." Freddy said.

"I am nothing like you." Sean said making him chuckle.

"You sure about that? You took the path of Revenge against the director of Covert ops in the CIA for helping Makarov kidnap your parents 10 years ago. And I know you took your time with him if the wounds and internal injuries are any indication. But most of all you slowly and viciously destroyed your former friend Billy Russo's face with glass and put him into a coma." Freddy said.

"That part I regret because I didn't listen to him when he told me he wanted no part in what happened that day." Sean said glaring at him.

"Oh please. You enjoyed every second of his pain for what he did. Or was it to keep our little sisters safe?" Freddy asked making Sean growl.

"You keep them out of this!" Sean said making him chuckle.

"Oh relax little brother. I have no intention of laying a finger on them. Their innocent. Unlike you and you're so called heroes." Freddy said.

"Why didn't you simply come forward and tell us who you were before hand?" Sean asked.

"Hmm. I suppose that's true. But ask yourself. If you knew you had another family out there. Would you leave the one you currently have who have gone through hell to raise and protect you?" Freddy asked.

"No." Sean said.

"Exactly. My mother and I had a lot of issues but I still loved her. But you took her away." Freddy said.

"No, she did that herself! She killed herself saying with her death a monster would be unleashed one only she could control. And now I see how." Sean said.

"Hmm. Yeah that sounds just like her. She was the only one who could control my powers out of love. You'd be surprised what love can do to a person." Freddy said.

"Granted. One way or another you know you will be stopped. You may have an army but mine is much larger. Considering Ultron wasted a large number of your forces to get to the Ark." Sean said.

"Are you so sure about that? My numbers are much larger then you'd think. Droids, Russians, Sith, Locust, HYDRA, COBRA, Foot Ninja, Mutants, Shinnok's forces, Transformers, Mercenaries, Bounty hunters, Monsters, Kaiju. I'd say our forces are pretty much even." Freddy said.

"Then why not go against Thanos and Darkseid?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"I'm strong but not that strong. Thanos is in a whole other league compared to me. You'd probably be able to go head to head with him." Freddy said.

"If only you knew." Sean said before a portal opened. "So what no fight?" Sean asked fully expecting it.

"Nah. This place is to private. No, I intend to fight you where everyone can see. See ya." Freddy said vanishing.


"WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD!" Lane yelled.

"Trust me I was just as shocked when I figured it out." Sean said while his father looked just speechless.

"How can he be your son?" Lane asked Tom who just sighed.

"I honestly don't know. But it makes sense. I thought something seemed off about her when she ended the relationship. I should have known." Tom said.

"There was no way you could have known about that dad. But...He chose this path. And Intend to stop him." Sean said.

"We know Third Energy harms him. All our weapons have been weaponized with it. Every solider we have has been given the kill order. I don't want to take chances." Lane said.

"Just like that?" Tom asked not liking this.

"Tom I get it you feel responsible for how he turned out but he is not like your real kids. He is a threat to this country and its interests. If we try capturing god only knows what he'll try to pull." Lane said before a portal opened up. "Aw hell now what?" Lane asked before a man in sorcerer robes walked in and Sean recognized him right away.

"Doctor Strange." Sean said recognizing him right away. Both had studied under the sorcerer supreme 10 years ago. After Sean had brutally killed the person responsible for the faked deaths of his parents and after regretting his actions towards Russo. Raiden had led him there to mentally heal and train his powers. And Strange went there to heal himself but ended up becoming a famous sorcerer.

"Been a long time Sean." Strange said.

"10 years. What are you doing here?" Sean asked.

"Your friend Thor is here looking for Odin. I figured you could help him out since you have a better skill in tracking energy signatures then I do." Strange said.

"We're in the middle of something else." Lane said.

"Yeah I know. The Dark Rider being your older brother. I already heard. However I need you to keep an eye on Loki since..." Strange tried to say.

"Loki? He's dead. Thor told me he died during the Dark Elves invasion 3 years ago." Sean said.

"Yeah apparently not. He faked his death and sent Odin here and took his place. So I need you to keep an eye on him while he's on Earth and get Odin back to Asgard." Strange said.

"Fucking figures." Sean said rubbing his temples. "All right I'll go. I need to get my mind off this shit anyway." Sean said.

"What now?" Lane asked in disbelief.

"Deal with it. Just tell Kirk to increase the Third Energy supply while I'm gone." Sean said as the two left.

"There you are." Thor said.

"Having a little personal crisis. Wheres Loki?" Sean asked not seeing him.

"Oh right." Strange said before opening a portal where Loki came down screaming before crashing down.

"I have been falling for 30 minutes!" Loki yelled making Sean chuckle which made his eyes widen before turning to face him. "Oh hell." Loki said.

"Relax man. You're not my problem today. Now then." Sean said before creating a portal and a grassland with an ocean view appeared. "There he is." Sean said before they entered the portal.

The three saw Odin looking out at the ocean view before they approached him.

"Father?" Thor said in concern.

"Look at this place. It's beautiful." Odin said admiring the view.

"Sir?" Sean said.

"I see now why you defend this world so fiercely." Odin said before Loki appeared next to him.

"Loki lift your magic." Thor said making Odin chuckle.

"Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Frigga would have been proud." Odin said to Loki. "Come sit with me I haven't much time." Odin said sitting down.

"I know we failed you but we can make this right." Thor said.

"No, I failed the both of you. It is upon us. Ragnarok." Odin said.

"The End and the beginning?" Sean asked.

"Yes." Odin said.

"No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur." Thor said.

"No, It's already begun. The Dark Rider grows stronger by the day. The suffering of others fuels his powers. Evil, Corruption, Greed, Murder, Destruction feed his power." Odin said. "Even she is not strong enough to defeat him." Odin said confusing them.

"She?" Sean asked.

"My oldest. My daughter Hela. At first she grew to ambitious like the Dark Rider. But Lately I've sensed she has begun to have a change of heart. Hela may even turn the tide of the coming war between the two of you." Odin said.

"Where is she?" Thor asked.

"I had to imprison her to keep the nine realms and the universe safe. Once I pass away. She will return." Odin said before looking at Sean. "And I know you will help guide her down the path of light as you have for so many others who have lost their way." Odin said before looking out at the sea before he started to glow and turned into golden Dust drifting to the wind.

"He was a good man." Sean said making Thor take a shaky breath.

"Yes...He was." Thor said before a rift opened behind them.

"That must be her." Sean said before a woman with Black hair Green eyes and white skin came out.

"So he's gone...Shame. I would have at least wanted to say goodbye." Hela said.

"You must be Hela. I'm Thor son of Odin." Thor said.

"Really. No offense little brother but you don't look like him." Hela said making Sean chuckle.

"We're not gonna fight are we?" Loki asked in concern.

"You sound just like him." Hela said before looking at Sean. "You're not his son are you?" Hela asked.

"Nope. Just a good friend of Thor." Sean said.

"Good. Cause then I would have been disappointed." Hela said before an explosion occurred behind her making her jump before landing next to them.

Freddy, Makarov and the Shredder appeared where the explosion occurred.

"Miss me?" Freddy asked amused before Thor threw his hammer at him but Freddy just stopped it with his palm.

"Thats not possible." Thor said making Freddy chuckle.

"Oh you stupid fool. You have no idea what I'm capable of." Freddy said before he used his power to destroy his hammer completely shattering it into pieces.

"Bring us back!" Loki yelled.

"No wait!" Sean yelled before the Bifrost activated and started to bring them to Asgard.

However the Freddy followed them before pushing them out and across the universe.

"Asgard is now mine!" Freddy said before Pushing Sean out of the Bifrost.

Sean soon fell down to a junkyard and was knocked out from the fall.


"Ugh." Sean groaned out before he found himself strapped to a chair. "What the hell?" Sean asked.

"Well looks who's finally up." A male voice said making Sean look and saw some man with tan skin and grey hair and brown eyes. "Ah how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am known as the Grandmaster. I run this whole planet." Grandmaster said.

"Look I hate to be rude but me and a few friends of mine need to get back to Asgard. We're facing an enemy that could conquer the entire universe." Sean said.

"Oh really? Well, Since you seem like a good fighter I'll make you a deal. Fight my best champion and I'll let you and your friends go." Grandmaster said as Thor, Loki and Hela were dragged in strapped to chairs.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hela asked.

"Do we have a deal?" Grandmaster asked unlocking his restraints and held his hand to shake. Sean smirked before grabbing his hand and The Grandmaster widen his eyes when he saw it was engulfed in white flames. "Uh what are you..." The Grandmaster tried to say.

"Since I don't know you I'm not taking any chanced. I call this the death lock seal. Heres how it works. You try to cheat in our deal you die. You try to change the rules you die. You threaten my friends you die. In any event you try to cancel our deal..." Sean tried to say.

"I die I think I get the picture. You don't take chances do you?" Grandmaster asked.

"Nope." Sean said.

Soon enough everyone on the planet was gathered to witness the Champion vs Sean.

"How good of a fighter is he?" Hela asked.

"He's very experienced." Thor said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Today we have a special event. A new contestant wishing to challenge our Champion. Perhaps he has a better chance of defeating her." The Grandmaster said to the crowd.

"She?" Sean asked before the doors began to open.

"Presenting the unstoppable." The Grandmaster said before a Green blur burst through the door and Sean widened his eyes seeing a woman with Green Skin Green eyes and Green hair. However That wasn't what shocked Sean since he knew this person very well. "SHE-HULK!" The Grandmaster yelled.

"Jenifer Walters?" Sean said in shock making her look at him and widened her eyes.

"Sean?" Jenifer said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sean asked. "I haven't seen you in almost five years. And why do you look like the Hulk?" Sean asked.

"Long story for another time." She Hulk said before charging at him.

"Wait a minute!" Sean yelled as she tried to drop kick him but Sean just wrapped his chain around her foot and started swinging her around the walls making large dents in them.

"Oh boy." The Grandmaster said seeing His Champion might actually be defeated and losing a rare find. But he couldn't do anything with this Death lock seal on him.

Jenifer grunted before pulling his chain hard.

"WHOA!" Sean yelled before she tried to slam him on the ground but Sean just jumped away and grabbed a piece of the wall and slammed it into her face making her fly into the wall and out cold.

The Crowd cheered seeing their Champion was defeated after almost five years.


"A deal is a deal." Grandmaster said. "You can use one of my personal ships to fly through the largest wormhole." Grandmaster said reluctantly.

"Thank you." Sean said.

"Now then is this death lock seal broken?" Grandmaster asked a little nervous.

"It will be once we leave this planet." Sean said making him grumble.

Soon enough they reached the garage doors.

However Loki did try to betray them out of fear of the Dark Rider by sounding the alarm.

"Nothing personal but I'd rather not face that monster." Loki said before he fell over in pain as Sean placed what She Hulk called a Slave chip on his back.

"Dude you are so predictable. You could be so much more and yet you don't want to change. I've changed drastically since the Invasion nearly 4 years ago. You change and you survive but you don't change well...You get the idea. I'll leave you as a gift for the Grandmaster." Sean said as they left.

Hours later

After passing through the largest wormhole the three appeared in Asgard.

"Home sweet home." Hela said before seeing the place in smoke.

"The Dark Rider has already begun his assault on Asgard. We need to get the people out of here and back to Earth." Thor said.

"First we need to draw him away." Sean said.

Freddy grinned as he approached an ancient stronghold that Asgard built for situations like this.

However he suddenly felt something at the palace.

"Hmm." Freddy said before vanishing and appearing in the palace. "I almost thought for certain I killed you." Freddy said facing Thor who was on the Throne.

"You'll find I'm rather hard to kill. Love what you've done with the place." Thor said looking up seeing an image of his father and Hela conquering the nine realms before she was imprisoned.

"Seems Odin's solution to everything was to cover it up like a coward. Shame he's gone I actually wanted to kill him myself." Freddy said.

"Or to cast it out like you were. You may be Sean's brother but your nothing like him and his family. You have no honor." Thor said making him snort.

"Ok I've had enough of this. Your in my seat." Freddy said before activating his Dark Rider state.

"You know my father once said that a wise king never seeks out war." Thor said grabbing his father's staff.

"But must always be prepared for it." Freddy said.

Meanwhile Sean, Hela, She Hulk, Sif and Heimdall were escorting every civilian to the Bifrost to get them to earth but in the way was a group of Undead warriors.

"What in the world?" Sean said.

"He must have used the eternal Flame to bring back the dead from under the palace." Hela said.

"No mater. We have to get the people back to Earth." Sif said.

"We wil." Sean said before turning into the Ghost Rider and roared into the air before charging at the Undead with Sif and She Hulk.

Thor however was having a difficult time trying to stop Freddy who even without his Dark Rider powers proved to over power him.

"You really are nothing without that Hammer." Freddy said before slashing his right out eye making him groan in pain. "Ugh. Now you really look like your old man." Freddy said before picking him up and threw him into the wall.

Sean and the others were trying desperately to get to the BiFrost but was proving to be difficult.

Thor was thrown outside the palace where he saw his people were cornered.

"You really thought you could leave? No one is going anywhere. Even with my little brother helping." Freddy said before blaster fire was seen destroying a large number of the undead making Freddy frown before out of nowhere a large Republic Cruiser with two people at the loading ramp. The First was Loki and the second was in what people knew as Mandalorian Armor.

"Your savior is here!" Loki yelled before the other person flew towards the bridge and started firing at the undead.

"Wait a minute I know you. Jango Fett right?" Sean asked remembering this was the clone Templet.

"Yes sir. Loki hacked into the Republic Frequency and told us Asgard was in trouble. Not wanting to take chance we came to rescue everyone." Jango said before blasting more undead warriors.

"Hmm. Unexpected." Freddy said before stabbing Thor making him groan in pain. However soon Thor found himself where his Father died hours ago. Standing in front of him was Odin.

"Even when you had two eyes, you'd see only half the picture." Odin said.

"He's to strong even without the Rider State. Without my hammer, I can't." Thor said making him raise an eyebrow.

"Are you Thor, The god of Hammers?" Odin asked amused. "That hammer was to help you control your power, to focus it. It was never your source of strength." Odin said.

"It's to late. He's already taken Asgard." Thor said.

"Asgard is not a place. Never was. This could be Asgard. Asgard is where our people stand. Even now, right now, those people need your help." Odin said turning around and walked away.

"I'm not as strong as you." Thor said.

"No...You're stronger." Odin said before everything vanished and saw Freddy glaring at him.

"Remind me. What were the god of again?" Feddy asked amused before Thor was engulfed in lightning and the largest thunder bolt struck down the palace.

"Heh. Thats a new one." Sean said amused.

(Insert Immigrant from Led Zeppelin)

Thor dropped down with lightning trailing behind him and killed a large number of the undead warriors.

Sean wrapped his chain around a large number of them and engulfed them in fire before throwing them at the other undead warriors engulfing them in fire.

Hela created her swords and threw them at the undead warriors killing them instantly.

Jango continuously blasted the undead with ease before flying up into the air and fired a rocket at them.

Sif quickly jumped into the air and drop kicked one of the undead warriors before slicing another in half at the same time.

Loki used his blades to cut off the heads of the undead warriors or kept throwing them at them.

She Hulk charged right into the enemy crushing them completely.

"We don't have enough troops for this." Jango said as the Dark Rider appeared looking really ticked off from that lightning blast.

"You're late." Thor said to Loki.

"And you're missing an eye." Sean said.

"This isn't over." Hela said as they walked to the Dark Rider.

"Hit him with another lightning blast." Loki suggested.

"I just hit him with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning all it did was piss him off." Thor said.

"I have a suggestion. But I don't think you'll like it." Sean said.

"What?" Hela asked.

"Destroy Asgard. All we need is the people this place doesn't matter. He's after something and we need to stop him." Sean said.

"What could he be after?" Hela asked.

"He wants the cosmic Cube." Loki said.

"How do you know?" Sean asked.

"Don't forget this guy works for Thanos. He wanted the Cube 4 years ago he still probably does." Loki said.

"Loki, We'll hold him off long enough for you to do what needs to be done." Sean said.

"Right." Loki said rushing off to do just that.

Sean, Thor and Hela fought off against Freddy but only Sean was able to hold his own against him.

"Freddy enough!" Sean yelled gaining his attention. "You want Asgard it's yours." Sean said making him scoff.

"Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me like this." Freddy said.

"No. I can't...But he can." Sean said pointing to the palace as it was engulfed in flames before Surtur appeared.

"Oh hell." Freddy said before glaring at Sean. "That won't stop me." Freddy said.

"No." Loki said appearing. "But these will help." Loki said throwing Sean two large blades that had chains attached to them.

"The blades of Chaos." Sean said.

"Crafted specifically for Pure Ghost Riders to use." Loki said.

"YOU!" Freddy yelled about to charge at him but Sean swung his new blades at him and cut his arms and legs making him roar in pain.

"Oh and they also are great against the most evil beings in the universe. Did I forget to mention that?" Loki asked amused.

"I think my approval ratings of you just wen up." Sean said as Surtur started to destroy Asgard. "And we're out of here!" Sean yelled as they rushed to the Cruiser and got on while Freddy slowly got up and glared at Surtur.

"Fucking asshole." Freddy yelled before vanishing.

"I AM ASGARDS DOOM!" Surtur yelled before stabbing his sword into the ground to Asgard's core.

From the cruiser everyone witnessed the destruction of Asgard.

"What have we done?" Thor said.

"We saved everyone. As your father would say. Asgard is not a place. It's the people that matter." Sean said.

"Yes...He would say that." Thor said.


Sean was in his temporary quarters till they reached earth drinking a glass of Whisky.

"Thought I might find you here." Loki said entering the room.

"Guess I was wrong about you. You can change for the better." Sean said grinning.

"Didn't you once say not everyone is beyond redemption. Other than those like the original Joker, Scarecrow, Luthor..." Loki trailed off.

"Only the worst of the worst are beyond redemption." Sean said.

"And what about Freddy?" Loki asked making him sigh.

"I honestly don't know. I know he has to be stopped theres question about that. But all I can do is hope theres still a spark of goodness in his heart." Sean said.

"I don't think it works like that for him. Besides with all the harm he's done and the large army he's collected. Someone like that can't be turned so easily." Loki said.

"Maybe not." Sean said.


The construction of the New Asgard was taking place where Odin died. Sean figured it would give the people a new fresh start.

There were concerns from various people about Loki but Sean told them to give him a chance.

"Oh uh one more thing before I forget." Loki said before the Cosmic Cube appeared in his hand.

"You brought that here?" Sean asked.

"Can't risk Thanos getting his hands on it." Loki said as Sean picked it up and sighed.

"No, we can't. I'll see if I can get some people to work on this as soon as possible. Have to be prepared for the worst." Sean said. "Lex tried to harness this power for selfish reasons. I intend to use it for the right reasons." Sean said.
