

It's been a few days since the destruction of Asgard and no sign of Freddy since his attack. The People of Asgard were currently building the new Asgard right where Odin died believing this is exactly what he would want.

Currently however Sean was in his office talking two old friends from College discussing about a new drug. Mitchell and Jack.

"Whats so important about this Drug that you needed to see us right away?" Talbot asked.

"Well, its not a drug yet. But with Global Tech's help it will be soon enough." Jack said.

"If you don't have this drug already why should we listen?" Ross asked.

"Now hold on. I'm rather interested to hear this." Sean said.

"Figured you would." Mitchell said showing a picture of a plant on the screen.

"Perrinia immortalis. The Blood Orchid. First described in 1892 by Houghton the last person to see it until our team brought a sample from Borneo." Jack said. "It lies dormant for seven years, then blooms for just six months which is now." Jack said.

"And this is needed for what kind of drug?" Lane asked.

"I don't suppose anyone other than him is familiar with the hayflick limit?" Jack asked.

"The what?" Richland asked.

"Hayflick limit. It's supposedly the theory of a cell could only replicate 56 times before it died from a buildup of Toxins. Aging to be precise." Sean said.

"Oh." Richland said slightly understanding it.

"We already have a solution to that." Lane said.

"Not fully. I know for a fact this company has Vandel Savage in custody. However it will take years maybe decades before we fully understand his long life. But what if you had a temporary solution that could transcend that limit?" Jack asked.

"Is that what the Blood Orchid is for?" Sean asked.

"Exactly. Our research indicates the presence of a chemical in the Orchid that can significantly prolong cellular life. Until we can finally understand how Savage does it." Jack said

"Are you saying this Orchid can extend the lives of everyone on the planet?" Lane asked in surprise.

"Yes." Mitchell said.

"Have you put this through human trials yet?" Talbot asked.

"We can't yet. Our only sample was degraded after initial study. We need more of the Orchid." Jack said.

"Thats why we came to you. No one else will approve of getting us the equipment or a boat to get there. Plus it's wet season. We know you've got people who will do anything." Mitchell said.

"We can't pass an opportunity like this up. I know a friend who can get us there." Sean said.

"So we're good?" Mitchell asked.

"On one condition. I'm coming with. If you actually told other companies about this they might try to send their own teams to get it. I come along though and most of them will back off." Sean said.

"And those that don't?" Jack asked.

"I can handle that." Sean said.


Sean was at the docks waiting for his old friend Bill Johnson to arrive before his boat drove up to the docks and parked it.

"I almost thought you changed your mind." Sean said making Bill chuckle.

"Yeah right. For an old friend I'm willing to help out." Bill said shaking his hand. "Good to see ya kid." Bill said.

"Likewise." Sean said before the rest of the team arrived. (For those of you who haven't seen Anaconda the hunt for the blood orchid Look up the Characters since I'm not in the mood for physical descriptions)

Gail, Sam, Cole, Ben, Jack, and Mitchell.

"This is our boat?" Gail asked in disbelief at what she was seeing.

"Deal with it." Sean said getting on.

"What is his problem?" Gail asked.

"Simple. He hates those who complain so early." Bill said making her scoff.

Soon enough they were on the river heading straight for the Orchid.

"By the way I heard from one of my buddies about your uh...Missing sibling." Bill said.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Sean said.

"Sorry." Bill said before Gail started screaming saying something attacked her making Sean chuckle before going into her room. He came back out with a little monkey on his shoulder.

"You fucking scared him." Sean said.

"I scared him?!" Gail yelled in disbelief.

"Yeah. You miss me buddy?" Sean asked the monkey named Kong who just screeched. "Yeah I missed you to buddy." Sean said laughing.

After a while Mitchell and Gail were trying to use their phones to contact the labs but were getting no reception.

"Why am I not getting a decent signal?" Gail asked.

"Its mother nature. Deal with it." Sean said.

"He really does not like me." Gail said.

"Just try to get on his good side. He has very low standards for those who just complain in the beginning of a very important mission." Jack said.

"How do you know him so well?" Sam asked making him chuckle.

"We went to college together. He and a few others were the youngest and brightest minds to ever enter the grounds. Knew he was gonna take the world by storm and he did. Just not the way I expected when his parents were abducted 10 years ago." Jack said.


"Oh my man. This is really good food." Cole said as Sean put some plates down full of food. "Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Cole asked.

"Years in a military family and you learn a few things early." Sean said.

Little Kong however soon tried to get some bananas.

"Hey." Bill said stopping him. "You've had your dinner." Bill said taking the food away from him making him whine before going to the top of the boat.

Next morning

Bill was searching for Kong before he walked to Sean who was playing poker with Cole and Jack.

"You guys seen Kong?" Bill asked.

"Not since last night." Sean said.

And of course Gail was on her phone again.

"This woman is really starting to piss me off." Sean said.

"Sorry. I guess I should have warned you about her." Jack said.

"Can you hear me now?" Gail asked on the phone.

"We can!" Sean yelled before she suddenly fell off the boat. "Oh goddamnit." Sean said. "Bill stop the boat." Sean said making him do just that.

"Hey Gail! Can you hear me now?" Mitchell yelled making her growl before out of nowhere a Crocodile came out of the water and tried to bite her making her scream before.


A bullet pierced its head killing it instantly. The person who shot it was Sean with Quints old Riffle.

"I hate crocs." Sean said remembering his Lake Placid experience 10 years ago.

"Damn man." Cole said impressed.

Soon the group was gathered to celebrate Gail not being eaten alive.

"I have to ask." Bill said gaining their attention. "Whats so important about this plant?" Bill asked.

"You know about Vandel Savage right?" Jack asked.

"Course I do. And I know exactly where he is." Bill said.

"Well, This plant has a chemical that can reduce the aging process for every sentient life in the universe. However Permanent life will come from understanding Savages gift. But this can give us an extended time on life to live a younger life longer, healthier. How can you pass that up?" Jack asked.

"By saying no?" Gail asked.

"Do you have kids?" Sean asked.

"No?" Gail said.

"Good cause you'd be a horrible parent." Sean said making the others laugh.

"Fucking excuse me?" Gail asked before he stood up and narrowed his eyes at her making her back up.

"Easy now." Jack said.

"I'm doing this for my kids so they can live longer. You can't even begin to imagine the possibilities this will give the younger generation because people like you are only interested in money." Sean said.

"Isn't that why you're doing this to make a buck?" Gail asked before he grabbed her by the throat.

"Uh oh." Bill said.

"You are one self centered bitch you know that." Sean said shoving her into a wall.

However suddenly out of nowhere little Kong dropped down looking scared out of his mind.

"Whoa easy buddy. Where you been huh?" Bill asked placing him on his shoulder.

"Dude looks like he's been through literal hell." Sean said.

Next morning

Everyone was fast asleep after drifting through the current.

However soon the boat starting hitting something repeatedly which woke Sean up.

"The hell?" Sean said before heading to the front of the boat.

"River's flooded. I can't see the banks." Bill said.

"We miss our turnoff?" Sean asked.

"No just up ahead." Bill said before the boat hit another log and it hit something on the boat.

"Now what?" Sean asked before Bill tried to turn but couldn't.

"Aw hell. Rudder's jammed." Bill said.

"Fuck! Everyone up now!" Sean yelled getting everyone to wake up while Sean went to the back to fix the Rudder.

"Whats going on?" Jack asked.

"We're in trouble." Sean said trying to fix the Rudder but couldn't due to lack of parts and equipment. "Fuck." Sean said before Bill tried to turn the Engines back but couldn't and the Engines blew up.

"Oh shit." Bill said before seeing they were going over a waterfall.

"Grab onto something!" Sean yelled before they fell down screaming.

Surviving the crash the group made it to land.

"What the hell was that!" Gail yelled.

"Shut up! It was a freak accident. Must have rained more than anticipated last night." Sean said.

"Well, now what?" Mitchell asked.

"Does John still travel down the rivers?" Sean asked Bill.

"Course he does. I'll give him a call." Bill said.

Soon enough they went through the jungle to reach John's boat.

"Let me ask you something." Gail asked Sean.

"What?" Sean said not in the mood for her bullshit.

"Being a parent? Is it a good thing?" Gail asked making him stop and look at her before smiling.

"It mostly depends on the person who actually has kids. In my view yes. It is a good thing. Watching them grow saying their first words and taking their first steps. It's worth everything you have for them." Sean said making her smile a little.

"I only ask cause truthfully I always wanted to be one but...Could never find the right guy." Gail said making him laugh.

"All you have to do is keep looking and you'll get there." Sean said.

"This coming from the Universe's biggest playboy?" Gail asked.

"HA HA HA." Sean said before they came to a large lake of water.

"Ah shit." Bill said.

"So what do we go around it?" Sam asked.

"No, it would take us longer to do that. We go through it." Sean said making Cole and Gail groan.

Going through the water was tricky since they had no idea what was in here.

However Kong started acting funny.

"Buddy knock it off." Sean said having enough of his antics. As they were moving Cole jumped.

"Whoa! Something just moved." Cole said.

"Please don't say that." Gail said not wanting to hear that.

"I'm serious something just moved past me." Cole said.

"Alive?" Sean asked.

"Yeah...There it is again theres something in here." Cole said.

"Just ignore it for now. Could be any number of things so best thing we can do is get out of the water." Sean said with Quint's riffle in hand above the water.

"He's right lets move." Bill said.

As they were moving Ben who was behind Gail starting making creepy music sounds.

"Stop it." Gail said annoyed making him snicker before he started doing it again. "Sean can you please shoot him?" Gail asked making Sean chuckle as did Ben before he was pulled underwater. Gail turned and saw he was gone. "Yeah very funny." Gail said but he didn't come up. "Ben?" Gail called out which got the others attention.

"Oh what now?" Sean asked as they rushed to his last spot before he came out of the water screaming in terror.

"HELP ME!" Ben yelled before out of the water an extremely large Anaconda came out and bites down on his head trying to swallow him.

"HOLY FUCKING CHRIST!" Sean yelled firing at the Snake before it retreated. "OUT OF THE WATER NOW!" Sean yelled as they rushed to land.

Minutes later

"What the hell was that thing?" Cole said in a panic.

"Anaconda. But I've never seen one that big." Sean said. "It's always something new." Sean said.

"I can't believe it just swallowed Ben whole like that." Jack said in disbelief.

"We're not gonna run into more of them like that are we?" Mitchell asked.

"Doubt it. Snakes that size are extremely rare to come across." Sean said. "Hell I got a freakin huge ass scarlet Boa at one of my facilities and she's a rare breed." Sean said.

"What do we do now?" Bill asked.

"We get to John and head to that Orchid and get the hell out of here." Sean said.

"The Orchid? After what just happened?" Gail asked.

"If we leave now Ben died for nothing. I'm not gonna live with that." Sean said.

"Nor am I." Jack said.

"Lets go." Sean said.

Soon they made it to the river before they heard an explosion.

"Oh fucking hell." Sean said as they rushed to the river.

"OH NO NO NO NO!" Cole yelled seeing the boat was totaled.

"John!" Sean yelled.

"Heres what happened." Jack said holding up a smashed bottle. "He got drunk and fell off the bloody boat!" Jack yelled in anger.

"No." Sean said gaining their attention. "John was never that reckless. Something else happened." Sean said.

"And how do you know?" Cole asked.

"I knew him for years. He was always careful not to get drunk when on his boat." Sean said.

"Look lets just get what supplies we can find and find another way out of here." Jack said.

"Already have a place in mind. This entire Region had villages close by. We go to the closest one and ask for help." Sean said.

"Sounds like a good idea." Mitchell said.

Soon they gathered what supplies they could before heading back into the jungle.

"Hey Cole." Mitchell said.

"What?" Cole asked.

"Whats that on your neck?" Mitchell asked seeing some black thing on his neck making him stop and touch it and started to freak out.

"OH CHRIST! GET IT OFF!" Cole yelled in a panic.

"COLE!" Sean yelled making him freeze. "Calm down. It's just a Leech." Sean said as he and Bill walked over to him.

"Just a leech? Are you serious? This is a blood sucking vampire on my neck!" Cole yelled.

"You do know there are medical treatments where these guys are actually useful right?" Sean asked.

"Whatever man just get it off." Cole said before seeing Bill with a lighter. "Oh hell no!" Cole yelled.

"You want it off or not?" Sean asked making him groan before Bill started to light it and pulled it off.

"Finally." Cole said before Bill lifted up his shirt and chuckled.

"Uh. We're not done here." Bill said showing his back with at least a few more on his back.

"Oh hell. He must got them in the lake." Sean said slightly amused.

Soon they went back on the trail with Bill cutting the vines that were in the way before suddenly a body dropped down making Gail and Cole scream.

"Is that?" Sam tried to ask.

"John." Sean said sighing.

"What the hell happened to him?" Cole asked.

"Anaconda." Bill said.

"I thought you two said there wouldn't be another one for miles let alone that size?" Sam asked.

"I don't know how to explain that part. As for why theres more than one in a single area only one thought comes to mind." Sean said.

"Whats that?" Jack asked.

"Mating season. When a female is in heat she'll draw out the males and they'll all curl up around her in a giant matting ball. It explains why theres so many and why they're so aggressive." Sean said.

"So you're telling us theres some giant snake orgy out there?" Cole asked in disbelief.

"Something like that." Sean said before standing up. "Look lets just get to the village and get out of here." Sean said.

"What about the Orchid?" Jack asked.

"You and I will handle that." Sean said.

Soon they made way to the village only to find it deserted and saw a dead Anaconda that was torn up showing a dead body in its stomach.

"I don't understand. How are these snakes getting so big?" Jack asked.

"I think I just found out why." Sean said finding a stone picture of the snake eating the Blood Orchid. "I think this proves your theory. The reason these snakes are so large is because of the Orchids. They've lived longer then most snakes which proves the Orchids can provide longer extended life." Sean said making him smile.

"Where are the boats?" Cole asked.

"You guys are gonna build one while we're gone." Sean said.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"To the Orchids. We've come this far so we need to get them otherwise John and Ben died for nothing." Sean said.

"I don't know that don't sound safe." Cole said.

"We don't have a choice. Lets go." Sean said as the two left.

Minutes later

"I never once imagined this would happen when we went looking for the Orchids." Jack said.

"There they are." Sean said pointing to the flowers across a log. However before they could move they heard hissing and looked down seeing the mating ball.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Jack said in disbelief.

"Don't worry I got an idea." Sean said before activating the device on his wrest and a small beam incased the Orchids in a large net before they vanished.

"What did you just do?" Jack asked.

"Transported them to a small pocket dimension I created about a year ago but never had a reason to use it till now. Now we can get the hell out of here." Sean said making him smirk.

"Right." Jack said as they left to join the others.

Days later

"The blood Orchid results are in. We just need to start human trails." Jack said.

"I'll convince the FDA to grant permission. You just focus on creating that drug." Sean said.

"Right." Jack said leaving.

"Never imagined you would ever face a giant Snake." Talbot said.

"Speaking of Snakes how is ours doing?" Sean asked.

"Doing good." Talbot said.

"Still confused as to why you need a giant snake of al things." Lane said.

"I'm using her to create an anti venom for all snakes. I feed her snakes that have been poisoned and she develops an immunity to it. To all poisons." Sean said.

"Ah." Lane said seeing his point.

"Wheres dad?" Sean asked making him sigh.

"He's uh taking a leave of absence for a while with your mother. Trying to clear his head about your brother. Personally I don't blame him." Lane said.

"Yeah." Sean said knowing the feeling. "Almost Everyone agrees for the kill on sight order. However you guess those who want a capture on sight. Though I don't blame them for they're principles." Sean said.
