
V5 Chapter 119 Nice of you to drop by

Breaking the other side window, Lenny does a roll to break his fall, before standing up and halfway drawing his sword. Even though the sword was only half drawn, it was still able to reach Amon's throat. Amon grinned and winked at Lenny before the rope suddenly pulled with such strength that it took the carriage door along with it.

" Bye Lenny."

Amon chimed as he flew backward from where he swung down from. The sound of fallen rock and carriage door thundered across the area. Lenny sheathe his sword and stood straight. In the distance, Lenny watched the two little thieves, run off with a crying baby. Lenny huffed and huffed as a grin grew on his face before he finally broke out chuckling and then laughing.

" Estrella, how long do you plan on pretending?"

Lenny asked without even glancing as he stepped out of the carriage. Estrella smiles before sitting up, sweeping the glass pieces off her and she fixed her mage hat.

" Why did you let him take the child?"

Lenny questioned as he dusted the glass pieces off his shoulder.

" He was cute! Did you even hear how he called my name?! All, breathy and sexy like that. I wouldn't mind waking up to that."

Estrella blushed as she held her cheek.

" Besides if I didn't then you probably wouldn't get to see her up close."

Estrella teased as she pokes Lenny's back.

" I gotta say though. That was a very impressive ambush and it was just the two of them. "

Lenny admired for a moment with a huge grin as his fingers traced his lower lip.

" That eager to see her? Then shall we?"

Estrella teased as she dusted her combat skirt and joined Lenny by his side.

" You guys wait here! I and Estrella will retrieve the child."

Lenny ordered before running toward the forest with Estrella following close by.

" Estrella slow them down."

Lenny ordered as he runs up a tree and leaps onto a branch before lowering his hand, grabbing Estrella's staff, and swinging her to a nearby branch.

" Easy peasy!"

Estrella grinned as she lands on a branch, she then pulled out her book of spells.

" Heavenly Mother, hear my prayer, right is wrong, wrong is right. Let our humble friends change sight, and redirect their path to us. Let them walk under the sunlight! Subconscious confusion!"

Estrella cast as a green light flashes out of her staff. The light-like waving ripples hit Philomel and Amon causing both of them to feel sudden dizziness. Amon was holding onto a branch when the dizziness hits and so he hung there while trying to shake it off. Unfortunately for Philomel, she was in the midst of leaping to a different branch when the dizziness hit, and wasn't able to grab onto the next branch.

" She's falling! Slow her descent."

Lenny ordered as he started running through the trees leaping from branch to branch, closing as much distance as he can between himself and Philomel. Estrella flips through the book of spells.

" Heavenly Mother, hear my prayer! Change the flow of wind, slow the movement of time! Give me a chance to save my friend. Gusto winds!"

Estrella cast and instantly a gust of wind came from under Philomel, causing her body to stay afloat for a few moments longer before continuing its descent downward. By then Lenny was already waiting underneath her with his arms opened wide. Philomel gently lands into the arms of Lenny as he carries her princess style. Since Philomel had two spells cast on her, the latter spell canceled out the first spell. By the time she fell into Lenny's arms, she was more wide-eyed and shocked rather than dizzy.

Her heart couldn't help but race at the sudden sight of Lenny's hazel eyes staring down at her. A gentle breeze blew through his mahogany chestnut brown hair as the sunlight hits his chiseled jawline. Philomel could help but feel giddy at such a handsome sight and wondered if she was still affected by that dizzy spell to even notice her target in such a way.

Lenny may be handsome but Philomel had always focused on her agenda than wasting time noticing such things. Unfortunately for her that dizzy spell combined with being held in Lenny's arms all of a sudden, made her forget everything. All she is now is a woman in front of a man and a handsome one at that which made her extremely nervous.

" *Chuckle* How nice of you to drop by, Mel. I was just thinking about you, wondering how you would reward your savior. I was guessing... probably with a kiss."

Lenny purred into Philomel's ear causing her to blush at his suggestion. His hazel eyes glowed with much anticipation as his face hovered close to Philomel. Wanting to kiss Philomel's lush pink lips, wanting to hear what cute sweet moan she would make, wanted to see her blush a deeper shade of red.

But he stopped himself, reminded that he was only teasing this time to see her cute reaction and nothing more. His sense of reputation and morals made it wrong to kiss Philomel like that while he was on the most important duty of all. Distractions like these might cost him the only hope of his entire race to be delivered to the promised land. Painful knowing it all, Lenny held back.

Philomel's mind went blank as she find herself willing to give her first kiss to such a man. Wondering what a kiss would feel like and what a kiss which such a man, meant for the two of them. She was so lost in the giddy moment of Cupid's arrow that all her father's warnings were forgotten. As she licked and bit her lower lip in anticipation.

Lenny seeing this became tempted to kiss Philomel even though he had already decided to just tease her this time. Even after all that, reason and logic he threw out the window. Convincing himself that one kiss isn't able to do much harm in their current situation. As his face inched closer.

But then, she remembered that the only reason, he is looking at her in such a way, was because of the clay on her face. That made her seem like a light elf. Philomel knew it was wrong but wanted it so bad that she felt conflicted about the decision. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Amon dangling off, one hand from a tree branch. Amon had his eyes closed as he was still feeling the dizziness but carrying in his other hand was the miracle child. Philomel instantly recalled her mission, her objective but still feel tempted.

" A ...umm."

Philomel squeaked as she quickly covered Lenny's lips with the tip of all her fingers and looked away. Lenny's heart skipped a beat as his smile grew into a bigger smirk. Lenny couldn't help but compare Philomel with a shy black panther cub, adorable. Lenny move back just a bit and kissed Philomel's fingertips, causing her to look back at him in shock as she blush a deeper shade.

" Wah!! Watch out below!!!"

Amon warned as loud as he can as he let go of the branch pretending to slip. Lenny glances upward, seeing Amon falling right above them. Philomel seeing this as a chance quickly pushed against Lenny's chest and wiggle her legs, making Lenny put her down. As soon as Philomel was on her feet she quickly scurry a safe distance away from Lenny.

Amon fell right into Lenny's arms and like Philomel, Lenny caught Amon in a princess hold. As soon as Amon landed in Lenny's arms, he rested the baby on his chest and loop his arms around Lenny's neck, pulling into a tight hug.

" Please, don't drop me."

Amon requested pretending to be extremely scared as he held Lenny close, cheek against cheek. Amon then pretends to realize how close he was to Lenny and moves back a little.

" I mean... uhhhhhh..."

Amon gave an awkward smile before kissing Lenny on the cheek.

" Here's your reward... my hero?"

Amon squeaked in the same tone as Philomel but in a slightly mocking way as he made it look innocent. Lenny frowned and instantly dropped Amon to the ground. But before Amon could hit the ground, Lenny grabs the baby that rested on Amon's chest and cradle the child in his arms.

" Ow! "

Amon groaned with a huge smile as he turned to Philomel just to notice her still blushing and glancing at the tips of her fingers. When Philomel noticed Amon's gaze on her, she quickly looked away, fisted her hands, and hide her hands behind her back. Amon's smile turned into a frown when he noticed this, he lets out an annoyed sigh as he stood back up to his feet.

Estrella did a flip as she leap from the trees and landed next to Lenny. Lenny without sparing a glance, pass the baby back to Estrella to check and care for. His eyes never left Philomel after dropping Amon to the ground. He now knew perfectly well, the effect he has on Philomel and was extremely pleased with himself.

