
V5 Chapter 120 Distraction

" Alright, you two naughty little thieves. Explain yourselves, why steal the baby?"

Lenny crossed his arms as he questioned like a disappointed father questioning his children when they had done something bad. Amon and Philomel both tilted their heads before turning and looking at each other, unsure what to answer and how the situation came to this. A light bulb flicked above Amon's head and he immediately gave a wink to Philomel, silently telling her to leave this to him.

" Isn't it obvious?"

Amon prompted as he crossed his arms mirroring Lenny and leaned against a nearby tree.

" O- Obvious??"

Lenny was flabbergasted as he turned to Amon and uncross his arms, just to wave Amon off.

" You think I would be asking if it was obvious?!"

Lenny spouted as Estrella turned her focus on the miracle child, soothingly rocking the baby as she hummed. Amon seeing their chance, turned to Philomel, his eyes stared at her for a moment before glancing at something in the forest and then looking back at her. Philomel followed his eyes and instantly knew what he meant, with a nod, she slowly moves out of Lenny's line of sight.

" Of course it's obvious."

Amon said with a yawn like he wasn't interested in the conversation.

" Just think about it, you know we want that little magical stone of yours and Estrella's book of spells and definitely your weapons too! But with a holy knight combined with the support of a holy mage. It's obvious a normal thief like us wouldn't be able to stand a chance. Making the target of the baby a logical choice. Since we can hold him for ransom and demand your equipment."

Amon logically theorizes, saying each word as slowly as he could. Trying to buy more time for himself to think of the next line.

" That does make sense but why run after getting the baby?"

Estrella asked as she turned to Amon.

" We didn't expect you two to have so many knights around and last minute changed the plan to lure you two out here. Didn't think that Estrella would be able to cast spells from such a range. "

Amon fibbed feeling the sweat on his brow slips down the curve of his eye, unsure how long he could keep this up without being caught.

" Normal thieves? I doubt that normal thieves would be so quick to dig up such a pit just to trap two people and not a platoon of knights."

Lenny pointed out, as he started feeling more and more suspicious.

" Quick?! It took us 5 hours to dig up such a pit! It's not like we have a magical thing to help us dig that."

Amon waved Lenny off before avoiding Lenny's eyes and pressing his lips into a thin line.

Meanwhile somewhere deeper in the forest.

*sneezing* *sneezing*

" Uhh... I swear someone is thinking about me."

Darzirak sniffled as he rubs his nose before feeling that choking feeling again. He stood up, coughing and coughing. Until small rocks and dirt were coughed out onto a huge pile of dirt that was next to him.

" Uhh... I feel so sick..."

Darzirak whined as he laid down flat on the ground, he closes his eyes wanting some rest but suddenly a certain baby started squealing in excitement. Darzirak turned to Little One who was playing with his rocks a short distance away from Darzirak. Little One seeing Philomel running up to them, got excited at the sight. Darzirak immediately sat up with his ears pointed up high as he turned off the barrier he has cast around Little One.

" You two done? Got the baby?"

Darzirak questioned as Philomel approaches.

" No, we hit a snag. I need you to continue distracting Little One. "

Philomel informed as she runs past the two of them and grabs Amon's spear.

" Wa... *Coughing* coughing* *Spits out dirt* Babysit some more?! I swallowed dirt for you people! You think a demon has done enough by screwing up his internal liquid! But nooo! On top of all that! Babysitting some more!"

Darzirak barked but it fell on deaf ears as Philomel checks on Little One and kisses the baby on the cheek.

" You could have ignored Amon's summon and deal of his blood but you didn't."

Philomel reminded in a silly singing song way of speaking as she boop Little One's nose causing the baby to giggle.

" ... That blood better be worth it, I left my new house in the middle of hell for this."

Darzirak grumbled.

" I don't know about that, you better take it up with your landlord. I gotta go, we'll be back as soon as we can. Cya soon, Little One."

Philomel said as she patted the baby's head and started moving away. Little One, seeing Philomel go, started to whine but as soon as Little One did, Darzirak squished his cheek against Little One's cheek.

" What you got there? A rock?"

Darzirak asked as he squished his chin onto Little One's hand, sniffing at the rock, pretending to be interested.

" Uhwa?"

Little babbled as he lifted his arm, not wanting Darzirak too close to his rock. Darzirak immediately followed Little One's hand, sticking extremely close to the rock.

" Looks nice, can I have it?"

Darzirak asked as he places a paw on the rock. Little One immediately got fussy, angrily babbling as he pushed Darzirak's face away.

" I'll give it back like Amon."

Darzirak whined as he goes over Little One's hand trying to touch the rock. Little One shook his little head, babbling at Darzirak with an accusing pointing finger.

" What?! When have I never returned it?! Fine! Be like that! I'll just sit here and play with my sharp rock."

Darzirak huffed as he turned away from Little One, using the opportunity to recast the barrier spell. Subconscious Little One felt at ease thinking the presence of the barrier was the presence of Amon, knowing that even though he couldn't see Amon, Amon was somewhere nearby.

" Ai?! "

Little One exclaimed as soon as he saw the sharp rock that Amon took away days ago, in the paws of Darzirak. Little One instantly started babbling.

" What this? Yours? Don't be ridiculous! This is mine! I found it fair and square."

Darzirak smugly said even though he has zero ideas what the baby was saying but from Little One's reaction he could roughly guess. Little One babbled as he crawled up to Darzirak.

" If you want it, then give me that rock in exchange."

Darzirak suggested with a pointing paw at the smooth rock with a crack.

" Uwa U?"

Little One babbled in a questioning tone as he sat back down and look at the rock in his hand.

" Aing! Ba luming tonigg!"

Little One said as he crawl over to his other two rocks on the ground, taking the moon-white pebble and giving it to Darzirak.

" I don't want that one. I want that one."

Darzirak teased knowing extremely well Little One won't give up that rock for it was his favorite. Darzirak grinned as he hides the sharp rock back into his paw, being extremely careful not to leave Little One with a rock that was sharp since he was already warned by Amon. And if Darzirak wanted his reward, he had to do a decent job at it. Little One seeing the sharp rock disappear into Darzirak's paw, started to pout and cry knowing that he lost his chance of getting it back. Little One didn't trust Darzirak since he never saw Darzirak give back anything and knew that the demon would probably not give it back.

Darzirak lets out a heavy sigh, a little bit frustrated that even though he did a wonderful distraction it resulted in Little One crying, and definitely won't be able to get his reward if this continued.

" Squeak, Squeak. Squeak, Squeak."

Darzirak recall the sound making the baby happy when Amon said it and decided to give it a try. Little One was still all pouty but at least he stop whining.

" Squeak, Squeak. Squeak, Squeak."

Continued with a huge frown, wondering what did he do wrong in life to be stuck doing this as he stretched his body out and squished which each squeak. Little One silently watched Darzirak which forced Darzirak to keep going and added more and more movement each time. By the end of it all, he was doing flips and a full dance, finally, the baby laughed and clap his little hands, happy at it all. Darzirak collapsed from exhaustion, wondering where the hell was Philomel and Amon.

